sábado, diciembre 27, 2014

Aisha North – The manuscript Of Survival – Part 431 – 27 December 2014

AishaNorthFor now, you have already attained so much of what you came here to do, but there is still a while yet before you can see the full scope of your accomplishments. Indeed, you will all find yourself wallowing in frustration at one time or another in the time ahead, and the reason for that will be the simple fact that you all know at a higher level of your being that what you see around you in no way resembles the reality you have already stepped into energetically. In other words, what you SEE is not what you have, and as such the gap between the two is one that will be difficult to navigate for many of you in the time ahead.
For now is when the challenges arise, the ones that are born from the certitude that you already know that your mission to this planet has been a success, but as yet the fruits of your labours may seem to be invisible to you. Therefore we say to all, prepare yourself by allowing that inner core of yours to step to the forefront in any way you can, for as long as you maintain the connection between your human self and your own true self inviolate you will at all times find a way to navigate through what at times will be very choppy waters indeed. You see, the effects from your successful energetic endeavors over this last period of time will soon make its appearance known to all, but it will do so in what can only be described as some unexpected ways and at some seemingly inopportune moments. You see, this is a period of fluctuations that will bring with them what may seem on a superficial level to be upheavals in every connotation of the word, but as long as you maintain that inner connection, you will feel literally in your very bones that this is not about tearing apart, this is all about starting to settle in to some very new patterns indeed. And as such, what can be easily misconstrued as demolition for the sake of demolition itself is simply all about reaffirming what has already been set into motion.

Council of Angels via Goldenlight ~ Energetic and High Frequency Upgrades in Preparation for Ascension, a Harmonizing with the Higher Dimensional Frequencies - December 27, 2014

© The Goldenlight Channel. Message transcribed by Goldenlight, www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. Please include this copyright notice without alteration, a link to the original message, and the full message without alteration when reposting this message. Permission not granted to use on YouTube.
Good afternoon we are The Council of Angels, including Archangel Zadkiel, Michael, Chamuel, and Raphael. Dearest Michael of the Blue Ray, as you know is the beloved protector angel, wielding his shield of truth, protection and love to assist all humans in need. Our dearest Beautiful Chamuel of the Soft Pink light sends you her unconditional and unwavering love and wraps you in this blanket of unconditional love for now and all time. Dearest Raphael our healing angel of the Green Ray is with us as well, as is Archangel Zadkiel, our beloved transformation and alchemy angel also tied to the Violet Flame and the Violet Ray. We are some of the angels that comprise Goldenlight’s Council of Angels. She first became aware of us in 1993 in a meditation, and then became aware again of her ties to us when she had her Reconnection done 2 years ago in the summer of 2012. (1) During this beautiful session which reconnects you with the knowledge of your soul origins and blueprint, galactic origins and blueprint, and divine blueprint, as well as memories of your soul contracts, pre-birth contracts, life’s mission on earth, and so much more, during this session that Goldenlight had done, she “reconnected” with us in a very permanent way so that she has access to us at any time simply by first tuning into her higher self and then to all of Us.

Eliza - The Solstice Ceremony (EXPANDED VERSION) - December 27, 2014

Eliza: The Solstice Ceremony (EXPANDED VERSION)
The following description is an expanded version of the Festivities that recently took place upon The White Winds. This piece is designed to give the reader a glimpse into what takes place during a high dimensional celebration of this nature.
During a messaging session, Ladies Tazjima, Trillia and RaNia were able to plug into Now Time and re-enter the time and space of the ceremony and “see” and experience the festivities in more detail.  As I transcribed this piece, even more detail began to emerge.  If you relax and sink into a meditative space, you can pull up this kind of “memory”, too, for all time is simultaneous in the Now moment.
This grand ceremony was long planned by many as the first in a series of graduation celebrations for members of the First Wave of Starseed Volunteers who went forth to assist in the now completed Evolutionary Period which ended on 12.21.2012. For this particular ceremony, there would be slightly less than 100 graduates present, but many attendees would come from all over the Multiverse, as family, friends, mentors and guides and interested parties. This was to be the first in a series of gala celebrations, each one to be aligned with an Earth-based astrological / astronomical event of some significance, usually on the cusp from one Sign to another.

St Germain via Goldenlight: The Raising of the Frequency of Money and Consciousness As We Enter The Golden Age - December 27, 2014

Mandala - dharma_chakra_mandala_with_ashtamangala_tq29
Channeled by Goldenlight, www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, the full message unaltered, and a link to the source message when re-posting this message.

