miércoles, diciembre 03, 2014

David Gardner - The Music Industry Exposed – Misuse and Abuse of Esoteric Symbols - Nov 29, 2014

David Gardner, Conscious Reporter

[Editor’s Note: This is the first part of a series of articles on this subject from David Gardner, who contributes to ConsciousReporter.com. Subscribe to their newsletter to be alerted when future parts in the series are published.]

It’s hard to miss the increasing use of esoteric symbolism by popular artists in the music industry. Upside down crosses, pentagrams, all-seeing eye symbols… what does it all mean? What is the source of this symbolism and why is it so prevalent? This article explores the affect these symbols have on our lives and the global understanding of spirituality.

‘Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.’ Confucius

What would you do if you saw this symbol?
Symbols are a universal language, and such a part of our lives that once we are exposed to them we process them on a subconscious level, our actions guided by them without us having to think about it. We automatically stop at red lights and know which button turns on the TV because of the common symbols used to represent them. But the power of symbols goes far beyond their day-to-day to use.
Esoteric symbols are those with a hidden meaning, likely to be understood only by a small number of people, and have been used throughout time in the great spiritual traditions to guide truth seekers. Depending on how they’re used they can represent and attract either forces of darkness or forces of light.
Increasingly esoteric symbols are making their way into popular culture, especially in high profile places like the music industry. What is the source of these symbols? Why are so many artists using them? Are they just something “cool” that major players came up with to represent their personal brands? Or are they part of a sinister plan? Are esoteric symbols being used for good or evil?

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: Your Eyes Are Not the Observer of Your Reality, They Are the Projectors - Dec 3, 2014

angelic_guidesAngelic Guides: Your Eyes Are Not the Observer of Your Reality, They Are the Projectors, channeled by Taryn Crimi, December 1, 2014. | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Today we would like to focus your attention upon your holographic reality; one which appears to be so very real, as it seemingly fabricates the challenges that you face and the obstacles that you must surmount.
Now, this is not to say that the obstacles do not exist. Rather, we would say they exist from your mind’s perspective. You have the ability to change the picture any time that you wish. All you must do is change your focus.

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy - Dec 3, 2014

Let this year’s ending be different. Let some degree of joy come to you. So look closely and see something wonderful happen! Keep your eyes open ... know from this that miracles can indeed occur. Heaven is readying a surprise for you. It is indeed to bring you the joy which you need!

from PAO ~ Planetary Activation Organization

Ummac Dan

10 Batz, 9 Yaxk’in, 11 Ik

Selamat Balik! We come before you with more to say. Those who are pushing the dark minions from their powerful pulpit of power are now ready to finish this process. We are informed that a series of important moves are under way, to lead to the arrest of key personnel and the transformation of a number of major governments.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Dream: I sit in a television session with Henry Kissinger. 
We are the two of us and with sit facing each other, as I begin 
to confront him with all the wars and the dead, for which the 
USA and himself bear responsibility since the Second World War. 
I begin with the enumeration: “Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia…” 
Kissinger makes a dismissive hand movement and signals to 
me that I could really stop the enumeration of all the war places, 
because it is anyways correct. Thereby he seems very relaxed, 
as if this were the most natural thing in the world. (End of dream)

martes, diciembre 02, 2014

Wes Annac - An Introduction to Meditative Writing – Part 1/3 - Dec 2, 2014

Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
As the name suggests, meditative writing is the act using meditation to get into a deeper state of consciousness and use the energy and inspiration that results to write or express ourselves in another way.
I think meditative writing can be a great way to fade into the sacred self while being creative and expressional at the same time, and it can allow us to transcend the mind and express ourselves from a deeper, more spiritually alive and conscious level.
There’s nothing wrong with writing without the influence of meditation, of course, and potent articles can be produced either way. I sometimes prefer meditative writing because I enjoy getting into a deep state of consciousness and basically transcending the ego as I write.

WELCOME TO TRUTH | Full Documentary 2014

 l 13/09/2014
(27-11-2014) In the past 7 days, this video has recieved 28,286 views. Only 1.7% of the views have been from external sources. If you have enjoyed this work, then please help promote this video to help awaken others. Share this on the social media that you use: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc etc...

Attention: This video was blocked in some countries before. After dealing with the copyright issues, it now should be viewable in all countries as the status of this video is now ''playable and available'', according to Youtube. If you are not able to watch it, please post a comment and let me know where you live. Video does not work on mobile devices due to copyright issues.

This is an informative and coherent documentary that exposes the hidden truth that you will never or very rarely get to see in the mainstream media. It has to do with the rule of secrecy behind the scenes of world politics, that has been steadily working on a covert plan to dominate the world and rule over us all without our consent. The world needs to wake up to this reality before it's too late.

0:00 Open your Eyes
7:20 One World Government/New World Order
11:15 Who Really is in Control?
21:07 Economic Slavery to the Elite
36:00 Satanism &Occultism
1:40:04 The Truth about 911
2:04:02 War on Afghanistan
2:19:50 War on Iraq
2:54:51 War = Profit
3:00:19 Depopulation Agenda
3:22:55 Global (Electronic) Currency
3:25:13 RFID Micro Chip
3:31:48 Big Brother
3:43:03 Media Monopoly
3:47:04 The Influence of Media

"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

Fran Zepeda - Lady Nada - Perspectives and Perceptions Ever-Changing - Dec 2, 2014

nadaLady Nada: Perspectives and Perceptions Ever-Changing, channeled by Fran Zepeda, November 29, 2014 | Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Dear ones, as Love continues to pervade and expand your Soul Essence, you are noticing changes in your perception of yourself. There is no longer, or at least less of, the need to justify yourself and to compensate for what ‘should be’ or ‘would be’.
You float in the Now of it. Love is much more available to soothe and serve as balm for your Soul, and everything, ‘good’ or ‘bad’, becomes instead a continuum just needing Love and persistence towards a more neutral, peaceful state of Being.
The edges are softer, and the perspectives are clearer; and what once felt of great importance and dire need is no longer, leaving like a feather or leaf fluttering away in the breeze.

Brenda Hoffman – Are You Feeling Blah? – 2 December 2014

cart_headerLife Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photo

Dear Ones,
Perhaps you are not feeling the love and joy you anticipated. You feel as if nothing is interesting, different or new.
Do not fret or become discouraged. Such ‘blah’ feelings are merely your physical body shifting.
All phases of your being shift in an expected fashion. First, spirituality – you believe such is true. Second, emotions – you sense such is true. Third, physicality – you know such is true.
Those of you who exited your cocoon are most likely in your physical stage.

UFO Year End Special #2. (The Best Space UFOs Of 2014)

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 2 December 2014

AishaNorthOnce more the time seems to have speeded up, and rightly so, for now things have indeed been set into motion that will have an effect far and wide. Let us explain. As we have already mentioned, the last week’s events did indeed put into place a whole new set of coordinates into this gargantuan “machine”, and as such, we have been able to proceed at a much higher speed, and so, these events will continue to unfold in ways and in numbers that may take more than a few of you by surprise. You see, now there is no longer any reason for any of us to sit around and wait for any laggers, for now, so much has been set into motion it will indeed serve to pull the majority along with it in its wake.