domingo, marzo 27, 2016

Pequeño Fragmento del Informe del Oleaje de Solara para Marzo 2016 ~ EL CAOS DEL CAMBIO ~ 27 de marzo de 2016

Marzo es un mes dinámico, cargado de acción desde el principio hasta el final. ¡Las Luces Verdes están completamente encendidas! El Mono de Fuego ya está correteando por las copas de los árboles con los bolsillos llenos de locas travesuras, creativos y emocionantes proyectos e inesperados avances. Todo lo que él/ella hace este año es con el propósito de liberarnos de viejos patrones y alinearnos con nuestro Verdadero Camino.

En este momento, el mundo derruido de la dualidad está creando un intenso caos en el mundo exterior. Mucha energía vieja distorsionada se está agitando y gran parte de ella es extremadamente sucia, ruidosa y más que un poco loca. Este caos está sembrando las semillas del miedo, ira e histeria. Está lleno de siniestros escenarios de ciencia ficción demasiado irreales. El caos es causado por todas las energías viejas que la Nueva Realidad está agitando y aflojando. Ahora estas energías ilusorias deben abandonar el planeta.

Judith Kusel - The Tuning in – Celestially - March 27, 2016

The movement of the Central Suns, the galaxies, the Universes, the star systems all rest on the very foundations of cosmic order and balance. It rests upon the same basic Universal Cosmic Laws, within which we have been created as soul occupying physical form on this planet.

To me the last few hours have been one of integration the immensity of the higher insight and understanding of this in some energetic form for I work with cosmic energies and energy fields, and therein the underlying order.

I have for the last ten years of my life steadily been introduced to massive intelligent and vibrant life force energy fields, which form a vital component to the very structures on which the whole Creation is based on.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - March 27, 2016

When you dedicate your life to God, you move into the Lifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are no limitations.

Dear One,

When you dedicate your life to God, an expansion occurs. When your energy fields expand, the limitations of the physical world begin to drop away. You feel lighter, uplifted, more joyful. Your heart resonates at a deeper level of truth. You begin to operate at a higher level of awareness. This new awareness brings you a more enlightened perspective on your life.

It is a wondrous feeling to be in a place of enlightened perspective. All of a sudden you look at your world with new eyes. Your attitude is one of love and compassion, and you become more forgiving of situations that normally would have upset you. This is the grace available to you from the Divine Source. It is always available to you and exists as a stream of heightened energy frequency, or Pure Consciousness.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - March 27 – April 3, 2016

Beloved Ones,

The world is moving into the process of renewal and regeneration. This can be readily seen in world events. All the outworn systems that do not serve the highest good of all are being highlighted through events that are taking place. It is difficult for humanity to comprehend that a higher law is in force when all that they see is chaos and a world gone mad. This is the time for which all Lightworkers of the world have been incarnated upon this planet. Your Light is making a difference! Do not become discouraged by what you view through the lens of the media, there is more at work in the higher perspective than is presented to you.

Within you there is much recalibration taking place. Like it or not, your physical vehicles are being transformed into higher versions of more rarefied form. Most of you are by now intimately experiencing waves of heat throughout your spines at regular intervals. When this happens, you know that your DNA strands are being activated and opened up. There are many strange symptoms that are being experienced by many of you and this will continue to occur. Some of you are experiencing anxiety without knowing the cause. This is in relation to the fact that you are heading into unknown territory and you do not know what it holds for you. Be at peace and ride these waves as they come, you will emerge victorious!

John Smallman - Saul - The nagging feeling that there must be more to life - 03/27/2016

The Easter celebration is a reminder of your oneness with God, and therefore with one another, an annual commemoration of the Resurrection which was a major step in moving all of humanity forward toward awakening from the dream of separation. The Resurrection brought into humanity’s awareness the possibility of remembering the knowledge, hidden for eons beneath a cloak or veil of indifference and self-imposed ignorance, that you are One with God.

