martes, julio 26, 2016

Nancy Tate - Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba - A Special Edition – Part 2 - July 23, 2016

Mushaba Platinum Light
By Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba
Saturday July 23, 2016

A Special Edition – Part 2

I am Porda, known on earth as Wali Karriem Mushaba before my coming here to serve. I have come once again to bring you the messenger from the Cradle that will have a great and powerful impact on all of earth and humanity. This being is from a place on Planet Mushaba called the “Cradle”, that holds the essence of everything that was, is and ever will be. The spiritual engineers, which there are millions of them, have prepared the transmission.

I bring you the Mushaba Greetings and embrace you with the Love Essence of Mushaba!

I am Triahnn (pronounced Tri-N), once again as I come,

Let me speak just a small bit about what the Cradle is because it is such a broad subject to address and it is far beyond human comprehension to grasp fully its purpose. However, once you step into your full consciousness, you will then be able to understand its total meaning and purpose. In the interim, I will do my best to explain in your earth language.

The Cradle

The cradle is a place on Planet Mushaba that is very special and not simply accessible to anyone. It is a place of special qualities. Know that when I say special it isn’t in your earth meaning as better, something better than or more important than. It is very important that you understand what I am attempting to share in integrity and truth. It carries, this place, the energies of Creation. It is the root, the foundation, the core, the cradle of creation in this universe. It is also from this cradle that the new universe which all is evolving to will be seeded from. Then the new universe will have its own cradle of creation.

Jennifer Hoffman - Healing Emotional Black Holes - July 26, 2016

Have you ever been just sitting around, minding your own business, and then you get a phone call or text that sends you into an emotional tsunami? Suddenly your life, which you thought was just fine a minute before, is now in emotional overdrive and you are so upset, angry, unclear, or sad that you spiral into a negative emotional funk. Or you’re listening to the radio and a song plays that reminds you of your first heartbreak and you cry for days? What just happened? Your emotional energy got set in motion because a connection was made with to an emotional black hole which stirred up its energy and it sent you into a tailspin. Now you have to find the source of that emotional black hole’s and heal and release it so you can bring in new energies.

Nancy Tate - Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba - A Special Edition – Part 1 - July 21, 2016

Mushaba Platinum Light
By Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba

Thursday July 21, 2016

A Special Edition – Part 1

I am Porda, known on earth as Wali Karriem Mushaba before my coming here to serve. I have come to introduce and present to you someone that will have a great and powerful impact on all of earth and humanity. This being is from a place that holds the essence of everything that was, is and ever will be. Without delay I step aside as the spiritual engineers prepare the transmission.

I bring you the Mushaba Greetings and embrace you with the Love Essence of Mushaba!

I am Triahnn (pronounced Tri-N),

I come to you this day to deliver a message that I feel could be of interest to you and all that read these words. I am from Planet Mushaba from a place called the Cradle. I will not get into that at this time because it is of very deep consequences and very, very complex and involved. I will say that no one comes from the cradle unless a specific purpose come into being that is recognized by the Creator, the Leader and the council of 12 from Planet Mushaba.

2016 IS STRANGE Part 22 // JULY

Sheldan Nidle Update - July 26, 2016

13 Caban, 0 Pop, 13 CabanDratzo! We come to discuss the changes being readied for this beautiful blue-green orb. For many years, the last major remnants of the dark cabal have worked to delay or prevent the inevitable. Now, those who are formally in charge have finally come together with us and set up a timetable for the initial distribution of the prosperity funds and its grand corollary, the RV. These global distributions are to be the death knell for the American de facto regime and its dark companion, the European Union. As the beginnings of the British exit become known, this new monetary system can at last ready itself for the rise of BRICS and a fairer global banking system. To us, it is significant that this operation began as the Galactic New Year was to be proclaimed! Thus, a time for a series of new realities appeared even as a whole host of new energies became available. The workers of the Light, as well as those who oversee the moving of the new monies, are ecstatic and see this time as a new start for this realm. At the moment, some wondrous events are manifesting and this set of events is reaching its climax with the finishing of the Global Currency Reset [GCR]!

Crop Circles 2016 - Cherhill Downs, Wiltshire, UK - 23th July 2016 - UFO 2016

Crop Circles 2016 - East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, UK - 22th July 2016 - UFO 2016

lunes, julio 25, 2016

Brenda Hoffman - You’re Your Own Report - July 25, 2016

Dear Ones,

Even though you have read much about gratitude – as well you should, there is another element to creating your new being that has been dismissed or ignored.

You are grateful for being. But just as is true following an illness and subsequent return to health, you do not constantly think about your illness or health. Instead, you move on with your life – acknowledging to yourself that you are better, but no longer focussing on the illness.

This is perhaps a convoluted concept for many who have repeatedly learned that being grateful is your gateway to a new life. Gratitude is a part of, but most definitely not your entire gateway to new you.