domingo, junio 01, 2014

Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Archangel Adrigon: On Unconditional Love - June 1, 2014

Archangel Adrigon: On Unconditional Love
Channeler: Tazjima Amariah Kumara
Greetings, again, dear ones; I am the Lord of the Pleiades, Lord and Archangel Adrigon. And yet, I tell you that these titles mean little to me except as indication of my spiritual attainment, my duty and my commitment to the Ascension of GAIA and the collective of humanity.
We are your brothers and sisters. We love you. It is as simple and as complex as that. Our love for all humanity is unconditional. We can observe what you do to each other without judgment and understand that it is the outworking of karma and the experience of the extremities of polarity that drive some of humanity to do what is termed “evil” in most of your societies. Yet, we see only those who have lost their way temporarily, before they will be gathered to the bosom of the Lord of Light.
We understand that many of you have little comprehension what unconditional love really is in truth. We place no conditions on what we see, hear and observe of your lives. Although this may seem heartless to some, in terms of the suffering of many on your planet, let us remind you that you ALL chose freely to come here.

Wes Annac – The Next Big Thing – 1 June 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
A mother takes her child to the grocery store for some shopping. The child, having only been on the earth for a few years, is enamored by all of the interesting, glittering things around him. All of the food; the drinks; the snacks. How he wishes he could grab up all of the snacks in the aisles.
He remains silent, enjoying his trip out with his mother, until he sees it.
He and his mother just happen to walk past a small toy isle, and he sees a toy that the television has been advertising in between his favorite cartoons. Suddenly, his composure’s gone. Suddenly, he’s jumping for joy and doing everything he can to get his mother’s attention on this alluring toy, hoping he has a chance of getting it.

Communication and the new relationships – understanding a totally new concept of cosmic love - Jun 1, 2014

Communications from the heart and soul
In essence our souls are pure and therefore in the eyes of the Divine, we are perfection.  The Divine does not see flaws in all of creation, because he/she created perfection.
Then why is it that we, as human beings, have such difficulty in communicating from the heart and soul and constantly hone into the perceived flaws in ourselves and others?
I believe in the beginning this was not so, for we communicated telepathically.  So other people could read our mind and energy fields.  When you communicate telepathically no-one could lie, for in reading your mind, they would soon see if you are living a lie or living your innermost truth.

DL Zeta – A Call To Lightworkers: Amplify Your Light And Join In Consciousness – 1 June 2014

DLZetaMany lightworkers have undergone constant waves of change in recent years. At times this change has arrived with tsunami-like force, obliterating existing life structures and leaving you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and stretched beyond what seemed reasonable human limits. The energies of this spring were so powerful you may have felt yourself buckle at times. Much as we might hold to our ideals, we may find it difficult to remain in a perspective of perfect trust and grace at all times. Sometimes we may look and feel like we’re falling apart; we may act out small dramas we thought we were done with years ago. We may say and do things we wish we hadn’t. In short, we may act like we’re human beings.

John Smallman – Saul – The Heat Is On And The Illusion Is Melting – 1 June 2014

All on Earth are soul extensions of your true and higher Selves.  It is as though you dipped your higher Self’s index finger (if it had such an appendage!), which possessed all your physical senses, into the illusory environment that humanity appears to inhabit to test it and found the experience enthralling, indeed captivating.  So much so that it forgot Itself and became totally engrossed in the tiny – and I assure you that it is indeed tiny! Environment into which it had dipped that finger.  So engrossed that it altogether forgot Its own magnificence and the joy that Its eternal existence at One with Source, in Reality, in Heaven, brought It in every moment.

Aisha North – A short Update On The Energies For The June Gathering Around The Pond – 1 June 2014

AishaNorthDear friends!
The constant companions wanted me to share this update with you today as we get ready to connect at 21:00 Oslo time for this month’s Gathering around the Pond:
“As you already know, this evening you will begin a new phase of your co-creational efforts, for as you once again sit down to connect, you will find connective doors that has so far been kept hidden from you, and through these doors, your combined energies will start to coalesce and merge in such a way, they will literally serve to wash away any resistance that may still linger anywhere in your systems. For you will truly become as if one, and you will truly merge into a field of energetic empowerment that will serve not only you, but this entire planet. And so we say again on behalf of All of creation, thank you for what you are about to begin, for you are about to set off a chain of reaction that will sweep through the entire human race, and you are about to set off a chain of reaction that will sweep the slate clean of any hindrances standing in your way.