That memory is now arising into humanity’s collective consciousness and leading to an intense collective desire to return to Reality, to awaken from the dream or nightmare in which you have been ensconced since the moment you chose to experience separation from your divine Source. Truly that moment of choice was but a moment ago, but the environment of separation you invented in which to play your games had rules that had to be observed or, if you prefer, natural laws that appeared to control the environment that the game had established, and one of those was linear time.

sábado, marzo 26, 2016

John Smallman - Jesús- The nightmare of worldwide poverty, conflict, and suffering will cease. - March 25, 2016

We are all evolving spiritually because Creation, Reality is ever ongoing, there is no final destination, just a continual growth in joy and happiness that continuously uplifts and inspires. God, our Father, the Source, All That Is wills our happiness and joy and so it will be accomplished. Life within God, where all Life occurs, is an ever-expanding journey of joy. In contrast the human life experience is one in which you strive to accomplish something and on achieving what you intended soon find it unsatisfying, and so you seek something new to replace or supersede it. Satisfaction is impossible within the illusion, because nothing there is Real. Temporary pleasure or satisfaction does of course occur, but the pleasure or satisfaction cannot and does not last. Life is eternal, but human life is a very limited experience in which there is great striving to prevent, avoid, or deny the inevitable – death – that is driven by fear. But death is just a releasing of limitation and an opening into Reality – fully conscious awareness of eternal existence within the Oneness that is All That Is. Reality is what all are seeking, but cannot find because they look outside themselves instead of within. Lasting joy and happiness, where you know and experience yourself as One with Source, and therefore with all of Creation, can only be found within. That is why all your guides and mentors from the spiritual realms keep on stressing the absolute essentiality of taking time out daily, and also throughout the day, to go within and be in peace there with the inextinguishable divine Light that dwells there – the Real You. You will not find it elsewhere, as many self-help books might suggest, because there is no “elsewhere.” Within is Reality, without is illusion or dream.

viernes, marzo 25, 2016

Ute Posegga-Rudel - OUR GOD-SELF: I AM FREE AND SO YOU ARE - March 25, 2016

VIDEO (recommended!)

My Beloved Ones! 

Always remember: your world changes, the Truth That You Are, never changes.

Your Truth is Divine Truth, is Eternal, Is Substance and Primordial Essence of Existence, nothing less. It Exists before mind arises.

Do you understand?!

When mind arises, the multitude of worlds, universes and things appear. The dimensions unfold, emotions arise, experiences drive you and the notion of opposites seem to be real.

In Me, the Real, That Is The Eternal One, you all, the many souls and all the differences appear to dance the dance of joy and happiness and light, or walk the walk of suffering and darkness.

But beyond - there is the infinite Source of Love and Bliss and you will come to know that Love even contains darkness and suffering, because Love embraces all.

Dianne Robbins - March Monthly Channeling: Return of the Christ Consciousness

Return of the Christ Consciousness

Greetings. It is Mikos, your brother from the Hollow Earth, bringing you glad tidings for the ascension wave about to sweep the surface and funnel you into the Fifth Dimension of Light and Love and everlasting Peace. We bless you from below, as we feel the flow of energy engulfing our planet and all life in and on it.

Every living specie will be catapulted into a new world of Love and Light—a world where all can continue their everlasting evolution into Eternity, free from constraint and limitations and poverty and wars.

Aisha North - March 25, 2016

Aisha North series 92 - 2

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 25 March 2016

Whether you are aware of it or not, matters are progressing well in spite of the many delays. However they will be unable to influence the outcome, as all has been well planned. The Forces of Light approach nearer to you as time passes, and are ready to carry out their tasks at very short notice. The dark Ones and their minions are but a small force compared to the Light, but never the less can cause delays in your work as you have experienced. “Re-valuation” is ready to commence and will do so once those in control are satisfied that by proceeding, they are not putting the whole scheme at risk. It involves many countries that are now ready to go ahead at very short notice. Be assured that matters are so advanced now that nothing will stop the eventual changes from taking place.

The turmoil is still occurring on Earth as the dark Ones continue make themselves known by their indiscriminate actions against innocent people. Naturally karma is involved but that does not in any way excuse their murderous intentions. It achieves nothing in furthering their cause, but alienates people on all levels. These actions can be brought to a complete halt and will be once a certain point is reached. Meantime you will continue to evolve as the vibrations proceed to lift you up, and will draw further away from the lower vibrations until you are ready to ascend.

