domingo, abril 23, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday April 23, 2017

Dear Ones, going with the flow does not mean abdicating your power or denying your wants and needs in order to get along with or please others. That would be giving your power away, and the true meaning of flow would be moving in the ways that best match and empower you. So to be clear the expression “go with the flow” really is saying “go with your flow”.

Kryon por Lee Carrroll - Mensaje Nº 5 en Monument Valley - Monument Valley, Utah, 12 - 18 de abril de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carrroll
en Monument Valley, Utah, 12 - 18 de abril de 2017


(los primeros dos minutos del audio son cantos de los Navajo, por los miembros de la tribu Marietta Bedonie y el Anciano Henry Haycock).

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Empezaré este mensaje como lo hicimos la vez anterior. Quiero que estén en silencio y escuchen (pausa de 10 segundos). Ahora bien; habrá quienes digan que no hay nada que oír; y en ese silencio hay sacralidad, porque en la nada está todo. 

Comencé el mensaje geológico diciéndoles que las rocas estaban vivas, y dije que no concordaba con las definiciones y estándares de ustedes, sino esotéricamente, metafísicamente, más allá de lo que ustedes normalmente creerían, están vivas. También les dijimos que las rocas están escuchando. Eso es una metáfora que significa que la energía que ustedes emanan es absorbida de cierta manera por la tierra sobre la que están.

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - Navigating Your Embodiment - April 23, 2017

Hello Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. We greet you in a state of unconditional, generous, amplified, enthusiastic celebration of your very being. This is how we always feel about you. It's how we always feel about you, because it's so easy to love you. We love you and we love you not just a little bit, but a lot.

We find everything about you stupendously beautiful. We enjoy all you are experiencing, we enjoy having a little glimpse of your journey, and seeing you discover things, and have sensations and feelings, and create stuff and connect with people and sleep and wake up and do it all over again. We celebrate you and we're able to do that with ease, we're able to do that with ease. You can live like that, too.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - April 23, 2017

APRIL 23, 2017

Dear ones, we greet you in love and with great respect as we witness the struggles taking place both within and without for so many. Increasingly intense levels of Light energy are now flowing to earth for the purpose of assisting Gaia and all who choose, to move forward in their ascension journey.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Mensaje Nº4 en Monument Valley - Monument Valley, Utah, 12 - 18 de abril de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Monument Valley, Utah, 12 - 18 de abril de 2017

Nº 4 

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.
Quiero que sientan la quietud. No suele ser así. Las rocas están escuchando. Si yo les dijera, queridos, que las rocas están vivas, ¿qué dirían? Porque ellas no están a la altura de la identidad o definición científica de la vida. También les dije que llegaría un día en que la definición de "vida" tendrá que cambiar realmente, porque la ciencia tendrá que llegar a un acuerdo, yo diría, una confluencia de descubrimientos, cuando empiecen a ver la multidimensionalidad, identificándola como lo que es, y sean capaces de medirla. Y cuando lo hagan, verán cosas en la naturaleza, en las rocas, en los árboles, que re-definirán qué está vivo y qué no lo está. Entonces, cuando les digo que las rocas están escuchando, de cierta manera, no definida como ustedes piensan, es que lo están.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Re-Distribution Project/Process Continues: NEW Earth's Economy Stimulation for Crystalline Gridkeepers & Gatekeepers as Foundation Holders and Those Fulfilling Supporting Roles - 4/23/2017

Yes, there is an economic gridwork/system for all on NEW Earth. It's been a project "in the works" for many linear years now. It's been a re-distributing of the funds and resources from old earth to NEW, just like the animals and Soul's in Earthly forms walking, living, existing here too. Yes, this is a very real physical plane of existence....

We've been observing (and experiencing) over many linear years as the structures and systems of the old collapse/deconstruct/fall, the simultaneous "replacement" of a whole new system (this is called materialization on a higher dimensional plane of existence/timeline as each exists the "false matrix system" that was built on hidden agendas and separation (human-self-first) consciousness...

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Loving others in their own chosen path is setting the energy you want in your world - April 23, 2017

Dear One,

When you love others and allow them to follow their own chosen path, it awakens the energy of compassion and acceptance within you. This energy fills your heart and permeates your world. It allows you to receive this same energy from others, which can give you a sense of freedom to be all you can be.

At times the chosen path of others may seem destructive to you, and it is not the energy that you would choose to be around. In these situations, often the most loving thing you can do is allow them to follow their chosen path, and you must give yourself permission to follow the path which is in your highest good. This may even mean never seeing them again.

John Smallman - Saul - Reality is a very simple concept that is absolutely perfect in every way - 04/23/2017

When humanity awakens, as it most surely will, joyful amazement will flood across the planet as the GOOD NEWS fills ALL the media – the mainstream and the alternate channels! Truly that moment is closer than you dare to think! Incredible healing has been occurring planet-wide during the first months of 2017 and the results of that healing are about to become very visible. Humanity’s interest in “The News” has for eons been mostly focused on The Bad News,” and that is changing very rapidly now because people are tired of the endless reports of calamities, conflicts, and catastrophes and want good news. You need good news because it inspires and uplifts you causing your energy signature to rise, filling you with motivational enthusiasm for life, and showing you that you, each individual one of You, has a powerful and extremely important part to play in the collective awakening process that all are presently undergoing.

sábado, abril 22, 2017

Asara - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light - April 22, 2017

The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light:

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

In this now moment, we send you our utmost love and encouragement for your journey.

You have and are continuing to receive intense waves of energies, to activate your 12 strands of DNA and your higher vibrational human vessel.

Many of you have experienced a rollercoaster of emotions and physical symptoms, lately.

Jamye Price - The Catalyst of Compassion - Apr 20, 2017

Blessed Being, as always it is a precious moment when we meet in your awareness. Your awareness is a mechanism of life flowing, and as Life interacts with your awareness, it is shaped as a glass shapes water. Life is shaped by your awareness. Each drop creates a mighty ocean. As you are aware and observing, Life is being shaped by you. What potential futures are you offering to Life with your awareness?

As you observe life, whether it’s your own or another’s experience; it becomes important for you to be able to find your connection to a feeling of safety, a feeling of a potential. That is the powerful change that these times are offering. It is a change that occurs within you first, then connects out to life.