jueves, febrero 22, 2018

Heart Opening CHAMBER OF LIGHT Pleiadian-Arcturian-Sirian

James McConnell - Archangel Michael - You Are In The Moments Prior To This Great Awakening

I AM Archangel Michael.

I AM pleased to be here with you at this time, in this moment, in this flux that is occurring within many of you. Many of you are feeling the energies moving through you. Many of you are feeling the energies all around you.

And all of you are beginning to realize that the time is near, the time is now. For we are all in this together. We came here together and we will leave here together.

Kryon por Lee Carroll y Adironnda por Marilyn Harper - Acción Compasiva de Luz - Toronto, Ontario, 17 de febrero de 2018

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll y
Adironnda por Marilyn Harper
Toronto, Ontario, 17 de febrero de 2018

Marilyn Harper:

Ahh! De modo que buen día para ustedes, ¿ah? Muy bueno ver su energía, su luz brillante, ¡Jojojoo! ah, sí, queridísimos. Sus luces están chocándose unas con otras, y expandiendo la energía, y antes de mucho tiempo Toronto tendrá 8 millones de personas, ¿sí? ¡Jajaa! Eso será con todos sus ángeles, sus guías, sus maestros, todos ustedes, que son ustedes. Quiero que sepan que este día es un día 3, ya saben, le pedimos a nuestro vehículo Marilyn que sume cada día para ver qué es lo que ese día traerá, entonces a veces se asusta y se cubre la cabeza, eso es cuando tenemos un día 5, ¿sí? (se ríe) Pero hoy es un día 3, de modo que es un catalizador, para ustedes.

John Smallman - Jesus - It is impossible for you to even imagine the Truth of Who You are! - February 22, 2018

As the human awakening process intensifies and accelerates much is arising that has been buried or denied and that needs to be acknowledged, recognized, and released. There is no need to engage with these powerful emotions and feelings, they are like tropical storms that arise, expend an enormous amount of energy quite indiscriminately, and then dissipate. And, like storms, the feelings and emotions that arise will express themselves very powerfully, and that, of course, can be very painful,so do not attempt to suppress or control them, just allow

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Jueves, Febrero 22, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Jueves, Febrero 22, 2018

¿Qué tal si pudieras tenerlo todo?

¿Qué tal si la vida ha sido un rompecabezas
de cosas que están por venir?

Eso es lo que estamos ofreciéndote
y explicándote.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Thursday, February 22, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Thursday, February 22, 2018

What if you could have it all?

What if life has just been a teaser

of things to come?

That is what we are offering to you

and explaining.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday February 22, 2018

It is very common if you have been out of balance in any area of your life to swing wildly to the other end of the spectrum in your desire to correct it. This is a prevalent theme both individually and collectively on your planet right now. But if you continue to use your awareness and continue along your enlightenment journey, what will happen is you will eventually find your way to a centre range of far greater balance and consistency. As each of you find your way into that space, you anchor the energies which further supports others shifting into greater balance on your planet, as well. Never underestimate the power your own growth and constancy has, Dear Ones, for it is always service for all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

miércoles, febrero 21, 2018

Jim Self - Tus Cuatro Rostros - Parte 1

- TUS CUATRO ROSTROS - Parte 1 de 4

"Estos cuerpos son perecederos, pero los moradores de estos cuerpos son eternos, indestructibles e impenetrables." Frase del Bhagavad Gita

Philip, Emma, Mendelson y Spatia han sido compañeros de departamento por varios años y están continuamente aprendiendo cómo convivir en paz y cooperación. Cada uno es un individuo de carácter fuente y tiene sus agendas, pasiones, capacidades y deseos bien definidos. Llega el comienzo de la primavera y los cuatro compañeros quieren dar una fiesta. Es una ocasión perfecta para que cada uno demuestre su

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - The Bringer of the Dawn - 2-21-18

The Bringers of the Dawn

The Arcturians through Sue Lie

You, that is all of you, are standing on the edge, but you may not be sure what “edge” you are standing on. Sometimes, it is difficult to determine what “edge” you are on, as you are quickly, or slowly, moving through the process of transmutation from your third/fourth dimensional expression of SELF to your fifth dimensional expression of SELF.


VIDEO (recommended)

Dearest friends!

This update is about purification of humanity´s history and of the unredeemed collective consciousness so that the universe can move on. Friend, you might discover also your own involvement in this process.