martes, marzo 25, 2014

Méline Lafont ~ Spring Equinox birthing quantum consciousness ~ Message from Self ~ March 25, 2014

 The rebirth of unification is here as the spring equinox is amplifying the oneness as a collective consciousness. So now as we all allow the integrations of our personal journeys to take place, by embracing our I AM Presence and Christed Selves, we shall now continue this journey ahead with the actualization of our former presences known as our Lemurian embodiments.
In those times our Lemurian consciousness and embodiments were of a very high and refined rate. In those days we stood beyond the need for a physical expression as we were lifted up in a higher state of awareness. Those were light bodies we were embodying at that time and so there was a shift in consciousness simultaneously as we were bypassing the borders of “death” and taking ona the form of a light body.
In this Now moment all is about to change swiftly and it will be noticed with your own awareness as the collective consciousness is being infused with a tremendous amount of energy fields that align with the Great Central Sun. The Cosmic order and level of understanding upon this plane is reaching its first amends of quantum consciousness, whereby the first HUEman beings are exploring in this state of being and are gifted with the opportunities to not only explore but to become a quantum consciousness into embodiment as well.
This Quantum consciousness that you will start to embody is being activated as we speak, this through the energies of the portal of the Spring Equinox along with the assistance of Cosmic Light integrations, Solar Flare upgrades and Photon energy waves which all assist by being embraced and allowed upon your personal reality and plane of existence.
The first troops that march towards Global Ascension and pure consciousness through awareness and Being, are those that will start to experience the grand evolution of their inner Self in grand ways. And as the Collective is finding its balance through release and cleansing, through healing and rebirth, the collective consciousness too will reach its quantum consciousness in time as all goes through the personal gates first.
The Spring equinox gateways will now amplify that which was already in creation for so long in your personal experience and reality and give it a way to be in existence. It will become even more obvious that nothing will last anymore and that every day is a new gateway and opportunity for you to retrieve that which you wish to retrieve.
It all goes through consciousness and conscious interaction with all the various levels of the Self, as to where you shall become aware of those and start to infiltrate these levels into your own awareness and reality. As to these infiltrations, those are your own actions and steps of evolution that you start to embody through consciousness rising and through merging with your higher Levels of being.
Everything that is lacking will become so obvious that you cannot miss it anymore, which will allow you the opportunity to step into a connection with it and show you what it is that you represent as a WHOLE. This beautiful shift is what you call Ascension and it is the yearning for freedom, wholeness and oneness, beauty and Love. It is all you!
As the Summer Solstice is approaching on its pace through the length of the spring equinox existence, the inflaming of your personal growth and expansion will come into the picture bringing the amplification of your highest level of being into experience and exploring. It is your time to play with your own rules so it is best to do this in Love always so that your own personal reality and the realities of those around you can be experienced in Love and Grace.
Please do enjoy this time of being, there is so much more that you might not be aware of at this time that is unfolding upon your plane. Always look at the greater picture in front of you where everything is concluded, do not stare at the details of it but look at the greater whole. Everything is a completion of one another, making this puzzle of Ascension such a Cosmic event.
Spare your forces and energies for only that which counts for you at this time, with the best interest for ALL. Remember that the more you work on yourSelf and through yourSelf, the more the grid of the entire collective is being infused with what you are ascending at this time. You shall work more on inner exploration through outer experiences, which are in fact the reflections of your inner awareness. More inside Being as the outer layers are moving ahead and are being released so that there will never be an old you but every Now moment a renewed you into infinity.
With Love, Lady Portia/ Méline Lafont
I AM that I AM
Méline Lafont 2012 – 2014, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered Website Méline : and blog Méline:

Wes Annac – Spiritual Guidance: Disseminating The ‘Sacred Texts’ – 25 March 2014

wes-annac-300x229Conveyed through Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
As our scribe has been wondering, it’s indeed true that the channeled material of your day will be instrumental in helping humanity understand spirit. The messages we bring through aren’t always given the most positive attention, but in time, your entire planet will be able to understand the help we seek to offer through the willing scribes we speak through.

Channels for our energy are growing every day, and we encourage all of you to open up to the guidance your higher self is providing you daily.
In every moment, your higher self and guides graciously await you to pick up on their energies and impressions, and we very much enjoy being able to connect with willing hosts and bring through the teachings we intend for humanity to fully understand.
Allow yourselves to surrender to the flow of divine love you’re being given from an increasing number of higher-dimensional souls who are actively interested in the restoration of your planet, because you’ve only begun to feel our energies and impressions in the immense ways you have the ability to.

