sábado, marzo 18, 2017

Sandra Walter - Equinox Passage: Shifting to the Higher Timelines - Mar 18, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Our timeline shift is upon us, already in progress and unfolding over the next few weeks (Gateway key triggers on Equinox, March 20 (3:28amPT), March 23-27, and again April 3-7.) It is a profound experience; a combination of leaving, rising, ecstasy, revelation, new sensations, and embodying at once.

After the visions of the etheric bands of light aligning for Equinox, the Solar amplification, and what is happening in the consciousness of the Light Tribe, we arrive at the point when the lower realities will be energetically cut off. We have critical mass to reveal the alternative reality of freedom, peace and Divine Love. This a Divine opportunity for Ascension, Masters.

Ron Head - The Council - Expectations - March 18, 2017

Today the channel had a conversation regarding this subject and we would like to speak further about it.

You often have expectations regarding where you want to go, where you want your path to lead to. You want to experience this. You want to develop that. Is this the right path for me? Is this the best thing for me to be doing? Why am I ‘stuck’? I’m not going anywhere. Frustrated. Frustrated. Frustrated.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Gran Escape - Boston, 11 de marzo de 2017


Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Boston, 11 de marzo de 2017

El Gran Escape

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Cada uno de ustedes es absolutamente único. Si pudieran medir al humano, descubrirían que cada uno es diferente. Biológicamente pueden tener las mismas cosas en el mismo lugar, pero los filtros que traen a esta reunión, a esta vida, son profundos.

Ya hemos hablado de esto antes, pero repetimos que la burbuja con que llegan los protege de todo. Los protege de lo negativo, los protege de lo positivo, traen consigo un programa previo de cómo creen que funcionan las cosas. Por lo tanto, si se les presenta algo distinto, lo juzgan desde su programa previo. No desde una concesión a lo que tal vez podría ser diferente, aceptable, sino desde lo previo.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Introducción a: "El Gran Escape" - Boston, 11 de marzo de 2017


Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Boston, 11 de marzo de 2017

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético

Hablo a un grupo en vivo; lo que quiero decir es que esto no es una grabación. Y me doy cuenta muy bien que muchos de ustedes nunca tuvieron esta experiencia específica antes, de sentarse en una silla y sentir la energía de la canalización que está presente aquí.

Muchos han escuchado estas canalizaciones y reconocen un patrón en esta primera; es un patrón de establecer una creencia. Para muchos de ustedes la voz es la misma, casi durante dos horas hubo una presentación, y la voz es la misma de mi socio; la consciencia no lo es. Suelo decir que él se aparta. Lo que esto significa es que su semblante y todo lo que él es, se aparta de él, y él observa. No se va a tal grado que no pueda verificar lo que se está diciendo; lo recuerda. Este es el proceso llamado canalizar.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday March 18, 2017

It is your complete trust and faith that allows you to continue to move forward, even in situations you may not understand. There is always a plan in place that your soul is well aware of, that you are willingly participating in, that is serving you and all that you wish to integrate into your soul’s experiential repertoire. There is also a team of helpers at your disposal at all times to assist you in all of your experiences.

Ute Posegga-Rudel - UPDATE: YOU MUST GO BEYOND! - March 18, 2017

VIDEO (Excerpt)

Dearest brothers and sisters!

There is no way to solve the problems of this world by trying to use its own means!

If humanity wants to come out on the other side, the side of true Freedom, Light and Happiness, we must go beyond the prison of this world in its ENTIRETY. It is our promised turning point!

We are capable now to turn the wheel around, but how many truly understand what it means? Lets grow the numbers of those who understand and change the world by going beyond!

Natalia Alba - March Equinox 2017 - Stabilization, Resurrection & Personal Sovereignty - March 18, 2017

Beloved Ones,

In the last phase of this month, we find ourselves traversing the threshold that is leading us into a higher state of BEing and new ways of living in this New Cycle of our endless soul evolutionary path. For as you may already be feeling, our Planet, who has been bifurcating from old Earth for a while, is already relocating itself within a new dimension, entering into a higher space within this New Octave in which we have consciously decided to dwell.

It is during this Equinox that we will be infused with a new cosmic wave, for us to finally disengage from the old 3D frequency and its limitations. It is a time to clear old timeliness and begin to merge our frequency with that of New Terra, for the time to step into this New vibrational reality, out of space and time, is Now. This last wave, that began with the Eclipses, and that we are constantly integrating, will increase as we reach the Winter/Spring Equinox on March 20, in which, we are going to feel how our bodies also ask us for the proper stabilization, and care, after all these new codes that we are consciously embodying.