 Reposted 12-27-14
Hi St Germain, just checking in on the progress of the RV…just an update on where we are at in the process.
You are an important part of this transition, your messages have helped and uplifted many already and as you know this transition is about raising one’s frequency. The frequency of money is going to be raised by this RV (Revaluation of Currencies) and by this GCR (Global Currency Reset)… it will be raised to match peoples consciousness. A new paradigm around money will develop, eventually leading to a money-less society. We in the higher dimensions live without money because we are so highly aware that we are All One that we would never even consider living outside of that mindset. So we know that everything we do affects the whole and affects the good of All. Things are just of a different DENSITY in the higher dimensions… Things are more energy-based and not as dense as they are in 3D… We can pretty much manifest instantly here but we do it with the deepest intent for the highest good of All for we know that another’s well-being is our well-being, and vice versa. It takes the Golden Rule concept to a higher level, that to do anything to another is to literally do it to yourself… So we know that we affect things throughout the universe with each action we take and each thought that we have.

Lady Master Pallas Athena – Feel as if One with it All – Channeled by Fran Zepeda - December 27, 2014

pallas athenaReceived December 26, 2014

Lady Master Pallas Athena:
Hello, Dear Ones. It is I, Pallas Athena, infiltrating your very Being with Love and infinite completeness and wholeness, a wisp of Creator’s energy in every cell of your Being expanding at will with each breath of Love that you take.
Take a step with me now into the unknown and receive the sweet soft energy of Creator’s Infinite Love. Integrate it now into your very Being and get used to living within it as it is within you ever more securely as you integrate all your aspects into your unfathomable Beingness.
It is not for you to deny anymore. Fill yourselves with the Unconditional Love you have for yourself as a match to Creator’s Love for you. It is one and the same: The love you have for yourself and the love Creator has for you. Allow it to expand and spiral up in increasing depth and scope and swim in it as your true boundaries of your energy field become Infinite in scope.

viernes, diciembre 26, 2014

Kryon The Next Three Years [2014-11-30]

Karen Dover - Anchoring TRUTH to the CORE of the Human vehicle - December 26, 2014

As the energies now begin to dissolve the illusion that has wrapped the human race in veils the need to anchor TRUTH deep within the core of our human vehicles is NOW. This is the direct connection to SOURCE and GOD.  It is important to recognize that human language has been distorted and that the actual frequency of human language has been deliberately altered. Many utter words that have a frequency other than the word IMPLIES.  So it is with the word GOD where many trigger and instantly assume that GOD is the same frequency that is taught within the various religions that are available across the planet.  The war of words around “God” and who’s “God” is better than the others has raged for eternity and this is DELIBERATE for in the DEBATING the actual connection to and experience of, the frequency of GOD has been manipulated.

Eliza: On Being a Spiritual Warrior - December 26, 2014

Magic Staircase

Eliza: On Being a Spiritual Warrior

“The path of the spiritual warrior is not soft and sweet. It is not artificially blissful and pretend forgiving. It is not fearful of divisiveness. It is not afraid of its own shadow. It is not afraid of losing popularity when it speaks its truth. It will not beat around the bush where directness is essential. It has no regard for vested interests that cause suffering. It is benevolent and it is fiery and it is cuttingly honest in its efforts to liberate itself and humanity from the egoic ties that bind. Shunning strong opinions in the name of spirituality is anti-spiritual. Real spirituality is a quest for truth, in all its forms. Sometimes we find truth on the meditation cushion and sometimes we find it at the heart of just conflict. May all spiritual warriors rise into fullness; this planet is lost without them.” Jeff Brown
It’s the day after Christmas and while I was scrolling down my timeline on Facebook, these words of Jeff Brown caught my eye.

jueves, diciembre 25, 2014

Christmas with Jordan Maxwell - Exploring Holiday Origins - 3 Hour Special

Tiempo de Cine - Movie Time - The Interview (2014)


Poster de The Interview (Una Loca Entrevista)


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Brothers, beloved Sisters,
We are one and we serve the one 
force and power: God.
Today we have reached a new point in time.
Great healings have been fulfilled and great 
healings are coming up. The energy field of this 
ascending planet has been purified again and has 
been freed from the dark and sluggish influences 
out of the collective field. This relief of the planetary 
energy field paves the way for further steps in 

Jennifer Hoffman - ¿Están Hablando Mi Idioma de Energía? - 23 de Diciembre 2014

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

¿Han tratado alguna vez de hablarle a alguien en un idioma que ustedes no hablan? ¿O comunicarse con alguien que no los estaba escuchando o prestándoles atención? ¿Qué sucede cuando el idioma o la atención no son el problema pero igualmente no se pueden conectar y comunicarse con alguien? Al avanzar hacia una mayor percepción de nosotros mismos como seres energéticos, nos haremos más conscientes de la energía de la gente que nos rodea, quiénes se pueden conectar fácilmente con nosotros y quiénes no. La energía es la forma en la que primero nos conectamos con alquien al principio, y todo fluye desde esa conexión cuando lo hace y no cuando no está presente.

miércoles, diciembre 24, 2014

Meredith Murphy - Limitlessness Meets the Material - December 24, 2014

Greetings beloved friends and welcome. It is time for us to invite you to turn your attention inward. We invite you to place your attention and to orient to the flow of energy entering your field. To close your eyes and place your focus in your energy field so that you can allow yourselves to perceive, notice or sense ... in whatever way arises for you, the vibration, the emanation, the flow of your being.
As you are placing your attention on this you’ll realize this is a subtle thing and that’s because higher frequency energies are more subtle. It is higher frequency energies flowing into you purely and directly. The more you turn your inner knowing and attention to perceiving and orienting to these energies the more your capacity to perceive them opens up.
With an awareness of the pure energy of you coming into your field and even if you feel that you are simply imagining this, take a deep breath and intend to open further.

