sábado, julio 19, 2014

DL Zeta ~ Creating new Realities based on the Frequency of Love - July 19, 2014


Self-love, forgiveness and a healthy dose of patience are essential during times of accelerated change. As our awareness expands, we see ourselves more clearly than ever before. Front and center are any past tendencies toward avoidance and scarcity thinking. Any way in which we have given into thought viruses and their fear-based world view now comes onto the radar screen of our awareness. Anything we have created from fear-based intentions begins to disintegrate and fall away.

viernes, julio 18, 2014



María Isabel Henn - Journal Entry - 07.18.2014

Journal Entry 07.18.2014
We’re having a HOT dry summer in Washington State, after about 8 years of continuous drought conditions. The place is beginning to light up… with wildfires. All the fires are north and west of where I presently lived, but in or near areas where I used to hike.
One problem that is facing fire-fighters these days is the increased amount of houses being built in the rural / urban interface. The Fire Districts are rural and unable to effectively fight big fires as many of the most recent are quickly becoming, driven by dry, high winds.
So… unless we have a complete turn-around in our weather, residents of Eastern Washington can expect to be breathing smoke-laden air for the rest of the summer. It actually happens here quite frequently although we got off lightly last year. However, in the last week, temperatures soared into the triple digits F (or 35 – 42 C).

Magenta Pixie – Stargate Into Intergalactic, Interstellar Travel – July And August 2014 – 18 July 2014

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Change Of Course” – 18 July 2014

DjwhalKhulDjwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. I want to spend a little bit of time here getting really kind of sinking into the consciousness. And if you want to work with any of the Ascended Masters or the Angelic Kingdom or other great beings by melding with their consciousness, then we just sort of get that settling in or sinking down feeling until it feels like something clicks in place. So give that adequate time if that’s what you’re playing with.

Eliza: One Who Has Served – Part IV - July 18, 2014

Eliza: One Who Has Served
Part IV: “A New Mission”
Recently I was informed that I was / am a walk-in, entering into a human body during infancy. Believe me, this was an eye-opener to be sure, but there was a still greater shock still awaiting me, but I’ll leave you in suspense for the time be

When I

entered into this lifetime of service upon this planet, I came in determined to balance my karma, the karma of my walk-out and what I could of others, to enable those whom I came to serve to finally come into their own. As a consequence of this soul decision, it has often been a difficult life. It has only been in last couple of years that I can say with any degree of certainty that I have finally reached a place of self-knowledge and balance in my life.

Kryon - Lee Carroll - Conferencia de la Luz del Verano 2014 Canalización Principal de Kryon - Monte Shasta - 15 de Junio de 2014

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Bien, socio mío, tienes que entregar este mensaje a través de tu cuerpo, de modo que conviene que recuperes un poco tu coherencia. Él está sintiendo algo. Yo no le di información, le di profundidad. Hay una parte de él que no quiere ser el pararrayos esta noche. Quiere estar en el auditorio. No quiere estar bajo el reflector.

Kryon - Lee Carroll - Celebración del Coro de Tonos Pineales Monte Shasta, California – Junio 18, 2014

Tres canalizaciones de Kryon realizadas por Lee Carroll en el Primer día

Desgrabación del audio en vivo y traducción: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Mónica Muranyi hace una breve reseña para el auditorio de cómo surgieron los tonos lemurianos, debidos a los recuerdos akáshicos de Yawee (Dr. Todd Ovokaitys), que han sido cantados por grandes grupos especialmente preparados, en localidades distintas, y se repiten en Shasta en esta fecha. Habla también de las zonas nulas y los nodos en la Tierra. Luego resume las canalizaciones realizadas en Shasta entre los días 12 y 15 de Junio.

