jueves, abril 13, 2017

Kryon "The Celebrity" 2017

Sandra Walter - The New Temple of the Divine Self - Apr 13, 2017


The New Temple of the Divine Self

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
This timeline split is one of the more interesting projects I have worked on. The affect on my consciousness and experience is profound; it is another passage of I will never be the same as the lower self continues to fade.
The New Template of Self reveals the New Temple of the Divine Self
Resolving the Destroy this temple and I will rebuild it in three days metaphor unfolds in our realities on a global scale. It takes patience to integrate and comprehend this latest upgrade of consciousness. Instant integration is still true for some frequencies, however leveling up changed with the timeline split, which is still in progress. The recommendation for rest, meditation in the stillness, and maintaining a calm center remains essential. Personally I spend most of my days in lengthy meditative states, hours of Gatework training with the Cosmic Stargates, and just BEing in the stillness, bearing witness to my body and consciousness leveling up. Many dreamtime visits with the Tribe as well; thank you for the lovely emails when you see me.

Blossom Goodchild - April 13, 2017

I offer here an emotional message from the beautiful White Cloud. After 'we' had finished, I balled my eyes out for some reason! Release? Relief? Who knows ... yet, it touched me deeply. I TRUST it will do the same for you. Not that I want you to ball your eyes out, yet you know what I mean!

Make every day a HAPPY HUMAN DAY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_DDBfwTX1g&feature=youtu.be

Please revisit The Invocation 'We are the Game Changers' whenever the mood takes you ... to keep the Energy as HIGH as we can.


The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is http://www.youtube.com/user/isjaabmo

Website: Blossom Goodchild The link to be able to access all my YouTubes is here.

Tom Kenyon - A Hathor World Meditation - The Eye of the Storm

The Eye of the Storm
A Hathor World Meditation through Tom Kenyon

We are using the metaphor of a hurricane or cyclone to describe the situation your world is now facing.

In the midst of the destructive power of these metaphorical “storms” there is a center place of silence. It is called the “Eye of the Storm.”

As the current Chaotic Node increases in intensity, chaotic and destructive forces from multiple sources will swirl about you, much like a hurricane or cyclone. Finding the center “still point” within is a spiritual necessity to survive these times intact.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message April 13, 2017

It is the ego that seeks accolades, it is the soul that seeks the joy of beingness. One is fleeting, the other deeply satisfying because one depends upon an external while the other is an expression of self. As your planet continues to evolve, there will be much joy and wonder in the discovery of the wholeness that exists within. Simply put, you will shift into choosing to love and serve for no other reason than it feels wonderful to finally express yourself in your truth and divinity, and it will become irrelevant if anyone notices or not. ~Archangel Gabriel

Alcyon Pléyades 55: Influencia lunar, bases alienígenas, fraude llegada hombre a la luna, Apolo 11

miércoles, abril 12, 2017

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - In the Midst of Great Transition - 4-11-17

In the Midst of Great Transition

The Arcturians, through Suzanne Lie

Dear Arcturians,
I have been in the midst of a great transition and have not yet settled into that NOW. However, I feel much more grounded now. Therefore, I was able to remember, “Hey Sue, why don’t you just ask the Arcturian for assistance.” So, finally, this morning, I asked them. I am sharing their answer with you.

Dear Suzille,
You are in the midst of great transition, both in your third dimensional life, as well as in your multidimensional consciousness. You volunteered long ago, actually before you took this earth vessel, to assist with Planetary Ascension. Of course, from your pre-birth location in the fifth dimension and beyond, your consciousness was attuned to a “kinder, gentler reality.”

Jennifer Hoffman - Stuck In The Light - Apr 12, 2017

I hear the words “I feel stuck” from so many clients now as they are finished with one aspect of their healing cycle and want to move into something more fulfilling and joyful. But they cannot seem to take that next step and wonder why. There is a reason for that which involves how we receive light and energy, our ascension mission, and our ability to walk in both worlds, which is why I always stress that this is an integration and not a takeover. If earlier aspects of our ascension path felt like big leaps, in this part we are inching along so we can be 5D energy receivers and share that with the earth and with humanity.

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - 9/04/17


Una mujer equilibrada seguirá mirando y comportándose de forma femenina, al igual que un hombre equilibrado seguirá actuando y mirando de forma masculina
Saludos, queridos, venimos con amor y trayendo guía para todos los que están intentando tan duramente dar sentido al mundo y a cómo se relaciona con la ascensión.
No creáis que no hay progreso, porque como ya hemos explicado, las densas y pesadas energías creadas por la humanidad durante siglos vividos en el miedo y con los corazones cerrados tienen que limpiarse globalmente y personalmente para que se manifiesten las energías del amor incondicional.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message April 12, 2017

When times get difficult or the energies get intense, the best way to get through them is to just become very present and do things one now moment at a time. From where you are, take the next natural step ahead of you, followed by the next natural step ahead of you.

You see, if you stop and observe the now moment you will recognize that in that moment many elements are working for you. You are breathing. You have shelter. Your body is working. There are many things meeting your needs and creating comfort for you.

