domingo, enero 31, 2016

Raising the Resonance of Our Reality ~ Dr. Suzanne Lie

Best Crop Circles in Germany - (The Best Crop Circles in Each Country) - UFO 2016

Kryon por Lee Carroll - La Disfunción De La Oscuridad - Cusco, Perú - 14 de Noviembre, 2015

Esta canalización en vivo se dio en Cusco, Perú, en inglés y español, el día posterior a los ataques terroristas en París - 14 de Noviembre, 2015

Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada (por Lee y Kryon) para brindar una comprensión aún más clara. A veces incluso se agrega información. A menudo, lo que pasa en vivo lleva implicada una energía que ofrece una comunicación que no brinda la página impresa. De modo que disfruten de este mensaje mejorado, dado en Perú, Sudamérica.

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Este mensaje de hoy tiene muchas energías. Hay mucho que no se dice oralmente, que será dicho a través de lo que llamamos "El Tercer Lenguaje." El mensaje que les damos hoy es para todos, para todos los que escuchan, para todos los que tal vez lo estén leyendo, y seguirá estando disponible durante muchos años más.

Estamos en Perú, al término de la aventura llamada El Tour Kundalini. La Aventura Kundalini lleva ese nombre como metáfora de un atributo del cuerpo humano. Representa el nacimiento de una consciencia nueva en el planeta y la procreación de lo nuevo en todas las cosas. El nacimiento de un niño es muy especial y se considera un comienzo, no un final. El nacimiento no se ve como algo triste y dramático. En el planeta se celebra la vida nueva debido al potencial que tiene. Esa es la metáfora del nombre.

Marlene Swetlishoff - HILARION - January 31-February 7, 2016

Beloved Ones,

Upon you, Beloved Ones, rest the strength and stability of your world. You are the adventurers stepping into the unknown and bravely experiencing every moment of it. As you do this you are setting the template of the new Earth reality. As more of you take up this mantle, your Light and the Light in the world grows exponentially. We have said this many times before but it bears repeating often, for it is easy to forget as the affairs of the world around you catch you in their dramas, of which there are many. Repeat to yourselves often that you ARE the Light and that is your true identity.

The world you live on is very rich and there are enough resources for all but there are those who feel that only they must be in control of all of it. This is going to rapidly change as we venture further into the flow of the cosmic energies. As the energies of love grow ever stronger, hearts that have been closed will begin to open and these ones, too, will begin to change their ways as they realize a better way to live and be. There will be more cooperation and willingness to listen to the voices of protest that grow ever more demanding and insistent on justice and true equality for all who live and move upon this world. It will become a world that supplies the needs of all. This of course, will take some time, but the end result and outcome will be a happy one.

John Smallman - Jesus - As your awakening process continues it will become increasingly apparent that there are no problems.- January 31, 2016

Here in the spiritual realms we continue to watch with joy as humanity collectively strengthens and intensifies its intention to awaken from the illusion. Within the illusion signs of the awakening are apparent all over the world, pay attention to them because doing so uplifts and inspires you further strengthening that intent. The strength of your intent is important and powerful, and to simply reset it further intensifies it. You want to awaken, so focus on doing that. All across the world people are doing that in increasing numbers, while others are engaging in group prayer and meditation sessions for world peace. You are always heard and deeply honored for holding these intents and events, and they are very effective. God’s Will is for humanity’s happiness, and therefore so is yours because all are One; there is no separation.


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Holy Lady Amethyst. We are being joined by a Host of the Angelic Realm, the Hathors, and the Pleiadians. Today, we wish to discuss being true to yourself in the new energy.

Your planet is continuing to receive massive amounts of new energy. The pattern of the inflow of energy can be compared to an hourglass. It flows in from the Universe, enters through your crown chakra, and flows down through your chakra system and out into your energetic field.

If there are areas for personal consideration, you may feel your attention being drawn to them during these shifts.

J Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - The Kingdom of Fae, The Astral Dimensions, Nature Spirtis & Electro Lifeforms

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron of Angelic Light, and I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service. We greet you in a vector of unconditional love!

Dear Ones, there are objective realities that do in fact exist in the astral & other dimensions within & above the earthplane polarities of the omni earth. The living inhabitants of the non-visible earthen dimensions are far more complex and vast in type & form than just nature spirits. Most are protean, meaning that they are capable of being formless as well as assuming various forms.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Any Situation Can Be An Opportunity - 31 January, 2016

The Gabriel Message Card for this week:

All situations are opportunities for the Divine Light to shine through you as times of celebration, not fear.
Often when I come into a situation that is unknown or unfamiliar, I notice that my first impulse is to feel fearful. This does seem to be a fairly common response to the unknown aspects of life. It takes consciously slowing down on my part, taking that deep breath and remembering what my intention is.
Prayers for Divine Light to flow through me and any situation or relationship I am involved with sets the energy I want in my world. Fields of Living Light are malleable and can be used to change any fearful or difficult circumstance that comes up. Because the Light of God contains both Divine Intelligence and Love, the frequency shift is immediate. Creative Solutions may even start to manifest right in front of me. That is definitely an opportunity for celebration.
Harmony is one of my go-to intentions. I want to be in harmony with myself, with others, and in harmony with the situation — whatever it is. I want to remember to come back to my original intention and let the situation reflect that energy. When I do this, it is amazing to watch things start to unfold in a brighter way. I become much more at ease with myself, and attuned to my most Divine Nature. Another cause for celebration. In fact, it seems that all of Heaven rejoices when I come back into Alignment with my Divine Self and in Harmony with what is occurring in my life.
The Angelic Dimensions are very aware of what is transpiring in our lives. They are uniquely available for us to call on during this time of opening and evolution. The blessings of the Archangels soothe and inspire us as we navigate these new dimensions of consciousness. Knowing there are Angels watching out for me and assisting my life helps me to stay out of the fear realms that stop me in my tracks. It is easy to go into fear. Fearfulness is all around us in the consciousness of humanity. It takes courage to move out of that mindset. It is a bold step to remember that I have another option besides fear.

Kryon "Modern Woman" Lemurian Sisterhood, 2016

Kryon "Assumptions" 2016

Kryon "Quantum Patterns" 2016

Eliza: We ARE here! - Jan 31, 2016

Eliza:  We ARE here!
When I feel or listen within, I’ll often hear this phrase from my Team, “We are here!” For me, it has been a source of comfort, a way to tune into the channels that I listen to… which has nothing to do with 3D radio reception.
This phrase is beginning to take on greater meaning for all light workers, especially those who are passing through the portal NOW, from 3D/4D to 5D.  My interpretation of this portal is that when we fully emerge on the other side, our multi-dimensional Selves will be fully anchored HERE, within our consciousness.  We will no longer be human.  We will be fully our true nature, although still passing in appearance as human beings for the time being…
I AM a Galactic Emissary and Scribe.  In my various articles written over a three-year period, I have shared some of my galactic ancestry.  This is not a fantasy that I’ve built up to feed my ego; it is real, tangibly real.  We ARE disclosure and we ARE here now.
It is necessary for all galactic emissaries now to take up their mantles of divinity and proclaim themselves to the world.  There is no more hiding or pretending to be something that we are not… and that is human.

sábado, enero 30, 2016

RONNA - ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “El Conocimiento Integrado Se Convierte En Sabiduría”

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión y edición: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Amados maestros, en el momento actual ustedes se pudiesen preguntar por qué no les trasmitimos mucha información nueva, sino que repetimos más o menos las enseñanzas de sabiduría del pasado. Les hemos dicho – a través de los muchos mensajeros de Luz quienes han dedicado mucho de su tiempo y energía a traerles las enseñanzas de sabiduría para su ascensión en conciencia – que ahora les hemos dado las enseñanzas fundamentales, importantes para esta ronda en particular del proceso de ascensión. Nos enfocamos en enseñanzas pasadas – refinándolas y mejorándolas – por una razón. La repetición es una de las mejores formas de ayudarlos a integrar y retener las enseñanzas de frecuencia superior del futuro.

Selacia - Prepárense para el Año del Mono - 26 de Enero 2016

Sugerencias para el Año Nuevo Chino Comenzando el 8/2 en Luna Nueva -

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Está por comenzar un Año Nuevo Chino – con algunas energías clave que querrán aprovechar y entender a un nivel personal. En este artículo brindo sugerencias y algunas preparaciones útiles que pueden aplicar en su vida. Este puede ser un año significativo para ustedes, lleno de nuevas oportunidades para ser más de lo que están destinados a ser. Sabiendo esto, aprovechen estos momentos y participen activamente en la creación de su mejor yo a la fecha.

Para la mayoría de las personas el 2015 tuvo momentos muy desafiantes y el 2016 ha tenido hasta ahora su cuota de energías locas. El mundo es como un gran ajiaco en estos momentos – miles de años de evolución que culminan y asuntos no resueltos que suben a escena.

Brenda Hoffman - La Tierra es su Base en Esta Vida - 25 de Enero 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


La tierra se está organizando en la masa amorosa que se suponía que fuese. Lo micro afecta lo macro y así al cambiar hacia el amor, también lo hace la tierra. Al igual que ustedes deben eliminar los desechos para encontrar el amor dentro de sí mismos, así la tierra debe cambiar y limpiar para abrir su núcleo central de amor.

La tierra ha estado cubierta por un grueso muro de temor e ira durante eones – recopilando partes y piezas de la humanidad y de todos los contribuyentes aptos. Sabiendo que ese muro se desplomaría eventualmente – y lo está. Lo que se traduce en nuevos patrones climáticos, desequilibrios y caos generalizado. Lo cual refleja lo que le sucede a la humanidad. Convulsionando a medida que la tierra rompe ese grueso muro de temor e ira.