We encourage all of you to act on your abilities to be channels for the energy and guidance of your higher selves, and we happily await your realization of our constant presence around you. The higher self is not only the result of the individual Godspark’s experiences on the earth plane, but the experiences of every individual fragment that makes up the oversoul.
Sacred Reintegration
You’re undergoing a process of reintegration with every facet of your sacred selves who are also ready to re-find the higher dimensions and merge with their oversoul, and we encourage you to go with the flow when feelings or emotions arise that seem strange or unfamiliar.
Not only are you reconnecting with your fellow sacred sparks who exist in their own realms and timelines – you’re also lightly experiencing important karma from many accumulated past lives. This karma is coming up in the form of strange and uneasy emotions that don’t seem to belong to the seeker possessing them, and when you feel this, we recommend seeking solace in the open heart space.
The love of your existence will help you soar in more endeavors than one, and opening the mind and heart is key to moving beyond the difficult and disconcerting experiences that could easily fog your perception of your everlasting divinity.
Even though our scribe seeks only to connect with me (his higher self) and a select few guides, humanity possesses an infinite ability to connect with a wide range of souls who’ll lovingly offer our perspective on every aspect of your unfolding ascension process.
You’re evolving from the distorted perception of the third dimension to a slightly less distorted fifth-dimensional perception, and only when re-reaching Source in all of its purity and infinity will you transcend density altogether.
Every realm up to the realm of complete unification with Source is distorted in its own right, but you’re departing the harsh density of the third dimension and making your way back to the blissful realms of the fourth and fifth.
We’re confident that some seekers will choose to stay and learn lessons in the fourth dimension before proceeding to the fifth – if, for no other reason, then because many of you will want to slowly enjoy your ascent back up to the higher realms.
Some of you will want to experience all of the beauty the higher fourth-dimensional realms have to offer, and some of you will stay there for a time to help root out and transmute the negative energy of the lower fourth-dimensional realms that’s fed all forms of evil on your planet.
The realms of ‘fourth density-negative’ as it’s been called are hellish by your definition, whereas the higher fourth-dimensional realms and beyond are comprised of many of the heavenly qualities your religions have taught you about.
Helping Others Find the Light
Even though it’s difficult, a soul can progress from fourth density-negative to the refined fourth-dimensional planes and excel from there, and for this reason, many souls will plunge down into the negative realms to help anyone and everyone they can.
The drive to assist every lower-dimensional soul in finding enlightenment is at the forefront of the minds of most earthly seekers and higher-dimensional souls alike, and those of you who are on the earth to help awaken its people are playing the hardest and most front-and-center roles.
You’re providing a direct link for the energies and impressions of the higher dimensions simply by existing on the earth, and those of you who choose to take it a step further by working actively for the earth’s ascension are accelerating your growth and making it much, much easier for others to evolve.
An essential aspect of the evolution of many seekers, even those who don’t yet realize it, will be their discovery of the reality of spirit communication. The fact that every human and etheric body can be and is a receiver of higher-dimensional energy will be understood, and we can foresee many people on your planet flocking to channeled messages.
From there, a collective sense of discernment will arise concerning messages that could be seen as less pure, and when this happens, we won’t be able to stress the importance of openness, love, and acceptance enough.
Many channels who are just starting out initially deal with distorted messages and messages that are somewhat tainted by the ego, and if given love, support, and encouragement, the most ambitious among them can absolutely develop their talents and bring through wonderfully pure and aligned information.
We encourage discernment, but we also encourage support and respect for one’s fellow man.
A flower can’t grow if it’s stamped out, and an ability can’t be developed if the developer is discouraged by those around them. When the popularity of spiritual communication rises and the number of channelers spikes, we encourage absolute discernment and encouragement of any soul who wants to develop the ability but has initial trouble.
The discernment we speak of is more in the avenue of purposeful disinformation that’s put out either to mock the unfolding new age movement or misinform seekers who are tasked with sifting the negative from the positive and aligned.
We confidently foresee channels increasing more than they already have, and likewise, a new generation of spiritually inclined writers will be born who’ll be led to start talking and writing about the ‘sacred texts’ as our scribe has referred to them, of your day.
A Revolution of Spiritual Inspiration
We can foresee a revolution of spiritual inspiration being sparked by the pioneers who are just beginning to present channeled information to the public, and even though channeled messages seem like silly, fantastical writings with little genuine value to the souls who don’t yet resonate with them, they’ll be understood as far, far more than this in your future.
Of course, any ‘prediction’ we could give about your future is dependent entirely on the things you do to bring it about, and if channels and spiritual writers alike were to suddenly halt their efforts, you could very well enter a different timeline.
We don’t foresee this happening, however, so we’re comfortable with our assertion that the efforts you’re making will enable the future we speak of.
As with anything that has to do with your future, your effort is integral to bringing this about. We’re very confident in the increasing popularity of channels, and it’s something your cabal has been monitoring more heavily than even the most suspecting seekers might realize.
The messages being brought through are coming primarily from the light, and any seeker who knows a thing or two about the earthly cabal will know that they strongly orient to secretive darkness. As such, they perceive the messages coming through as the polar opposite of their belief systems and philosophies, and therefore an enemy to study and, in their hopes, bring down.
This obviously won’t be allowed to happen because of the amount of positive energy in your collective consciousness that’s geared toward the expansion that’s soon to take place, but nevertheless, your cabal is very interested in stopping the inevitable spread of our communications.
They’re very aware of how easily revolutions around certain concepts or ideas can start, and we foresee a revolution much larger than most seekers probably expect. Despite the fact that most of our communications aren’t taken seriously by even a broad percentage of the conscious public, knowledge about their validity will spread like wildfire as your collective perception rises.
As long as you continue your efforts, precious seekers, the spread of awareness surrounding various subjects that are integral to your evolution will be as inevitable as the evolution itself, which is ongoing and continually affecting your minds and hearts.
We’ll make our final expressions for this communication with love and support for your flowering abilities and your increasing awareness of the reality of your existence. Source is looking upon each of you with more love than we can possibly express or even fathom ourselves, and you can fill your tiny little vessels with this all-pervasive, infinite love with a single thought.
Thank you to my higher self and spiritual guides. /link to original article

