- Dear friends, we invite everyone now to join this work in receiving light and improving the health of all your bodies, your physical body and the whole system of fine bodies.
Inhale deeply and deeply exhale, three times... (pause)
I am starting to receive into myself white-purple light, which passes through my crown chakra and through all my internal organs; it dissolves all dense negativities, all unhealthy contaminants, all, which interferes with the light working in me.
I trust the light to create in me those forms, which it thinks are necessary, which it thinks are correct; I trust my whole being, my whole self to the light and I join my free will with the will of the light inside me.
And now, I feel such strength, which I've never felt in me before, and my whole being is being filled with light, the white light of service.
And in it there is no place for illness, no place for contaminants, hardnesses, or negativity.
In it, there is only presence and service. And all my blood vessels, blood, my bones, all, which is inside my physical dense body, all organs and the immune system - it all becomes light, and all is made to receive light, the whole organism is made to work for the light, is made to receive light and give light.
I see how the white-purple light is continuing to flow into my crown chakra, the organism is even overflowing with it, and it starts to give it back, through what I think, through what I feel, combined with my free will.
Now a golden ray came, such active gold joined this white-purple ray, not through the chakra, but somehow in the whole, I don't know how. He says that to this white-purple service, a spiritual knowledge is joining.
And this passes thorough all my being, through my soul, through my Spirit, because I and my soul and my Spirit - are one, and they are constantly working now.
And I now breathe in this golden-knowledge in me and breathe out. And I now see the golden brothers, who help me with this work, who help us all in this work..
This is a spiritual exercise, but it's even bigger than an exercise, because it goes beyond the frame of an exercise, it goes into life itself, it is the very course of life, like life passing through us, and we are the vehicles of a spiritual life, all of us who is now working with us.
And this is the reason why now Mother Mary appeared here, who has been observing this work, and now she came closer, and I think wants to say something.
She says:
- My children, I am with you all the time, I watch all the time how you are growing, I watch how you are developing, and if I go away, or distance myself, it is only to give you freedom, to give you the opportunity to grow, to give you the opportunity to feel yourself big and grown-up. And you are already not infants; you are teenagers, spiritual teenagers.
But I want to say to you something and maybe even to warn you, because growing up, spiritual growth - is a complex process.
I see, something like a bamboo sick, it consists of these parts, and one part grows from another. What is it that I see now?
- While growing from inside yourself, be true to your core, do not leave this.
She says:
- Maybe you do not understand it now, but simply remember it.
She says that she closely observes every one of us, each one who is growing into the Spirit.
And with each new move, when there is a new sprout, a new bud, or a new leaf from this spiritual plant, she is present at each of this new kind of movement, and not for a second looks away from this, even though you may not feel it.
And so is the Father present at all of this, because, do not think that you are alone, even though the feeling of loneliness accompanies growth, no matter how paradoxical it may be.
She says:
- We are present in the space of quietness, in the space of self-contemplation and self-discovery.
She asks now everyone, who is doing this work with us, to look inside himself and see with the inner eye the spiritual path, which he has passed... (pause)
And see now, that you and the Father are one.
We now continue this work (Mother Mary stepped aside) of receiving light, this exercise of your spiritual development, of your spiritual growth.
We invite now those people, who have not joined us yet, to join us - new people, new participants, everyone who wants to join your will with the will of the One, with the will of the Source and to start your spiritual light path.
We ask now everyone to open your spiritual eyes and to see that in reality we did not go anywhere, we did not go anywhere from the Father, we did not go anywhere from the Source, to see this in reality now, that we are present in Him, that we are present in the Father, even being present on the ray, we are present on a mission, and in reality we are present inside the Father.
A state of complete oneness, complete joining of self and the Father - is very important, so that this will be fixed in each one.
The energy of the Father now is being fixed in each, the energy of free creation, the free creative energy, the energy of giving, the energy of joy...
We now came back from a mission inside the Home, each with what he found, understood, while present on the ray, while present on a mission, now we came back and we are inside the Home.
It's hard for me to describe this state of being.
I think, that everyone experiences it very individually.
For me it is some kind of a heat, a warmth, when everyone exchanges everything, lets be present now in this space...
when we share the new that we learned, working on the rays...
Energetically we are now exchanging, we are absorbing that information, which we all collected, while being present in different points of Creation, doing different tasks...
I see angels, they are taking something in their hands, some kind of a gold sphere, and are flying out from this space. Who are these angels?
Are those ourselves or someone else? Yes, it seems that it is ourselves, our Spirit, most likely, who is exchanging all this. And what is next?
And next our service on the rays is continuing, but at the same time we are present in the Father, and at the same time we serve on the ray, simply for a moment we returned to the Source.
We return into ourselves, into our enlightened self, into the new self, so that we can continue the work already started.
We love ourselves, we love our brothers in Spirit, we love our children, and we love everything that surrounds us, our New Earth and our old Earth.
And we now embrace the whole Universe, and thank the Father and thank each other for everything, which He did for us. And we leave this meditation. And amen.