Christine Meleriessee - Master Thoth: Being Responsible for Each Moment of Our Lives ~ Law of Action - March 25, 216

This article is a channeled message from Master Thoth. He is the initiator of the Universal Laws of our Universe as given in his lifetime as “Hermes Trismegistus”. He is working with Walking Terra Christa to help bring a more accurate understanding to the Universal Laws within the concept of accepting them in our Mastery pathway for the betterment of our existence as we co-create a Fifth Dimensional New Earth. He will give a teaching this weekend on the Law of Action.

“ThIS Universal Law states that THE Law of Action Must be employed in order for us to manifest things on earth. We must engage in actions that supports our thoughts dreams, emotions and words.”

A Divine Light Language Message from Master Thoth of the Unified Whole Command. A Channeled Transmission by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden

jueves, marzo 24, 2016

Lauren C. Gorgo - Equinoccio-Eclipse: el corredor de la verdad - 20 de Marzo 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Feliz equinoccio. Casi no puedo creerlo pero ya estamos a mitad de camino a lo largo del ciclo de eclipses y ahora entramos en lo que se llama el “corredor de la verdad” al comenzar a alinearlos con las energías de resurrección de la Pascua que se transmitirán con tanta fuerza durante el venidero eclipse/luna llena.

Al entrar a esta estación planetaria chocamos contra algunos cambios principales ya que los cielos celestiales se preparan para desplegar uno de los pasajes más fenomenales en la historia humana.

Como avanzamos con tanta rapidez a través del tiempo y espacio en este momento en la tierra, a veces no somos capaces de entender plenamente el alcance y magnitud de tales cambios hasta que aparecen en las dimensiones físicas. Según mis fuentes, esto es lo que proclama el 2016…..comenzando con la primavera en el norte y la emergencia cíclica de nueva vida.

Tom Kenyon - los Hatores - Desestabilización - 7 de Febrero de 2016

Tu mundo está entrando en un período de desestabilización inmensa.

En mensajes anteriores nos hemos referido a los Nodos Caóticos como cambios inesperados, caóticos y catalíticos. También hemos advertido en mensajes previos que están surgiendo Nodos Caóticos múltiples, y en este mensaje nos referimos a su interacción como desestabilización.

(ver el mensaje previo de los Hathors titulado Intensificación de los Nodos Caóticos y Desmantelamiento de la Realidad 3-D)

La desestabilización de tu mundo está ocurriendo en los niveles ecológico, social e individual de la existencia.

Comencemos por las cuestiones ecológicas.

Esencialmente el medio ambiente de tu planeta está envenenándose. La acidificación de los océanos, el uso excesivo de pesticidas, agentes químicos y combustibles fósiles, interactúan para crear un Nodo Caótico ecológico de proporciones enormes. Por cierto, tus científicos en número creciente están diciendo que la Tierra está entrando en las etapas iniciales de una “sexta extinción masiva.”

Geoffrey Hoppe - La Experiencia del Maestro - Artículo de la Revista Shaumbra Marzo 2016

Traducción: Héctor Santos Ramallo

Tuve un viaje lúcido de experiencia mística recientemente. Fue una de esas experiencias internas profundas que desafía toda explicación lógica. Ni siquiera voy a tratar de describir la experiencia aquí porque fue demasiado personal. También creo que me volvería loco si tratara de ponerlo en palabras. A pesar de que estoy empezando a escribir este artículo mi computadora de repente se pone extraña ante mí, al igual que las energías son demasiado para ella (y posiblemente para mi) de manejar.

Natalie Glasson - Celestial White Beings and the Pleiades - Divine Inner Consciousness - 24th March 2016

It is with love we step forth to greet you; we are the energy and consciousness of the Celestial White Beings and the Pleiades. We merge our energy in beautiful synthesis creating a wondrous ensemble of light which we shower over and through your being. Colours of white, blue and green like jewels of light cascade distributing our combined energy, consciousness and frequency to support the presence of the Creator’s light within all. Our light has a greater purpose which is to shed illusions connected to the concept of truth and the perspective of spiritual or Creator truth in order to encourage many to engage with their Divine Inner Consciousness.

