domingo, julio 09, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - July 2017 Energy Report - Jul 9, 2017

Here we are in July now and if this year has seemed both extremely long and also very short it is because it has been, so far, a series of back and forth and up and down movements that have made it hard to stay focused on the present as we’re moving in every direction. We’re releasing the past as we set intentions for the present and future, while also integrating vast amounts of energy to fill the gaps created by the 3D dis-integration. Are you tired yet? Don’t give up because this month we begin to see progress that will carry us through to September. The next 3 months will be very active, so keep those intentions strong.

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 7 de Julio, 2017

Estos son tiempos en los que la verdad ya no puede ser ocultada por los diversos países involucrados en la exploración de la Antártida. Se ha descubierto tanto bajo el hielo que a ellos les gustaría que nadie más lo conociera, pero la enormidad de sus hallazgos es tal que es imposible mantenerlo todo en secreto. La humanidad se merece conocer la verdad de su pasado y una correcta versión de su historia. El problema es que todos los países están intentando sacar ventaja sobre los demás manteniendo ocultos sus descubrimientos. Sería excitante que conocierais vuestro auténtico pasado, algo que mucha gente encontraría tan increíble que lo considerarían una ficción.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message Sunday July 9, 2017

As the energies continue to move forward, you will find more and more that anything that prevents you from your expression and expansion becomes very uncomfortable in record time. The more you evolve on your enlightenment path, the greater will be the need for freedom and having the ability to move with what the energies are supporting and whatever inspires you.

Ron Head - The Council –The Answers Are Where They Have Always Been - July 9, 2017

When we last spoke with you, we spoke of your power. We will continue.

It has been said that humanity’s greatest fear is that it will find its own power. We will agree with this assessment. And let us explain to you why. Why would you fear your own power? There are many reasons. We will discuss some of them.


Message from Lady Venus Kumara
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
English edition by crystalflow translations

From being a coward to being courageous

» In the beginning there is not much difference between a coward and a courageous person. The only difference is that the coward listens and succumbs to his fears, while the courageous one brushes them aside and moves on. The courageous one steps into the unknown despite all fears. « Osho: Courage.

Live wildly and dangerously; page 15; Ullstein/Allegria Publishing)

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Be aware of the simple truth that God exists in all circumstances - July 9, 2017

Dear One,

The light of God is always shining and this Divine Light exists in all people, all things and all circumstances. Awareness of this Light will bring it into your consciousness, enabling you to see from an enlightened perspective.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - 7/9/17

JULY 9, 2017

Dear ones, once again we reach out in love to bless, heal, and inform all who wish it. In this time of strife and confusion you must learn to rest in and live out from the highest level of your consciousness. Many of you are being "tested" so to speak, not by God who knows only His own infinite completeness, but by yourselves.

Laura Pleiadian - As you Become Less Entangled in 3D ~ You Become 5D Entwined - July 9, 2017

As you become less tangled up in the drama of 3D, less motivated to follow the herd mentality. It becomes easier to not get caught up in and entangled in, what the masses feel is normal. The anger, the bitterness, the victim consciousness. The 3D concept that everything happens to me and that I am a victim of what happens out there, to which I am not a part.

Living in the freedom, that everything simply happens within and THROUGH me. Is the true freedom that results in Your BEING Present more and more to YOUR Divine 5D PRESENCE.

sábado, julio 08, 2017

Selacia - Eligiendo la Esperanza en Tiempos Tenebrosos - Utilizando Lo que Ustedes Conocen Intuitivamente - 5 de Julio 2017

Traducción: Alicia Virelli
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Las energías planetarias en estos momentos nos empujan a re-definirnos y conocer qué significa ser poderosos agentes del cambio. El viejo mundo al que estábamos acostumbrados está muriendo y está siendo reestructurado. El nuevo mundo en el que queremos vivir sigue en construcción. El progreso hacia una sociedad más ilustrada ha sido hecho y muchos más cambios positivos están en camino.

Mahala - Planet Alert July 2017 - July 8, 2017

Today is July 8, 2017 and the full moon occurs tonight at 9:07 pm PDT. This will be a very powerful emotional full moon because the Sun is conjunct Mars in the sign of Cancer. This energy causes heightened emotions. Have you been kind of emotionally upset this past week or so? Do you feel like you have been in the energy of overwhelm? It has also been a good time to get rid of all old negative emotions that you may still be holding onto. Let go and let God. Give your burdens to God and feel the weight of them loosen from your mind.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - We've Entered a New Passageway: The Tests of all Tests Taking Each DEEPER into Clearing Linear Programming and CORE Everything... - 7/8/2017

Deeper into the Root (Chakra) of everything, deeper into the/our Core (Galactic/SOULar), deeper into those hidden/suppressed/linear programs of separation that we didn't know were there... Here we go. Further within and out through our Soul & Star (Chakras) and individual StarGate Systems finally linked up with the new Operating Systems that our Galactic Bodies have built to constantly link up and synchronize continually, every day now. I use the "Chakra" word, because this is what most understand. It goes far beyond this, as each becomes a spinning, expanding and contracting vortex/portal/galaxy (multi-dimensional gateway) once you fully activate/open, align and continually intentionally synchronize these from within you with your whole field to operate at the highest vibration of light all of the time...

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Innato y La Intuición - Laguna Hills, California, 2 de julio de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Laguna Hills, California, 2 de julio de 2017

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Hoy quiero darles alguna información sobre algo que tienen todos ustedes, y que está empezando a cambiar. A lo largo de todos estos años de información, de canalización, de hablar de lo que vendrá, de cómo los afectará, de qué pueden hacer, las buenas noticias de todo esto, continuamos.