Shanta Gabriel - Celebration of the 12 Holy Nights – Completion - Dec 24, 2014 |

The 11th Night – January 3

We honor Taurus, the bull horns act as spiritual receivers, grounding into Divine Speech. The Virtue to take into the New Year is Balance within the Soul, Body, and Spirit. Balancing inner life with outer work leading to forward progress. We contemplate the great love in the Cosmos, God for us, and our love and devotion to God.

Shanta Gabriel - Holy Nights Celebration – Part 3 - Dec 24, 2014

December 30 – 7th Night

On this night we honor Virgo, the protector of growth, harvest, where our spiritual nourishment is digested. Throughout these nights we are digesting the year we are completing and nourishing our way forward. The Virtue is Courtesy, Reverence, an Honoring leading to tactfulness of the heart, so that all we say is communicated with Love. We recognize and offer gratitude to the spiritual beings – The Kyriotetes, the spirits of Wisdom bringing forth Divine Order and perfection, the Matrix within all things.

Shanta Gabriel - Holy Nights Celebration – Part 2 - Dec 24, 2014

Now seven days past the Solstice, we are beginning to see the days lengthening as the sunlight grows stronger. Perhaps we are also seeing more clarity in our minds, as the opening into Divine Light continues. The process of the Twelve Nights is marking this in an amazing way as we light the different colored candles each night and the light is expanding in the candle-lit Sacred Space we have created. The Holy Nights are the window between the Solar and Lunar calendars and offer us a special window in time when the veils between the dimensions lift.
We have honored the human capacity to grow in consciousness and welcome the Divine presence into our beings. We have remembered to thank our Guardian Angels who protect us, share our lives, and intervene on our behalf for the sake of our soul. We have felt great gratitude to the expansiveness of the Archangels who are hold all the nations and communities of the world in love and wholeness, so we may truly create peace on Earth. Our perspective is being encouraged to be very universal during this expansive period of time, when windows are opening to Divine Grace and Wisdom.

Shanta Gabriel - The Celebration of the Holy Nights - Dec 24, 2014

The celebration of the Holy Nights, or the Twelve Nights of Christmas is observed in many cultures. It can be celebrated as an Inner Journey one takes to give birth to the sun within our being in order to illuminate the darkness. The Holy Nights begin in the season of winter in the Northern Hemisphere when the forces of Nature have withdrawn into the earth. Outwardly, there is usually snow and coldness, a stillness that is not available at other more active times of the year. This mirrors a longing for inner peace that is not easily available in a western, outwardly material culture.
Symbolically the midnight sun is the dwelling place at the heart of the Mother,
the golden sphere at the center, sometimes called Shamballah. In the mystery school traditions, the rite of initiation often entailed a meditation to bring forth this vision of the golden light at the center of the earth. It is humanity’s task to bring light to the Earth at this time. Through our loving deeds, Nature is sanctified and healed so the Earth is helped in its evolution.


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – I Am Pleiadian Of Origin. I Am Feminine Of Nature – 24 December 2014

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI am Pleiadian of origin. I am feminine of nature and I am love as are you. My energy, my light and my truth is needed at this time and at this place. You will feel my presence as I touch you for you all are contained within my heart as we speak light to light, heart to heart, and truth to truth.
It is important for you as humans to see the beauty in your life, in your day, and in your physical being. You spill so much life force being angry at the way you look the way your life has been, and the cards that you have been dealt. You look at each other with pointed thoughts and sharp words. Your eyes go green and your heart grows cold as you view another who has obtained a little more light, a little more beauty, and a little more prosperity – not because they were born with it, but because they have the gift and ability to see those beautiful qualities in others.

Jahn J Kassl - LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR, JESUS CHRIST - Dec 24, 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Rüdiger Franz Rauskolb 

Welcome beloved Child of God and I greet you, 
my Love is with you and all days I accompany you 
wherever you may be. Unfold your wings and experience 
your infinity, here on earth in the eternal Now-Time.

I am Jesus Christ and again I give you a new perspective 
about my life on earth so that you can liberate yourself 
from all the adopted and often inappropriate pictures 
about my life in Jerusalem.