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Un llamado a la Familia del E - ¡Únanse, Trabajadores de Luz! - 17 de marzo de 2016

Faros de Luz

Marzo de 2016
Presentado en vivo el 27/2/2016

Saludos desde el Hogar, queridos

Los saludamos en este día con un mensaje muy especial, porque ustedes se han reunido muchas veces, no solo en el planeta Tierra sino en todo el universo. Existe un grupo selecto de espíritus que han viajado una y otra vez a dondequiera que fuesen necesarios en el universo. Muchos están reunidos en el planeta Tierra ahora mismo, porque son la Familia del E. Ahora bien; ¿qué representa esa "E"? ¿Es increíblemente importante que tengan la letra E en su nombre? No, por supuesto que no. La vibración "E" que usan en sus idiomas y que resulta ser el sonido más común en todos ellos, también representa a otros lugares del universo. La "E" representa el "Empoderamiento" y la "Iluminación", o cualquier otra traducción de ello que en realidad no les haría justicia. Queridos, ustedes sencillamente son la Familia del E.

Brenda Hoffman - Adiós al Temor, Amigo - 21 de Marzo 2016


Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Está sucediendo tanto, no obstante es como si no existiera más que el temor, el dolor y la angustia. ¿No han completado su proyecto de temor de la 3D? ¿Están haciendo algo mal, se están engañando creyendo que están en 5D?

NO, todo es como está proyectado. Están construyendo una nueva vida con nuevas herramientas. Pero antes de comenzar a construir/crear su nueva vida, deben declarar que este caos no es su vida – meramente una fase pasajera.

Ustedes han atravesado este temor antes. Están haciéndolo ahora para entender que ya no están en 3D.

Jordan Maxwell On The Catholic Church, The Vatican & The Bizarre Death Of Justice Antonin Scalia.

Jennifer Hoffman - Shine Your Light Unconditionally - March 24, 2016

Is the light you shine any less bright if no one notices or acknowledges it? Or is it possible to shine the light just because that is part of your life path? Those with the brightest lights are easier to see but their task is not to engage more people in the light, it is simply to shine their light in a more unconditional way. The light shines so all can see but not all do, not all want to, and not all need to. This doesn’t diminish the importance or value of the light. Its value is not measured by how many see, embrace, and embody it, but by how brightly it shines, even if it shines alone.
Those who shine most brightly are not burdened with lighting the greatest amount of darkness or bringing more people to the light, they become light beacons of the choice to embrace a higher frequency and vibration, not imperatives for change. Being an unconditional source of light means you shine brightly no matter who sees the light, it is there for all to see when it is their time and when they are ready.

miércoles, marzo 23, 2016

Brenda Hoffman - Convirtiéndonos en Adultos Universales - 15 de Marzo 2016

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo


Todo está convulsionado. Aparentemente se les empuja y tira de ustedes. Esto es de esperar cuando están en este punto de transición. Porque toman decisiones continuamente respecto a cómo quieren proceder.

Cuando escalaban su montaña de dolor, se preocupaban por liberar sus temores. Aunque rodaran cuesta abajo y su camino a la alegría se hiciese más lento con las paradas y comienzos – sabían que rodaban hacia la alegría.

Ahora que están en 5D su enfoque ya no es en uno o dos objetivos. Quieren crear su sueño en la tierra, vivir una vida en paz, explorar nuevas frecuencias, viajar en el tiempo y visitar otras dimensiones – todo a la vez.

Creando temores internos de que no han hecho lo suficiente o saben lo suficiente. Un temor que les preocupa desde que comenzó su transición en esta vida. “¿Y si no tengo suficiente poder para cumplir mi promesa a mí mismo y al Universo antes de nacer a esta vida. Si no paso la prueba soy dios/diosa o meramente un ser terrenal con sueños y deseos, qué si soy un farsante al igual que lo es esta transición?”