jueves, diciembre 31, 2015

Rev. Terri Newlon - Djwhal Khul - 2016 New Year - Dec 31, 2015

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. We’re still kind of on the tail end of that ‘Deep Crevice’ that I had predicted. So either we’ve got it shortened quite a bit or smoothed it over or bridged the gap or everyone has gone through it. We are pre-recording these messages for the holidays so it’s still kind of an unknown factor here.

What I can talk about in this Spirituality Article is information for the New Year 2016. We’ll eventually be going into the Chinese New Year of the Monkey and it’s a male monkey and the energy there can be very interesting.

But essentially what I see is constraints and restrictions being imposed. It’s probably increases in security, maybe people just putting a better lock on their home door or putting locking gas caps on their vehicles but I see essentially more tightening down of things, more control, maybe even less free movement in some places. So that might be before you enter a building there’s more security first and that sort of thing.

On a personal level from a spiritual perspective, it can be a time of very accelerated spiritual growth and certainly I’ll always remind you to use your free will choice to say what you do want, over and over again; positive affirmations please.

Alright Dear Ones. Thank you and my love to you.

Djwhal Khul

Channeled by Rev. Terri Newlon


Steve Rother - El Grupo - Llenando la vacante de luz - 16 de diciembre de 2015

Nota: El siguiente mensaje ha sido editado y vuelto a canalizar parcialmente por el Grupo para lograr una mayor claridad en este formato.

Un saludo a todos, yo soy Elrah del Servicio Rítmico.

Quise participar un momento porque también estoy celebrando un cumpleaños. En realidad, celebro mi cumpleaños todos los meses, pero no se lo he dicho a nadie porque ustedes no cuentan con suficientes números para llegar a la sumatoria de mi cumpleaños. No, ya superamos la marca de los 200.000 y, a partir de ahí, tendemos a olvidarlo. Sin embargo, quise celebrarlo con todos ustedes porque comprenden lo que está sucediendo en el Planeta Tierra y que se está volviendo hermoso.

Brenda Hoffman - Creen y Celebren - 28 de Diciembre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo



¿Están listos? ¿Están atemorizados o entusiasmados? Porque su vida nunca será la que fue en noviembre del 2015.

Ustedes son diferentes. No pueden todavía quizás sentir esa diferencia, pero ya no son de la tierra. Por supuesto, se despiertan cada mañana en su cama. Continúan pagando facturas y cuidando de sus hijos o de sus padres, pero ya no son de la tierra.

Sarah Varcas - Informe de Astro Energía – Enero 2016 - Preparándose para Comenzar - Diciembre 30, 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

El 2016 puede comenzar lentamente. ¡Puede que hasta sintamos la tentación de descartar enero antes de darle una oportunidad! De ser así, ¡no lo hagan! Es cierto que no es el inicio más inspirador para comenzar un nuevo año, pero el sentimiento general en este mes, de comenzar bien nuestras vidas, resolviendo asuntos pendientes nos pone en buen camino para febrero, cuando comience una estación de eclipses (con dos eclipses luego en marzo) y las cosas comiencen a tomar impulso. Este es un mes de hacer cosas prácticas ya sea limpiar los estantes, pagar cuentas atrasadas, ponernos al día con la correspondencia, o decidir de una vez por todas ¡a que partes de nuestra vida vamos a darle solución en este año! No subestimen el poder de estas actividades aparentemente sin consecuencia. En este mes ellas forman el fertilizante para el crecimiento que vendrá en su momento.

Dana Mrkich - Heightened Desires Highlight the 'Gap' - December 31, 2015

We are halfway through the 11 days of all planets being in forward direct motion. This influence heightens the dreams and desires we have for our life. It clears the focus on the future, reminding us: This is what I want, that is what I came here to do, this is the kind of experience I want for my life, that is how I want to feel.
Because our 'what I want' is so highlighted, so too is our feeling of 'the gap' between there and here, wherever here is right now, physically, emotionally, materially, financially, spiritually. So while we are receiving flashes of inspiration and nudges to do abc, or stop doing xyz, we are also likely having any 'not in alignment' thoughts/beliefs/emotions/memories/patterns being brought to our attention. This can feel uncomfortable and unpleasant, but my motto is better out than in!

Jennifer Hoffman - 2016 Predictions - December 31, 2015

2016 Predictions

Hi everyone and welcome to a new year. It’s an exciting time and I am very encouraged at the possibilities that the 2016 has for us. This has been a long and often difficult journey, which we often walked alone, feeling our way through the darkness without the benefit of any light, including our own, wondering whether we would ever be happy or feel good. Here we are at what I believe is the end of one significant part of our journey but before you get too comfy, it’s a relay race, not a marathon, so the end of one phase begins another. This one is far different though because we have so many tools available to us from the many years of experience and learning that we have achieved. We can make 2016 a year where we achieve our dreams, open our wings and soar into new potentials. We just have to begin and it begins today. But it’s going to require that we activate our high vibes to make the most of that potential.

Emmanuel Dagher - The Year of Miracles - January 2016 - December 31, 2015

My soul friend,

Happy New Year! Before we catch up on the blessings 2016 has in store, let’s reflect a moment on the gifts the past year brought us.

What a ride 2015 took us on! If the highs and lows felt extreme for you, know that you are not alone.

If I could sum up this past year in two words, they would be “awakening” and “abundance.”


miércoles, diciembre 30, 2015

Natalie Glasson ~ Divine Intervention of Venus by Beings of Venus - 30th December 2015

Original Source Sacred of OmNa

Welcome to a new shift of awakening upon the Earth and within your being, this is a time of profound shifts which you have been preparing for since 2012. The Era of Love will more fully manifest from your being and into the Earth in 2016 for your greater experience. Know that the love you feel within your heart and soul will intensify becoming a powerful force moving throughout your being and influencing your physical reality. This is due to the preparations you have made especially the releasing of fears and energy patterns in 2015, however it is also due to the Earth now being of an appropriate frequency to create a powerful alignment with the planet and civilisation of Venus.

Ron Head - The Council - Clearing - Dec 30, 2015

Once again we begin by asking that today’s date be included in the message. Today is December 30th, 2015.

Almost everyone who follows our messages will know of the standing wave frequency of the earth called the Schumann Resonance. This frequency has definite effects upon the human being. There is, for instance, a correlation between the steady increase in the frequency over the last few years and your perception of the increasing rapidity of the passage of time.

For almost all of the period during which you have known of this resonance, it was almost a constant. In the last few years, it has more than doubled. That would seem to correspond to humanity’s conscious awakening, would it not? As a matter of fact, as the frequency increased, humanity’s nature has seemed to calm and become more compassionate. You have begun to search within more and more.