Selacia - Amor en los registros Akashicos de su ADN - 6 de Abril 2017


Traducción: Alicia Virelli - http://www.destellosdeluz.com.ar
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Las relaciones están teniendo una dosis extra de desafíos en abril con energías planetarias estresantes que juegan y se suman a las tensiones amplificadas que hemos estado experimentando desde que comenzó 2017. En este artículo voy a esbozar algunas maneras de cómo puede recrearse esto con la gente que aman, así como la conexión entre la discordia y los viejos patrones en sus registros akáshicos del ADN.


Dentro de su ADN están los vastos registros akáshicos del viaje de su alma durante los tiempos. Acontecimientos clave, creencias, patrones, cualidades, talentos y tendencias están registradas allí. Los recuerdos y lecciones de relaciones están allí también, junto con los votos y acuerdos realizados con tus seres queridos a través del tiempo. Muy a menudo en mi práctica de sanación intuitiva del ADN, es una cuestión de la relación que una persona primero presenta como un desafío clave.

martes, abril 11, 2017

John Smallman - Jesus - Truly, you are all very wise and loving beings, that is your nature - April 11, 2017

Once the realization that there is no separation, that all are One, becomes generally recognized and honored by the majority of humankind, and this is happening very rapidly indeed now, then the conflicts across the world and the mistreatment and abuse of millions of God’s beloved children by a few severely damaged ones will cease. There are signs of this being reported now throughout your media, particularly the alternate sources, and that news alone is uplifting and inspiring for many of you who had felt that things were almost constantly going from bad to worse on Planet Earth.

Mahala - Planet Alert April 2017

Today is April 7th and we are having a wind storm here is Seattle. The wind was blowing pretty hard this morning and I imagine there will be a lot of power outages in our area. The Pacific Northwest is the opposite side of the Middle East on my world map. I wondered how the energy of Mars would work out as it started its journey over the Middle East last March 10th. We just found out last night when the United States bombed Syria because of the chemical attack on the women and children in Syria. This made Putin and Assad very angry and there may be some type of retaliation because Mars will be dominant until April 20.

Selacia - Consejos para prosperar en Abril - 31 de Marzo 2017


Traducción: Alicia Virelli - http://www.destellosdeluz.com.ar

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Este momento y antes de la Luna Llena del 10 de abril es un momento perfecto para poner en marcha nuevas ideas, planes y proyectos. La clave del éxito es el enfoque, la presencia y actuar en lo que ustedes saben en tiempo divino.

Hay una energía intrínseca de cambio en el aire. Proyectos y tal vez algunas de sus relaciones puedan beneficiarse. Inviten a sus relaciones clave que conozcan sus nuevas estrategias y ocupaciones creativas. Actualizar su visión de lo que es posible puede crear grandes cambios - incluso milagros.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message April 11, 2017

When you have a problem or issue that you can't resolve, there is always a solution that exists, you just do not have the vantage point to see it. That is where the tool of surrender comes in. Your guides, your helpers, your highest self can not only see the highest outcome for your situation, they can also see the fastest, most direct way to get there.

Surrender allows us to take the lead, and to guide you to the resolution you seek but cannot find on your own. It is calling in your own team of navigational specialists to get you to your highest outcome. You do not need to go it alone, Dear Ones, for it is our greatest joy to serve you. All you must do is give us the permission to do so, and you do that by letting us steer for a while. ~Archangel Gabriel

Sheldan Nidle Update~4-11-17~a sacred process...


Dratzo! The madness of this odd reality continues to bring forth constant new interpretations of how this world works. We are left in a quandary to figure it all out. Because of that, we are left in a holding pattern, but are still in the final process to make possible the predicted release of the RV and the end of the old USA, INC. This realm is filled with constant pitfalls that somehow turn into blessings that move everything forward. We expect to shortly hear that the initial long awaited payouts have at last begun. Those in charge of this task insist that the current misguided state of this realm is not to defer this much-prolonged moment. We expect to hear the good news and know that something grand is about to happen. This journey of yours is constantly tainted by the devious skullduggery of the supposedly helpless dark cabal. We tend to laugh at their assumptions. Our belief is that a major set of miracles is about to descend and change everything.

lunes, abril 10, 2017

Kryon "Not Ready" 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message April 10, 2017

If life was always predictable and the same, how on earth would we ever be able to surprise and delight you? Change is your friend, Dear Ones. It is how you grow and expand and make discoveries.

John Smallman - Jesús - Quítense las máscaras del miedo que presentan al mundo - 20-02-2017

La humanidad está rodando. La Humanidad está despertando.
Sí, claro que están conscientes de los conflictos, el sufrimiento y otros sucesos caóticos por todo el mundo que continuamente llegan a su atención por los varios medios que siguen.
Sin embargo, son indicadores poderosos de los grandes cambios que están en progreso por todo el planeta.
Estos cambios esenciales son precedidos por la liberación colectiva de grandes cantidades de bagaje emocional que la humanidad ha llevado a cuestas por eones.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - The gardener and the seed - April 10, 2017

The gardener and the seed

I am the gardener and the seed.

Birthing my own self.

Silently witnessing the unfolding.

Body and soul merging as I emerge.

Becoming one, becoming me.

Posted on April 10, 2017 by Aisha North • Bente Amundsen