James Tyberonn - Arcángel Metatrón - Cuando Nada (la nada) Es Sagrado - La Evolución de la Religión - Hacia la Espiritualidad

Cuando Nada (la nada) Es Sagrado
La Evolución de la Religión
Hacia la Espiritualidad
Arcángel Metatrón a través de Tyberonn

Saludos, Maestros, Yo soy Metatrón, Angélico de Luz, con Tyberonn del Servicio Cristalino. Los abrazamos en un vector de amor incondicional.

En este tiempo actual de malestar global, existe una creciente marea de resentimiento entre las religiones surgidas de Abraham. Y una de las resoluciones necesarias que con el tiempo se producirá, es la armonía entre estas 3 religiones patriarcales. Incluso lo que ustedes creen negativo, a su tiempo se resuelve en amor, aunque por un camino áspero.

Laura Pleiadian - Spring Equinox March 20th, 2017 ~ Your Original Light - March 18, 2017

Spring Equinox March 20th, 2017 ~ Your Original Light

The Sun ~ the Source of Light and Life here on Earth. Represents the Spiritual Sun, the Source of our Inner Spiritual Light. Our Soul and our journey through the seasons of the Sun, deep within us.

The Suns Movement in the sky. The Earths trip around the Sun, experienced outwardly as Astronomical events. Are experienced through the change of the Seasons ~ the two Equinoxes and two Solstices, which have long been celebrated by the Ancients here on Earth.

The Vernal (Spring) Equinox (equal light ~ day and night) in the Northern Hemisphere, is on March 20th, 2017 at 7:28 am ADT. The Southern Hemisphere will celebrate the Fall Equinox.

Judith Kusel - The Void of Humanity - March 18, 2017

The Void of Humanity

There is a general lost-ness in the human race which in truth was of their own making, when they collectively went against Divine Cosmic Laws, and in essence against their own core creation.

The lost-ness is most found in the way most yearn to be complete again, to become whole, and more than this to find true love which is lasting and not just a fleeting dream.

Deep down the Collective Consciousness reaches out to remind us of what we once had, and what we are now so desperately trying to regain. In truth we never really lost it, nor lost ourselves, we just lost the key connections and the know-how to plug ourselves into the cosmic wholeness once again, and reclaim our wholeness WITHIN.

Mike Quinsey - Canalizando a su Ser Superior - 17 de Marzo, 2017

Aunque puede que no seáis conscientes de ello, todo va de acuerdo con el plan que conduce a la Ascensión. Puede necesitar diferentes periodos de tiempo para su término y una cosa es cierta, y es que los cambios para mejor están destinados a manifestarse y no se permitirá que nada interfiera con ellos. Por lo que podéis resistir la incertidumbre sabiendo que todo va bien. Existe un plan mayor que asegurará que las vibraciones sigan elevándose y luego os convertiréis en Seres Galácticos. Sin embargo ese tiempo está muy en el futuro, pero al menos sabéis a dónde os lleva el destino. En la actualidad el caos parece rodearos con tantos cambios que están sucediendo, y eso era lo que se esperaba mientras lo viejo se derrumba. Tened en cuenta que se está limpiando mucho karma por ello, y de hecho ya no puede mantenerse como antes y debe tratarse con la acción inmediata.


image original art http://jimwarren.com/

Lord Saint Germain is the Mahachohan of the Seven Rays of God. In this integrated channelled message he shares more on what it means to become 5th Dimensional. Ascended Masters Djwhal Khul and Serapis Bey also share their thoughts on the relationship to our Solar Angel.


My Dearest Beloveds,

I Am Lord Saint Germain, the MahaChohan of the Seven Rays of God. I come to you today to talk about how to bring forth the ability to continue the walk through your Initiations even when you feel as if you want to stop because of lower emotions or experiences that occur that can bring you into a state of wanting to give up.

You have to continually remind yourself that you are a Being of Light and without that light you could not hold yourself within your physical body.
Did you ever consider that thought in your consciousness?