John Smallman - Saul - Humanity’s return to its natural fully awakened and fully conscious state has never been in doubt. - Jul 18, 2014

The fun has started!  Your awakening is, for all of you, unbelievably imminent!  Yes, you may well be thinking “Here we go again, setting ourselves up for another enormous disappointment!”  However, this is most definitely not the case.  Please prepare for the most amazing event ever to occur in humanity’s long and frequently most unhappy history.  You are at the tipping point, your awakening is inescapable, divinely assured, and consequently there is absolutely no possibility of your slipping backwards into the mire that is the illusion.

jueves, julio 17, 2014


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz 

Beloved Ones,
Keep yourself ready for the great transformation of all Life. 
What happened so far was the attunement for the great throw.   
Everything serves you in order to set the steps into the Light 
in lightness and with sovereignty. 
Keep yourself ready, the almighty light 
sword of God separates the worlds and 
no rock remains on top of the other. 

Selacia - Atrapa la Ola de Expansión - 17 de Julio 2014

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Hay una nueva energía más expansiva en el aire - ¿la sienten? De mayor importancia, ¿quisieran saber cómo utilizar plenamente esta energía boyante para lograr que su vida vaya en una dirección beneficiosa?

OVNI en Brasil Señales de Paz- UFO in Brazil emitting Peace Signs Edit 10/07/2014

Kryon - Lee Carroll - Soul Journeying - Part 1 - March 22, 2014

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The message to follow is exactly what my partner thought it would be. There is a protocol that I use with my partner [Lee] that he recognizes: He gets the opportunity to enhance a message that he "hears" for the first time in one place but will deliver in another. Whereas, he might be hesitant to ever repeat a channelling, he would be more inclined to if he "knew" it was appropriate. Last week, we stopped the recorder during a channelling. When this happens, without an obvious 3D reason or technical issue, it's his "signal" to sit down again and channel the same message again so that it can be recorded and transcribed. The structure is the same, and the verbiage is very similar, but the information will be enhanced.

Selacia – Catch The Expansion Wave – 17 July 2014 - Atrapa la Ola de Expansión - Jul 17, 2014

SelaciaThere is a new more expansive energy in the air – do you feel it? More importantly, would you like to know how to fully utilize this buoyant energy to get your life moving in a beneficial direction?
In this article, I explain the background of where we sit energetically now and how you can purposefully and intentionally take advantage of our new, friendlier, and more expansive energies arriving this month.
Right now in fact is an excellent time to get up to date with your own energies and reflect on intentions you made for your life early in 2014. If you are like most people around the world, there have been some bumpy times so far this year, especially in April-May-June when planetary energies stirred a plethora of chaos and uncertainty.

Video espectacular 8 Ovnis en León Guanajuato / Spectacular UFO Video 8 in Leon Guanajuato

Ямал - невероятная воронка Giant Hole in the ground - Yamal (Russia) Bulka Bulka

miércoles, julio 16, 2014

Wes Annac – Oversoul Teachings: Transforming The Earth Into A Hub For The Light – 16 July 2014

wes-annac-300x229Channeled through Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness, Oversoul Teachings
When you let yourselves fade into your sacred center, you begin to rediscover all of the divine wonders so many of you have strived so hard to find. In finding them, you’ll realize that striving was never inherently required to achieve them, but rather, surrendering to the flow that’s always been there is the best path you can take.
When you allow the ego to fade into the ethers and let pure love and joy take its place, the flowing connections you seek become much easier to attain and you find that your energy levels are naturally restored when they could’ve otherwise been depleted.


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Dream: It is raining cats and dogs. A group of people demonstrates
for something and moves peacefully and unaffected by the weather 
through the streets of the city. Initially I stand on the sidewalk of 
the street and observe the scene, until I suddenly find myself in
the first row of the demonstration, even though I do not participate 
in this protest or want to participate. In succession I am fully involved 
in this event whereby I coordinate further demonstrations in the 
whole country. (End of dream)

Eliza: One Who Has Served – Part III - July 16, 2014

Eliza: One Who Has Served
Part III: “Past Lives”
As I stated in Part II, many Venetians (Venusians) including a large contingent of my Kumara Family, followed Sanat Kumara to Earth after he made the selfless pledge to bring Earth and its people back into the light after the Fall of Lemuria and Atlantis. Their Higher Selves existing outside the bounds of time and space, the volunteers were aware that some of their numbers would be caught up in the webs of time and would remain in the incarnation cycle through the next cycle.