Eliza: We ARE Disclosure - January 30, 2016

Eliza: We Are Disclosure

Today I woke up in the pre-dawn hours. The internet was down once again and so I started writing. Before going to work, I had completed six pages of typing in a massive flow. I’m not even sure if it makes sense… Downloads and upgrades are coming at a rapid pace. Let go of everything not necessary in your life so you can take care of yourself in these pivotal days ahead.

As in the early days of ancient Atlantis, there were always those who served as teachers and guides for the people, who taught the arts of culture, architecture, music, art, language and dance, how to plant, how to utilize the forces of nature, how to train consciousness to high degrees of power and control. These were beings that came as volunteers to serve the Light that exists within all beings, through all levels of evolution. These are beings, who like the Serpent in the Garden, gave humanity the gift of self-awareness and the freedom of choice in the pursuit of happiness.

viernes, enero 29, 2016

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Un nuevo equilibrio entre el Espíritu y el Ser Humano - 19 de enero de 2016

Presentado en vivo el 19/12/2015

Saludos desde el Hogar.

¡Los saludamos con gran alegría! Si pudiesen verse a través de nuestros ojos por tan solo un instante, comprenderían la reverencia y el increíble amor que les tenemos a todos y a cada uno de ustedes. Es sorprendente verlos en esta travesía y observar lo que está sucediendo a medida que comienzan a reconocer las conexiones que todos han hecho tan solo para prepararse para lo que están haciendo ahora. Bueno, permítannos decirles algo, queridos. Algo mágico está sucediendo en el planeta Tierra. Sabemos que muchas veces se quedan estancados en las malas noticias y se enfocan en todos los problemas, porque son muchos los que existen en el planeta Tierra. No se confundan con ello, porque todo es como debería ser. Hay muchos acontecimientos que están empezando a agitarse para revelar su verdadera esencia en vez de lo que han estado viendo, que es todo lo superfluo que los rodea. Ahora es posible llegar a la esencia de casi todo de manera más directa y fácil, incluso más rápidamente que poco tiempo atrás. Lo llamamos el “Día del creador consciente”.

RONNA - Archangel Michael - Integrated Knowledge Becomes Wisdom

Michael's Message

Beloved masters, at the present time you may wonder why we are not relaying much new information to you, but are more or less repeating wisdom teachings of the past. We have told you—through the many messengers of Light who have devoted much of their time and energy to bringing forth the wisdom teachings for your Ascension in consciousness—we have now given you the major, important teachings for this particular round of the Ascension process. We are focusing on past teachings—refining and upgrading them—for a reason. Repetition is one of the best ways to help you integrate and retain the higher frequency teachings of the future.
We understand that it is exciting and tantalizing to constantly receive new, radical and sensational information; however, we ask you, “Have you integrated and perfected all the teachings that have been given? Have you accomplished all of the goals necessary to competently and easily access and live in a Fifth-Dimensional environment?”

Jennifer Hoffman - Es el Final del Camino de la Energía - 26 de Enero 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Pudiera haber titulado este artículo ’10 formas de saber que su vida está sin combustible’ porque así es como se siente estar al final del camino de la energía, un coche que se ha quedado sin combustible no va a ningún sitio. Esto significa que el sendero en el que están no tiene más energía para ustedes y no hay más nada que se pueda crear en ese espacio energético porque ahora están en un nivel diferente de energía. Si leyeron mi página de Facebook he estado escribiendo respecto a cómo nos estamos abriendo y activando un portal de energía desde hace unos meses. Ellas han estado en la vecindad pero durmientes durante eones. Con este nuevo portal de energías tenemos acceso a muchas frecuencias nuevas y diferentes que los harán más conscientes de las limitaciones de su sendero actual y entenderán que hay mucho más ahí para ustedes. Ustedes están al final de su camino de energía y es hora que consideren cambiar de combustible sin plomo a combustible de cohete.

Christine Meleriessee - It’s Time to Remember ~ Master Thoth ~ The Law of Divine Oneness - Jan 29, 2016

NOTE: If you desire to learn more on energetically incorporating the Universal Law of Divine Oneness into the Self to allow the energies to support you in the New Earth energies, we have a new series offering that has options for a Guided Meditation, and teachings from Master Thoth and Lord Saint Germain (click here for details).
This article is a channeled message from Master Thoth. He is the initiator of the Universal Laws of the Universe in his lifetime as “Hermes Trismegistus”. He is working with Walking Terra Christa to help bring an understanding to the Universal Laws within the concept of accepting them in our pathway for the betterment of our existence.

The Universal Laws are very close to my soul’s essence. It is a pleasure to talk about the laws and how to apply them in your physical world. We will first take a look at the first law, “Divine Oneness.”

The Law of Divine Oneness helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think, and believe affects others and the universe around us.