sábado, diciembre 18, 2021

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Take the Spiritual Growth from Your Challenges - Dec 18, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuing to explore the different ways that you all have of taking on challenges for yourselves in order to grow spiritually. We see you doing this unintentionally in most areas of your lives. You will unintentionally create the challenge, and then you will have to rise up and become more of who you really are in order to face that challenge and move past it. Sometimes you will intentionally take on a challenge, and in those instances you are far more likely to meet the challenge head on and take the spiritual growth because it was an intentional act.

viernes, diciembre 17, 2021

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Gabriel - The Reconnection - Dec 17, 2021

The Reconnection by Archangel Gabriel
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

The White Beacons of Atlantis

Greetings, I extend my blessings, my love, to you now, I am Archangel Gabriel. It is an honour to be in your loving presence, your radiance, and your glowing light. I, in return, emanate my glowing light and all that is my love to you.

In a previous communication, Archangel Metatron spoke of the Initiation of Separation, which is unfolding now. It is a very powerful initiation that can be very challenging for many souls and yet it is one that creates and activates the greatest strength, power, and transformation. It truly allows you to accelerate along your ascension journey.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - December 17, 2021

17th December 2021. Mike Quinsey.

Dear Friends. How quickly the year is passing, and it continues to be filled with problems as people wrestle with the changes that have been forced upon them. As you must realise by now the Illuminati have been responsible for releasing the Covid virus. It is debatable as to whether it was deliberately released from the Wuhan Laboratories, but the source has been traced to them. If such rumors are true it begs some explanation from Bill Gates who is alleged to have funded the virus that cost trillions of dollars. The prospects are that it may yet be another year before an end is seen to the pandemic.

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua - Transformad la parte más oscura

Mensajes de la Federación Galáctica y Ashtar Command: Pamela Kribbe -  Jeshua - El Mensaje De La Oscuridad - 27-04-2017

Queridos amigos,

Soy Jeshua. Sentid mi energía en torno a vosotros. Os saludo a todos. Es maravilloso que estemos aquí, en este espacio y tiempo, en este siglo, pues os halláis en el umbral de una nueva era.

Cada uno de vosotros es, en esencia, un elemento individual de una consciencia mucho más amplia y, más particularmente, de vuestra propia alma. Vuestra alma es como un sol eternamente radiante y vosotros sois uno de sus rayos. Contemplaos a vosotros mismos como ese luminoso rayo de sol. Formáis parte de un todo más grande y tenéis a vuestro alcance la posibilidad de conectar con el centro de ese sol. Imaginad que ascendéis a lo largo de ese rayo de sol que sois de momento a través del chakra de la coronilla. Viajad hacia el centro de ese sol que irradia luz en toda su superficie y bañaos en esa luz. Capturadla en lo más hondo de vuestras células y lleváosla con vosotros en vuestro camino de vuelta desde ese centro solar hasta el rayo de luz que ahora mismo sois aquí, en la Tierra.

Steve Rother - The Group - Good News From The Sun - December 2021

 ~ Good News From The Sun ~

Greetings, dear ones.

You are the magicians of the game board for you have created magic, not even knowing where you are. I am Observer and I have joined you this day with a vision of motion faster than you ever thought possible. Yes, things are speeding up but there is a good chance you’ll find your pace directly ahead. You see, most of the challenges that you’re having on planet Earth have to do with humanity moving at an increasing pace. There’s always been balance on your Earth, so move forward in a direction. When you send this energy out, all sorts of other things are attracted to it.

Lena Stevens - ACTUALIZACIÓN DE LUNA LLENA 18-12-2021 - Diciembre 16, 2021

Traducción y Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Síguenos Por el Canal “Despertando Conciencia” de TELEGRAM: https://t.me/joinchat/UBJK3YvzA2iGn37
Síguenos Por el Canal “El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon” Unicamente KRYON: https://t.me/joinchat/VkhJDmSrCz0jwDxg
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe www.mewe.com/i/elmanantialdelcaduceo


Queridos amigos,

La luna llena en Géminis es el sábado 18 de diciembre a las 9:35 p.m., hora estándar de la montaña (MST)

Conocida como Luna Fría o Luna de Noche Larga, es la más cercana al Solsticio o la noche más larga del año. Esta luna es un buen momento para la necesaria reflexión personal sobre dónde haz estado, qué haz aprendido y hacia dónde deseas ir desde aquí, para que puedas prepararte para liberar a los viejos en el solsticio y comenzar a planificar, organizar y llevar en lo que realmente deseas en esta plataforma expansiva.

Aurora Ray - The Galactic Federation - Starseeds and Lightworkers - Dec 17, 2021

Beloved dear ones,

All of you beautiful Starseeds and Lightworkers who have incarnated on this planet at this time to awaken your light bodies and help the planet ascend out of the lower vibrations, to set humanity free from the hold of the dark forces holding this planet in place; we once again appeal to you to raise your personal vibration and send out this message to all those who need it.

This is the only way we can liberate all of humanity and this beautiful planet from all forms of slavery and darkness.


Traducción y Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora http://www.manantialcaduceo.com.ar/libros.htm
Síguenos Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM: https://t.me/joinchat/UBJK3YvzA2iGn37s
Síguenos Por el Canal "El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon" Únicamente KRYON: https://t.me/joinchat/VkhJDmSrCz0jwDxg
Síguenos Ahora en MeWe www.mewe.com/i/elmanantialdelcaduceo


Durante casi 2 años, la humanidad ha atravesado un proceso de muerte / renovación / renacimiento colectivo y concentrado. Estamos saliendo de la antigua matriz de control a medida que colapsa a nuestro alrededor. Se están revelando las ilusiones que mantenían unido al viejo mundo. A medida que comenzamos a ver con más claridad, podemos experimentar el dolor ... las siete etapas del dolor se entrelazan y se superponen. También están entretejidas las semillas de lo nuevo y la esperanza de un nuevo comienzo, construido sobre una base más sólida, una que esté más alineada con lo que realmente somos.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, December 17, 2021

Shelley’s note: I must say today’s daily message was a total surprise for me. In almost ten years of doing these messages he has never offered anything like this. I think it speaks not only of the importance of the times we are in but also how much support we have through it all. May you enjoy your blessing and may it help you ride the waves into the new.

Dear Ones, we would like to offer you an energetic blessing today to assist you with the final shifts you are moving through as you prepare to step into the energies of 2022.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 33 - Dec 17, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

17 December 2021 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 17/12 17:00 The instability that began on December 15th that has been slowly increasing with the oscillations of the Primary Frequency has continued its increase today at first with large oscillations and then, from 10 UTC, with a decrease that has brought it just above 7.30 Hz from 13 UTC. The Secondary Frequency aligned with this decrease and from 12 UTC a significant activity began with the first peak at Power 27 at 13 UTC followed, at 15 UTC, by a second peak, the maximum so far, which reached Power 33 at 15 UTC. With the exception of Frequency 3, all the others are on low levels, suggesting a continuation of movements in the next few hours.

Schumann Resonance Today 16/12 17:00 Yesterday the Primary Frequency remained around 7.45 Hz from 12 to 23 UTC, the other frequencies remained substantially stable on their respective base values and the only movements, however slight, were of Quality. From just before yesterday’s midnight UTC the Frequency has returned to rise towards the base value producing two moderate isolated peaks of short duration, the first at 2 UTC has reached what is so far the maximum value today at Power 18, the second just before of 13 UTC it has reached Power 11. At the time of this update, the Frequency fluctuates slightly below the base value.
