sábado, enero 22, 2022

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Be the Solution to Greed & Violence - Jan 22, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very aware of the relationships that we have to other beings and collectives, and we are also very aware of the relationships we have with different concepts, different ideas that we come across in our travels. We understand how our relationship to greed, for example, has evolved over time. Now when we witness greed, we see a person who feels empty, feels mortal, feels powerless, and does not know who they really are. And so, the accumulation of wealth and stuff helps that individual to soothe their own suffering, their own unease with their existence.

viernes, enero 21, 2022

Natalie Glasson - The Crystalline Kingdom - Root Chakra Cleansing - Jan 21, 2022

Root Chakra Cleansing by the Crystalline Kingdom
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings and love, we are the collective energy of the Crystalline Kingdom. We are the spirits that exist within the crystals upon the Earth and yet we also exist as a collective energy on the inner planes. We support and are involved in major ascension shifts for the Earth and for all, as we the Crystalline Kingdom are able to exist within all dimensions, which means that it is easy for us to anchor high vibrational light into the Earth. It is our purpose to bring forth, emanate and also amplify the light of the Creator. We bring forth pure vibrations of light that often have intentions or a powerful purpose.

L’Aura Pleiadian - LIGHTSHIP PRESENCE ACTIVATING YOU NOW 💗💗💗💗💗 - Jan 21, 2022

For the last several nights, new BEINGS from Light Ships have appeared to me to speak to me and to let me know they are also present. New as in, first communication during this current Earth reality.

Many UFO’s ( I call them Light Ships) have been around me the last few months many more than usual and they always let me know they are present. I have taken photos and short videos of them. To me this is the fun part also connected to my constant communication beyond this world. They also have fun revealing themselves.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, January 21, 2022


Dear Ones, you do not need another’s approval to proceed in a direction that feels right and aligned for you. If you are feeling drawn to something it is because your soul is looking to have that experience. Please know if you are being pressured to live your life in a certain way to please another they are not qualified to advise you, for if they were they would encourage you to follow your own truth and inner guidance.

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Miércoles de Sanación 5 de enero de 2022

Miércoles de Sanación 5 de enero de 2022

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Estos son tiempos asombrosos. Tiempos que tal vez ustedes no esperaban. Todo el impulso de este programa, por el año último, por este año y para después, es ayudarlos a ustedes a atravesar estos tiempos. Y la mejor manera de hacerlo es lo que yo he desarrollado y dije a mi socio que sería el Círculo del Doce. Una metáfora para la estructura de todas las cosas, los doces, la belleza, la majestuosidad de eso. Pero lo principal es entrar en un área que las almas antiguas no están acostumbradas a entrar, y eso es su propia magnificencia, su propia alma.

Aurora Ray - The Galactic Federation - Love Is Not A Relationship Between Two People - Jan 21, 2022

Love Is Not A Relationship Between Two People

The idea of falling in love is a very common and very sweet fantasy. Many people think that the most beautiful moments of their lives are when they fall in love with someone. But I don't think so. The most beautiful thing in life, in my opinion, is having complete freedom to be yourself. And when you don't have any attachment to anything, neither to a person nor to a belief system or to a country, nor to your reputation, your name or anything else, When there is no attachment, then you are free.

Jahn J Kassl - Message from Babaji - FIGHTING TILL THE END - Jan 19, 2022


Message from Babaji

The system of this matrix, the forces behind the visible, have been mistaken. The wheel of time is unstoppable and the course of events irreversible. 

photo credit: Andrea Percht

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations


Fighting till the end
Be strong!

Be strong, and don’t feel discouraged! There are still mountains to climb, but with determination and courage you will reach the goal of liberation.


Lauren C. Gorgo - 2022: The Fruits of our Labors - Jan 21, 2022

Happy New Year (!) …and soon to be Lunar New Year (!) …when it will actually feel like the new year. Speaking of, the Sun just shifted into Aquarius (1/19) which means the gateways to our New Earth lives (freedom & independence) are beginning to open. To prepare for the unified experience, we just moved thru an intense…but important…Cancer full moon (1/17) that put a final death to the core mother wound (of separation), and we are also being inundated with powerful cosmic, solar & astrological energies that are amping up the evolutionary pressure while simultaneously supporting us at every turn to enter The Kingdom.

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Enero 21, 2022

Extractos de Kryon. 2018. Describe cómo es tu verdadero yo en el "Otro Lado" con asombroso detalle.
¿Te has preguntado alguna vez qué hay al "otro lado" del velo que nos separa de las dimensiones superiores? Hay música que se capta a través de los sentidos. El velo se está haciendo más delgado y vienen cosas hermosas, y entrarás en un conocimiento avanzado de que ya eres parte de Todo Lo Que Es. Hay más dimensiones en la nueva energía que son nuevas para ti. Será el primer paso para la evolución del Planeta Tierra, el primer paso para que tu ADN comience a vibrar en un porcentaje mayor que el 33% o el 35% en tu camino hacia el 44%. Será reconfortante, sin aprensión al entrar en lo desconocido. Apreciarás al Dios que llevas dentro y serás Uno con todo.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - January 21, 2022

Extracts from Kryon. 2018. Describes what the real you is like on the “Other Side” in amazing detail.

Have you ever wondered what is on the “other side” of the veil that separates us from the higher dimensions? There is music that you pick up through your senses. The veil is getting thinner and beautiful things are coming, and you will enter into an advanced knowledge as you are part of All That Is. There are more dimensions in the new energy that are new to you. It will be the first step to the evolution of Planet Earth, the first step to making your DNA start to vibrate at a greater percentage than 33% or 35% on its way to 44%. It will be reassuring, with no apprehension stepping into the unknown. You will appreciate the God inside and being One with everything.