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Messages From The Realms Of Light – 1. June 2014: Important Personal Update! – 1 June 2014

My dear friends,
there is an interesting pattern in my life that constantly repeats itself. It is a pattern that big and exciting changes happen very quickly and suddenly for me, without much notice in advance.
This time it is about leaving Australia and returning to Europe, to live on the Canary Islands!
And now I have a little less than 6 weeks left to prepare for this major move. And this is a really big jump for me :)

Mahala – Astrology Report For June – 1 June 2014

MahalaGuest article by Dorene Carrel @ Astroconnections.
June is a moderately active month, with four planetary stations, Mercury retrograde and another Grand Sextile pattern. The cardinal Grand Cross will be activated again, though not as intensely. The Summer Solstice in Cancer also occurs in mid-month.  We begin June under a recent New Moon in Gemini, which began on May 28, with a focus on communication, education and mental patterns.
The dwarf planet Ceres turns stationary direct in Libra on June 1.  This may signify a growing public awareness of issues connected with our food supply, such as the effects of GMOs (genetically modified organisms), radiation threats, pollution, factory farming, etc.  Ceres in Libra also suggests striving for more personal balance in the areas of nutrition and diet.


Galactic Federation and Ashtar Command have been sending message to Earth Governments for years about weaponization of space, and sending missiles into orbit. They have been told that sending these into orbit will be deactivated and will be monitored daily. This is example of Russia Proton-M rocket launch on 16th May 2014, a message sent to Russian Government that this won't be allowed. And clearly that's the case, as Lightship flew though and shut down the electronics of the rocket. -,
"The [Galactic] Federation has neutralized nuclear missiles and nuke suitcases. Most of Earth's population has no idea how many times we have stepped in behind the scenes to influence, alter or stop certain very destructive events and the misuse of numerous `black-op' highly classified weapon systems and projects very destructive to Mother Earth, which would have wiped out much of the life on the planet.

"If it had not been for our constant vigilant monitoring of Earth, . to stop these very dangerous incidents and many other forms of Intervention, as bad as the environmental conditions are at this time, this planet would literally be in eight times worse of a mess than it presently is!" (Ashtar through Michael Ellegion
"The Galactic Federation has been quite directly involved in your planet in many, many ways for your planets whole history. of late we have been bringing great many ships into the environment of your planet in order to assist with numerous subtle duties. I can list a few: assisting with the balancing of your magnetosphere, working against your destructive tendencies by disallowing nuclear explosions and similar, beaming in an balancing frequencies of light that assist in the ascension process, severely curtailing the negative activities of other self-serving space races and so on and so on. The list is long. - Cdr Adamu
On more than one occasion, you were intending to bring about a nuclear war. ... Your actions could have destroyed your Earth. We wish you to be aware that we have acted as your guardians for many thousands of years and you would not have been where you are now without our help, indeed you would not have reached this high point in evolution." - Atmos
"The Galactic Federation is meanwhile keeping a firm watch on the military bases, so as to ensure that they do not interfere with the process of change. They too like all of the armed forces will become converted to serve peaceful purposes. War has absolutely no place in the future, and for that reason there will be no need for defensive employment.

"Keep these things in mind when you are thrown into the midst of turmoil, as it will help you through such periods. Think peace, love and beauty as so much on Earth is ugly and has been despoiled by Man." - SaLuSa

MENSAJES DEL ARCÁNGEL MIGUEL - “Accediendo A Los Cristales Guardianes Del Registro Del Átomo Simiente De La Tierra - RONNA -

Traducción: Fara González López
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Queridos Maestros, en el ojo de su mente, comoquiera que lo perciban, visualicen que están viendo a la Tierra desde una gran nave de Luz, y juntos nosotros, las fuerzas angélicas y la multitud de Seres de Luz universales que representamos a nuestro Padre/Madre Dios, ponemos de manifiesto los patrones energéticos vibratorios del maravilloso esquema Divino en preparación para la habitación de la humanidad en la Tierra. Durante las intrincadas y complejas etapas de preparación, se implantaron grandes cristales sensitivos profundamente dentro de la Tierra en lugares estratégicos alrededor del planeta. Una porción de cada cristal inmenso brotó desde la superficie de la Tierra como un centinela irradiando energía e información hacia el cosmos, a la vez que operaba como un receptor de Divina Luz, Sabiduría y Poder desde nuestro Padre/Madre Dios. Durante muchos eones de tiempo, a medida que tenían lugar los cambios en la Tierra mediante los cuales las cadenas montañosas se elevaron hacia los cielos, las masas de agua se hundieron bajo las aguas y los continentes se desplazaban y cambiaban de forma, la mayoría de estos grandes cristales fueron destrozados y enterrados