sábado, mayo 31, 2014

EL LINAJE de Jesus y Maria Magdalena

Drones Over Blue Whales, Gray Whales in Surf, Megapod of Dolphins off Dana Point Whale Watching

Natalie Glasson – Soul Connection Power By Archangel Michael – 31 May 2014

natalie glassonIt is with love and a deep vibration of peace that I come forth to embrace you in the angelic and Creator light. I am here to bring forth a dispensation of light to those who are ready to receive and awaken the same within their beings.  There are many beings, angels and masters who are being asked by the Creator to channel light vibrations and frequencies into the Earth at this time but especially into the souls existing within physical bodies upon the Earth. In this time of great evolution for the Earth and humanity there is a need to allow yourself to enter into a state of receiving, this allows you to be open to all that is the Creator, it is akin to surrendering all that you are to the Creator in order to allow  appropriate activations of Creator consciousness and qualities to emerge within your being. Light dispensations will come forth from many guides and beings of the light as we all, even on the inner planes, consciously surrender all that we know and recognise ourselves to be to the Creator in order to receive the vibrations of the Creator aiding inner activations. Many of these activations from the soul within your physical body have not emerged or been present with you while you are conscious upon the Earth. This means that you are all entering into new stages of yourself and your awareness; it is the time of soul awakening on a deep and in an advanced way.

Elizabeth Ayres Escher - Archangel Adrigon: On Free Will and Choice - May 31, 2014

Archangel Adrigon: On Free-Will and Choice
Greetings, it is I, Lord Adrigon, presiding over the Pleiadian High Council and many other councils, as well. It is with great reverence and joy that we continue our discussions.
Last night, as our scribe communicated with her Sirian friend (who is also incarnated on GAIA) she realized that she has been recording our words for quite some time. We first came to her as the collective “voice” of the Pleiadian Council of Nine. And even earlier in her experience, one day out of curiosity she asked the air, knowing that someone was listening, “Who sent me here?” And promptly, she received the answer, “The Council of Nine.” She was able to accept that answer despite having no knowledge, whatsoever, of the Council before that very day. Her heart knew, even if her mind was unable to comprehend.

More healing codes – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn May 31, 2014

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My beloved child, my son Raphael gave you already some codes for healing purpose and for transmutation of harmful substances in your food. From me, you know also the codes for improvement of your drinking water. Today I will give you still more codes which you can all use for healing. They are suitable for adults, children and babies and animals alike. They have a fail-safe safety feature that makes them safe in their application.

St Germain via Goldenlight 5-31-14: Hold Fast The Finish Line is in Sight

Message transcribed by Goldenlight, © www.thegoldenlightchannel.com. Please include this credit without alteration when reposting this message.
Dear friends, I just received a vision of all of us running a long-distance marathon with this entire RV/GCR process and with us being in the final last small stretch with the finish line in sight.
Hello St Germain, I’m picking up on a vision of us being at the finish line…
Yes and as you know and have sensed there are many thousands now who have been participating in this collective manifestation since we last spoke.. YOU ARE ALL STILL IN THE PROCESS OF MANIFESTING THIS GLOBAL ABUNDANCE IN THE NOW TIME AND NEARING THE FINISH LINE NOW. Many, indeed hundreds of thousands of people, started visualizing and manifesting this collective co-creation since my collective manifestation message.. And this has created a cascading, catapulting energetic force to be reckoned with wherein your energetic powers of creation have catapulted events toward the successful conclusion of this global manifestation of abundance.. You are now entering the time of its deliverance and the new time of money wherein it will be used for beneficial purposes.. Those of you who have invested in this will be a part of this new paradigm..

Mother Mary: You Touch Source With Your Deep Reverence of Yourselves and Others – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – May 31 2014

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Mother Mary:

Hello Sweet Ones. I come before you and within you today to bring sweet refrains of Love Essence that you are delving into and refining ever so much. I bow to your essence as you bow to mine and together we mesh in sweet abundance of Love everlasting.
Come with me now as we go deeper into your Love Essence, into your sweet all-encompassing abundantly-aware LOVE, for you are ready now to go deeper and to own more of your essence, your sweet essence of LOVE everlasting.
The fabric of your life is changing, dear ones. You can feel it, I am sure. You have entered a new sojourn, a new level of refinement. Have you noticed, dear ones, that you are more refined in your capture of your Love Essence?

viernes, mayo 30, 2014

Selacia – Mastering Fluctuating Emotions – 30 May 2014

Selacia- 5 Tips for Success  
by Selacia
Are you curious about how to master fluctuating emotions that seem to come out of nowhere and leave you feeling disheartened?
Especially now, given the latest cycle of more supportive energies, you may be wondering when things will calm down and what you can do to restart a more sustainable forward momentum.
In this article, I will help you understand why you feel like you do, the big picture of what’s really going on, and how to ride our current energy wave more skillfully.

Wes Annac – Fly Freely – 30 May 2014

wes-annac-300x229Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
When was the last time you sat back and watched the sunset? How long has it been since you stared up at the night sky, enjoying the universe’s beauty?
How often do you let yourself kick back, cut loose, or generally enjoy this existence? How often does most of humanity attune to the voice of spirit and let that voice flow with information and insight that helps them along their growth?
Not very often.
Unfortunately, most of humanity’s stuck in a rushed, busy, materialistic existence that keeps them from opening up to the amazing things spirit has to offer, but those of us who are starting to become aware can take a different route.

Suzanne Lie – The Arcturians Speak – Layers Of Reality – Higher Light YouTube – 30 May 2014

SuzanneLieReality is in layers of frequencies that are embedded on the holographic projections of 3D and 4D Earth. Your difficulties on these levels of reality are not just about the persons known as the cabal or the dark ones, but have to do with the frequency of reality to which each of you are attuned.
If you look at the fourth-dimensional lower astral pane and the lower survival levels of the third-dimension, you can see that the cabal is still in control on those frequency layers of reality. In fact, many of those who desire power-over others have migrated to these lower levels of reality because they cannot tolerate the higher light that is flowing deeper and deeper into Gaia’s third and fourth dimensional layers of reality.