Asara - AA Michael's Latest Energy Update - March 18, 2017

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

You are in a constant stream of Love and Light, coming from Source, and you can choose how much of this Love and Light you are allowing to flow through you.

viernes, marzo 17, 2017

Service-to-Self/Service-to-Others Revolutions, Rogues and Freedom Seekers

Natalie Glasson - The Pleiadian Consciousness - Healing the Emptiness Within - March 17, 217

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 17th March 2017 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa https://www.omna.org/

We, the Pleiadians Consciousness, come forth in love and truth to greet you. We bring forth the energy and light of our civilisation to support you in your period of ascension. As a being upon the Earth, you are not alone, your consciousness is connected to all aspects of the Creator, and all aspects of the Creator are connected with you. This is an aspect of ascension which is dawning now; there is a duality within your ascension which requires to be dissolved so that truth may manifest for you to experience. Often as human beings, you can feel alone and separate from others and even the Creator, this can cause tremendous pain and suffering which manifests into your physical reality and experiences. This is simply a result of a lack of consciously realising and acknowledging your eternal connection with the Creator. In order to dissolve experiences of loneliness and separation, there is a need to accept an aspect of ascension which appears to be two contrasting ideas.

Kryon - Cuando Aletea la Mariposa - Reedición - Newport, California, el 4 de Diciembre de 2016

"Cuando aletea la mariposa"

Esta canalización en vivo fue dada en Newport, California, el 4 de Diciembre de 2016

Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada [por Lee y Kryon] para ofrecer una comprensión aún más clara. A veces incluso se agrega o se condensa la información. Lo que se da en vivo suele tener implicada una energía que conlleva un tipo de comunicación que la página impresa no ofrece. Disfruten de este mensaje realzado, dado en Newport, California.


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Algunos están convencidos de que el hombre en la silla simplemente canaliza a su Yo Superior. Es mucho más que eso, y a través de todos estos años, desde este escenario no se intentó probarlo. La razón es que ustedes tienen libre albedrío. Desde la percepción más grande a la más pequeña, su opción para aceptar o rechazar es un don para ustedes en este planeta, y el Espíritu nunca tocará esta libertad que tienen.

Suzanne Lie - The Golden Ones - The Center Path of Peace and Calm - 4-16-17

The Center Path of Peace and Calm

By the Golden Ones

Dearest Golden Ones,
I have been moving through a major initiation regarding change and relocation. It has been extremely stressful, yet simultaneously great fun. In other words, I have been bouncing from one polarity to another.

I am contacting you now to ask for your assistance in guiding me, as well as my readers, to find the Center Path of Peace and Calm. I think that you have already answered me, as the term of “Center Path of Peace and Calm,” did not come from me.

Yes, dear Scribe, we the Golden Ones, did remind you of the Center Path of Peace and Calm. It is a “path less traveled,” even within a planet that is in as much transition as dear Mother Earth is experiencing.

John Smallman- Saul - When you open yourselves in Love you have nothing to hide - March 17, 2017

Humanity IS awakening! There numerous signs of this appearing all across the planet, signs that are plainly visible except to those who choose to remain unaware or in denial about the true nature of humanity – that humans are immortal spiritual beings having a temporary and limited physical experience embodied as humans. There are indeed many who, being unaware of their spiritual essence, see only the physical world and wish to remain harshly judgmental of those with whom they disagree due to their own intense inner sense of unworthiness from which they can only hide or escape by projecting that unworthiness out onto others. But, as compassion for others becomes more and more widespread, those onto whom they angrily project their fears are refusing in increasing numbers to fight back or defend themselves. That is an enormous change in attitudes.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Friday March 17, 2017

Why not start your own surrender experiment? Simply surrender into have the most wonderful day possible and see how it goes. What will happen is sooner or later you will forget to do that, and you will quickly see how much smoother surrender days go. Treating it like an experiment also gets your ego self out of the way and into a state of cooperation.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 17 March 2017

Although you may not be aware of it everything is going in accordance with the plan that leads to Ascension. It may bring forth different periods of time for completion and one thing is certain, and that is the changes for the better are destined to manifest and nothing will be allowed to interfere with them. You can therefore withstand the uncertainty, knowing that all proceeds well. There is a greater plan that will ensure that the vibrations continue to rise, and you will eventually become Galactic Beings. However such a time is well into the future, but at least you know where destiny leads you. At present chaos appears all around you with so many changes taking place, and it was to be expected as the old is falling away. Bear in mind that much karma is being cleared because of it, and in fact no longer can it be held back as previously, and must be met for immediate action.