Hemos discutido con ustedes lo que es su Innato, y hay algunos, tanto en el salón como escuchando, que no pueden realmente identificar lo que realmente quiere decir esa palabra; qué es el Innato. Comprenden la idea de que el Innato tendría que poder hacer ciertas cosas, pero ustedes no pueden.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Hábitos de la Vieja Energía - Laguna Hills, California, 1 de julio de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Laguna Hills, California, 1 de julio de 2017

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético

Sé dónde estoy y sé quiénes están en el salón. Queridos, me gustaría darles un mensaje que es similar pero diferente de otros que he dado antes sobre algunas verdades básicas y tal vez sobre algunos engaños de la vieja energía. Todos ustedes vienen de este planeta de la civilización de estos tiempos. Cada uno de ustedes ha experimentado lo que le dijeron sus padres, lo que les dijeron otros, y han recibido instrucciones. Pero más aún, han recibido conceptos - y a veces, hábitos.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday July 8, 2017

Many of you are in the process of stepping into a new phase in your incarnation. In many ways, much of what you have experienced up until this point will start to feel far removed, feeling almost like a pastlife. This is why you are seeing people suddenly changing locations, careers, their service paths, or interests.

You have reached a new energetic platform, so to speak – a new level of mastery which begs the question, “What do you wish to create moving forward?” And this is exactly why old themes are coming up.

💥Crop Circles 2017 - 🐴 Hackpen Hill, Nr Broad Hinton 🚀

Sheldan Nidle - 4 de Julio, 2017

5 Ahau, 3 Kumku, 13 Caban

¡Selamat Jalwa! Se está haciendo firmemente algún progreso adicional. Los principales problemas de los que hemos discutido anteriormente con el sistema bancario más viejo y más limitador se están corrigiendo sistemáticamente. Esto permitirá de nuevo que el grupo de reparto avance hacia una fase en la que la entrega sea factible otra vez. Esperamos que los actuales parámetros de Julio puedan confluir fácilmente. Este continuo movimiento implica que una serie de nuestras particulares recomendaciones estén ahora siendo puestas en práctica. Hay una necesidad de entender las inmensidades de esta compleja operación y darse cuenta de lo que ocurrió en el pasado reciente. Todos los participantes están determinados a resolver cualquier impedimento que pueda ocurrir.

viernes, julio 07, 2017

Natalie Glasson - Archangel Michael - Restoring Your Natural Conversation with the Creator - 7th July 2017

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

What you are dealing with in your reality right now is essential for your spiritual evolution and the transformation of the Earth.

I, Archangel Michael, invite you to take a moment and breathe deeply, numerous messages are coming to you from the Universe of the Creator and from within your being. Everything is the Creator, and everything is speaking to you. The key is to take the time to listen and to allow your intuition and inner navigation to accentuate the message that is most important for you to acknowledge, accept, embody and act upon now. The message that is aligned to your soul and its quest upon the Earth will come forth to you with greater power and presence than any other message. The universe is speaking to you, every message is important, acting as golden opportunities of manifestation, experience and life. There are so many beautiful pathways of experience for you to embark upon on the Earth and many will bring you fulfilment, happiness and a deeper connection with the Creator. There is no wr ong pathway; there is only creativity, exploration and understanding.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Releasing the Veils of Ignorance: It's About to Get More Interesting for All - 7/5/2017

A few weeks ago, we entered the "Release of the Fury of the Fire" (then later the words, the Rein of Fire).... as we moved into increased Earthly/Galactic Karmic Clearing/Cleansing phases. This is different for each, dependent on what is still held in cellular programming and not fully conscious yet....

Immense heat, immense release, immense physical density clearing, immense increase in high voltage/highly charged electrical cellular stimulation and increased inner Earth/atmospheric/spacial activations/convergences.... in all of our Earthly Cosmic Planetary Galactic Bodies.....

Christine Meleriessee - Ascended Master Djwhal Khul - JULY 2017 CAPRICORN FULL MOON FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS ~ REBIRTH -

The Full Moon of Capricorn is arriving in the sign of Cancer on July 8th, 9:08 PM Pacific, July 9th 12:08 AM Eastern and 04:08 GMT bringing forth the Wheel of Rebirth.

This moon is considered to represent the Wheel of Rebirth as the Higher Ego (Higher Mind) becomes intertwined within the Lower Ego (the Physical Mind). Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden, Integrative Channel of the Ascended Masters in Oneness through Walking Terra Christa, transmits the higher spiritual message to humanity for this full moon cycle. The message is in preparation for the channeled transmissions in the public global online ceremony that is held to celebrate these energies and for participants to receive the higher spiritual blessings actively. (Details to join or listen for free are below).

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - The Shift of 2017 and the Grounding of the Higher Consciousness Unified Field - July 5, 2017

The Shift of 2017 and the Grounding of the Higher Consciousness Unified Field

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

The Planetary New Year and Lion's Gate July/August 2017

Beloved Family of Light, you have now reached a time in your year of 2017 when great change is at hand. We would call this the Great Shift of 2017. Indeed, as we have said earlier, 2017 is the year of Sacred Planet Earth, and the year of New Beginnings. The incoming Light Codes of the first half of 2017 have laid the seeds for the rising New Earth Consciousness to manifest on Earth.