domingo, marzo 31, 2024

Who Are The Sirians And Their Mission on Earth.

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - The Resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) - Mar 31, 2024

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We are here now to speak to you about resurrection and what it means. It can mean that you die in a body and then come back into that body, as you do every night when you fall asleep. Now, you don’t die every night, but you do leave your body, and remain corded, or attached, to your body while you’re on your journey through the astral plane, and then you come back into your body because you’re still connected to it. But a resurrection doesn’t mean a severing of that cord that connects your soul’s consciousness to your body consciousness and then coming back into that same body.

sábado, marzo 30, 2024

Steve Rother - The Group - Awaken Creators - April 2024

~ Awaken Creators ~

Greetings from Home, dear ones.

We join you this day from afar, watching the magical game that is unfolding on your planet. It is a wonderful time to be here and come together to celebrate unity. We see you quite differently than you see yourselves. You are creator beings, dear ones, unaware that you are creator beings. And there are some fascinating things taking place with that.

Jamye Price - April Ascension Energies - Ricochet - April 2024

April Ascension Energies - Ricochet

Blessed Beings, it is a time of great movement. The spiral tightens, and change intensifies.

Your work is to go with the flow of your knowing, not resisting the timing or temper of the changes.

It is a balance of Awareness and creativity, using your mind and heart to hear and transform within.

Within you is the timeless infinite, the potential.

It is here you first create.

It is here you first communicate.

It is here, in this vibrational symphony, that the universe hears you.
Receiving is Becoming

As you have practiced the skill of receiving information, you have built a strength of Knowing.

The Knowing that you are in a constant state of change in the physical realm.

The Knowing that your perspectives and choices are cherished by Life.

The Knowing that you are Life continuing Life.

Create it.

As you receive information into your Awareness, you are offered the opportunity to weave your desire into what is.

You have learned for many years not to just accept what-is and perseverate.

You have learned to use the positives and negatives you perceive and to create.

You are now in a time of movement that speeds the spiraling of information to and from.

This is the Ricochet of which we speak.

It is the deep Knowing that you are always creating more Love from the core of who you are.

It is the understanding that information is continuously received and given by you.

The creativity of change being so automatic that Love’s creation Ricochets from you constantly. 

Ricochet Love

Your work is still to observe with clear Awareness of your energy.

Your work is not to only think or feel positivity, but to allow the negatives and positives to meet your neutrality as soon as authentically possible.

Know that you are creating change with every breath.

Know that your core desires are within all that you are creating, and that change is constant here.

Your core desires revise, refine and Ricochet.

Every moment.

Love flowing in all directions, invisibly infiltrating information.

Not controlling, offering the magnetic resonance of the passive force.

It is who you are.

Love Boldly

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - Mar 30, 2024

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...

During your Easter celebrations, the Beloved Ascended Master Jesus defied death and showed that he is immortal. (Please feel free to use a name for him that resonates with you.)

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - ONENESS AND DIVINE LOVE - APRIL 2024




Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss Oneness and Divine Love.

You are part of the vast, unlimited energy of Source. Everything that is or will be is part of the energy of Source. This is the energy of Oneness.

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 29 de Marzo, 2024


Los asuntos en la Tierra están llegando rápidamente a una conclusión, pero parece que será una situación forzada y no por elección, y eso es comprensible a la vista de los acontecimientos que están teniendo lugar. Existe cierta incertidumbre sobre el camino a seguir para evitar una situación que podría desembocar en una guerra total. Hay varias cuestiones en juego y cualquiera de ellas podría desencadenar una guerra mundial, y decimos esto sin ánimo de asustaros, pero hay que afrontar los hechos. Por nuestra parte, nos mantenemos al margen sin ningún deseo de interferir, pero podemos difundir ideas que podrían conducir a un resultado más deseable.

How To Enter The 5D World's Infinite Possibilities

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What Really Happens When You Look at the Night Sky - Mar 30, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are taking a multi-pronged approach to helping humanity at this time. We have those of you that we reach directly, like Daniel here, along with those of you we reach indirectly, such as the ones who are receiving this transmission. We also have all who are connecting with us through astral travel, and some of those are in the first two groups as well. We are reaching many individuals who have no interest in us or in any e.t. group through the energies that we transmit through the red giant known as Arcturus itself.

viernes, marzo 29, 2024

Aurora Ray - True Signs You've Been Chosen by Benevolent Extraterrestrials! - Mar 29, 2024

True Signs You've Been Chosen by Benevolent Extraterrestrials!

Many people are curious about ETs and what it would be like to meet them!

Today, we're going to talk about something exciting: signs that friendly extraterrestrials choose to visit us here on Earth. It's a topic that sparks our imagination and makes us think about the enormous possibilities of the universe.