viernes, febrero 28, 2020

Ron Head - The Council - Reality - Feb 28, 2020

Have you been told that you need to face reality? Or that you need to see reality? Or that you have lost your grip on reality? Of course, the person who told you this assumed that they had a grip on reality and you did not. Let’s explore this reality that some think they have.

Jim Self - Proyecto Banco del Parque - Febrero 9, 2020

¡Hola, bienvenidos! Es un placer estar aquí, es un momento muy excitante, de modo que es lindo estar aquí con ustedes. Este viaje en que estamos jugando es interesante, y va a evolucionar de una manera en esta sesión en que voy a brindarles interesantes visiones, percepciones concientes y oportunidades que no necesariamente han estado disponibles por muy largo tiempo.

Linda M. Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel - THE NATURE OF THOUGHTS AND MULTIDIMENSIONAL LIVING - MARCH 2020 - Feb 28, 2020


Greetings Beloved Ones,

WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss the nature of thoughts as related to multidimensional living.

You are living in a time where third dimensional energy is interpenetrated with that of the higher dimensions. Both energies are simultaneously around you. It is a matter of where you focus your awareness. One moment you may view a situation from a third dimensional perspective, and at the same time you may realize that you are also viewing it multidimensionally. The veil is thinning, and you are living in more than one dimension at the same time.

L’Aura Pleiadian - The Virus ~ Fear and Living Without Fear - Feb 28, 2020

 So now we have all heard about the Coronavirus ~ OOPS The COVID-19.

There are talks of it being man made, conspiracy theories.

EITHER WAY ~ makes no difference if something is here NOW, it was allowed.

When I first heard of it I was shown WOW a wake up call to NOW for the world.

Mike Quinsey - Yo Superior - Febrero 28, 2020

En un momento en el que muchos nuevos inventos están siendo desarrollados en secreto, es, no obstante, un momento muy sorprendente para estar presente en la Tierra. Detrás de todo el revuelo que está teniendo lugar, se están dando grandes pasos adelante que los impulsarán más rápido que nunca hacia la Nueva Era. Los avances están ocurriendo en muchas industrias diferentes y son tanto que será imposible mantenerlos en secreto. De hecho, cuando son una prioridad sean introducidos con cierto grado de urgencia. La energía y el agua gratuitas están entre las primeras de la lista, y la forma en que los cambios climáticos se están produciendo, las necesidades de la gente en algunas áreas se está volviendo urgente.

Mike Quinsey's Higher Self Message - February 28, 2020

At a time when many new inventions are being developed in secret, it is nevertheless a most amazing time to be present on Earth. Behind all of the turmoil that is taking place, great steps forward are being made that will propel you faster than ever into the New Age. Advancements are happening in many different industries and are such that it is going to be impossible to keep them secret. In fact where they are of a necessity there is a certain degree of urgency to get them introduced. Free energy and water are amongst those at the top of the list, and the way that climate changes are taking place, the needs of people in some areas is becoming urgent.

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - ALL The Choices - February 28, 2020

ALL The Choices

When you were young, did you ever think that you would be where you are now, doing what you are doing and being the person you are now? An infinite number of choices and personal decisions brought you to where you are in this moment. Just think about that for a moment…(smiling)…extraordinary, yes? Now, imagine all the decisions of a lifetime condensed into a few short weeks. Just think of all the things you could accomplish!

Current Viral Pandemic (Same Name as Popular Beer) - Origins and Antidotes

Schumann Resonance Today – 17 UTC - February 28 2020

28/2 17:00 UTC

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

February 28 2020 – 17:00 UTC


Schumann Resonance Today. We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us!
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) +7 Source
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.
Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:

Every second, a multitude of pulses travel around the world in this unique, resonant chamber between Earth and the ionosphere, sending colluding signals to all microorganisms. These signals couple us to the Earth’s magnetic field. Named after their discoverer, these Schumann Resonances (SR) drive the harmonizing pulse for life in our world.” Eric Thompson

Schumann Resonance Today - Schumann Resonance Stripe January 2020

Schumann Resonance Today - Hertz and Schumann Resonance

  • 2/29 17:00 UTC – Today the activity occurred during a period of about 10 hours, from 1 to 11 UTC, the central part was at 8 UTC. Now we are in a calm condition.
  • 2/29 10:00 UTC – There has been no real calm today, after the movement at Power 34 shortly after midnight local timeline (17 UTC yesterday) very slight movements continued and they became more consistent starting at today’s 2 UTC when some peaks exceeded Power 10. From 6 UTC we can see a further increase in the maximum values that reached the maximum of Power 26 shortly after 8 UTC. From 6:30, so far, the amplitude has remained constantly close to Power 20.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Coronavirus Effect - Feb 28, 2020

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are capable of perceiving the slightest shift in your collective consciousness and the overall vibration that you emit. We want you to know that we have witnessed a huge spike in the frequency of the human collective consciousness over the past few days. You have been shifting your consciousness as a result of the compassion that you have all been feeling for those who have been afflicted the coronavirus.