miércoles, enero 24, 2018

Brenda Hoffman - Ustedes Son Ustedes y Ellos No lo Son - 8 de Enero 2018

Traducción: Fara Gonzalez
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora 


Ustedes están en una encrucijada, al igual que les ha sucedido muchas veces antes durante esta transición y en sus vidas de 3D. La diferencia ahora radica en que no pueden cometer un error.

Porque están muy acostumbrados a vivir una vida terrenal en la cual elegían un camino que podía llevarles a la vida de sus sueños y el otro a la ruina o a una vida difícil.

Selacia - Prepare for Full Moon Eclipse -Time to Energize a New Path Forward- - Jan 24, 2018

Prepare for Full Moon Eclipse
-Time to Energize a New Path Forward-
by Selacia

Relationships and life goals will be front-and-center issues this next week ahead of the supermoon with lunar eclipse January 31. For sensitives, this can be a week of both intensity and abundant opportunities to energize a new path forward. Continue reading for some tips on how to prepare for these energies.

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Responsibility, Engagement, and Energetic Sovereignty - Jan 24, 2018

This is a channeled message from Archangel Uriel. Energetic sovereignty is a mastery principle that includes responsibility. This is not taking on the heavy burdens of karma or healing or what is right or wrong. It is making a choice that considers how you will respond to and engage with others and in situation. What does it mean to you when you take responsibility for something? Does it mean that you are in control of the outcome, that you must answer for the results, that you are accountable?

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 24, 2018

There is great wisdom in staying still if you do not know how to proceed in your life. You may need more information to know how to move forward in a way that truly matches who you are and what you wish to experience. Biding your time is allowing yourself to get more clarity, either through self examination or through the flow bringing you more details that help you know the right way to proceed.

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Una oleada equilibradora - 16/12/2017


Presentado en vivo el 16/12/2017

Saludos desde Hogar. Yo soy el Científico del Corazón.

Me he reunido con ustedes este día para contarles algunas cosas interesantes que ocurrirán en su planeta durante los próximos meses. Se presentarán oportunidades y muchos verán aperturas donde alguna vez encontraron resistencia. Se está produciendo un cambio y estas nuevas alineaciones se están abriendo a medida que los humanos evolucionan. Queridos, han tenido que experimentar cambios masivos para llegar a este punto. No fue fácil hacerlo, pero lo han logrado y están listos para pasar al siguiente nivel. Descubrirán que de ustedes depende elegir si desean o no atravesar esas nuevas aperturas. Esas oportunidades les pertenecen completamente y pueden avanzar a través de ellas con su propia energía. Permítannos compartirles más a medida que la energía cambia al planeta Tierra.

John Smallman - Saul - Life is a most wonderful gift, but how you use it is almost entirely up to you - 01/24/2018

Humanity’s awakening process is progressing beautifully.

And that is, of course, to be expected. It is a divine plan to awaken you from the dream in which it seems that you had become lost. However, dreams are but ephemeral wisps of unreality in which you cannot really become lost. You are a little like a small child who hides in a dark closet or in the dark space under the stairs and then believes that it is lost and abandoned. It bursts into tears, terrified, screams for help, and then its mother, father, or older sibling comes rushing to rescue and comfort it. And, as a result, it learns that they are always there for it, and that it can never be truly lost or abandoned.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

What if you knew you couldn't lose?

What if everything was set up in your favor?

That is what we are suggesting.

Diane Canfield - Energy Report: Lucid Vivid Dreams, Synchronicities And Extreme Fatigue Along With Massive Insights - January 24, 2018

BY Diane Canfield

Beloved Tribe,

The past few weeks we have had many Ascension Symptoms occurring, signs of moving dimensions, into the Higher Realms of Light. There have NOT been any waves or flares and only small geo storms that spiked quickly and went away just as fast the last few weeks. Instead the upgrades we are received are not as “in your face” we sometimes experience, but instead subtle and full of synchronicities, action oriented vivid dreams, massive manifestations, and huge insights/breakthroughs.

martes, enero 23, 2018

James McConnell - St Germain and One Who Serves - Truths Are Going to Be Revealed, All of Them - Jan 21, 2018

St Germain and One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell

These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Peoria, AZ on January 21, 2018. If you are going to share this channeling, please include the entire message including the OWS question/answer session as their is much wisdom being imparted.


I AM St Germain.

I, like all the others that are able to make these communications known through our various sources, enjoy these times that we can be together with you; these times that are changing drastically; and these moments that are coming, moments that are now, and the moments that are yet to come.

01 20 18 As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland The Real Disclosure