lunes, marzo 24, 2014

Christine Meleriessee - Invoking the Full Power of Rebirth ~ Lord Sanat Kumara with Lord Metatron - March 24, 2014

upward pathwayWalking Terra Christa hosted a tele-call with Lord Sanat Kumara and Metatron for the SPRING EQUINOX on March 20th, 2014.  RA the Sun God and Helios and Vesta of the Great Central Sun offered their blessings for this magnificent doorway of light into GAIA and each of us.
The following is a small transcript of our meditation with each of these magnificent beings.  You may listen to the MP3 file via our free library,  We offer free teleconferences on the full moon and powerful energetic times of acceleration.  Please join us live for the next full moon call which also represents the Festival of the Christ, the first of the three ascension gateways for 2014,

domingo, marzo 23, 2014

Karen Dover - Marriage in TRUTH - March 23, 2014

Many of you may be highly confused at a very human waking conscious mind level as to how the human race can move into a new way of BEing and of living and yet leave all that is the construct of the old 3D earth behind as it cannot be taken into the New Earth reality. In particular many of you may be highly confused as to the role of marriage within the New Earth.  I have received a number of emails questioning my own marriage and many emails that appear to filter  marriage out and place my change of name into the realms of frequency only.  Let me be very clear on the reason for my change of name and state that I have taken my husbands name for it is not TRUTH to build a new life, in a new reality holding on to the name that I was GIVEN within the old 3D earth created reality. It may make little logical sense to many to see me place a name that is relatively “unknown” and then not reference the very name that my work is linked to.  I would remind gently that logic has NO place in the unfolding of the New Earth reality. I took my husbands name as it is a reflection of the LOVE that we share at all levels of our BEing, to separate our names  would be to dismiss the frequency of the LOVE that IS that runs through, around and within us in relation to each other.

Der Aufstieg beginnt und endet in Eurem Herzen – St. Germain durch Marc Gamma ~ 23.03.2014

Ascension starts and ends in your Hearts – St.Germain through Marc Gamma, March 23, 2014 (bilingual)

 Greetings to all of you here !
This is St.Germain speaking,, the Ascended Master,  and today I shall submit to you another message here.
earth in hands
Since the previous one – several matters have been running meanwhile. Much activity is on earth – of course in the background too. Are you sure they all were in the background? No, at least as in front of everything as well many matters are happening which need to be looked at more precisely. Look at it thorougly since many matters are changing here on earth – being shoved into the forefront which still had been hidden by the cabalistic part of the PTW in the past.

The New Humans by Mary Rodwell- Starseeds and ET contact

Dolores Cannon on ETs and UFOs

EirePort - Final “old paradigm grid point” removal occurs with agreement of Gaia and inhabitants - Mar 23, 2014

23 Mar eireport_logo_thumb_1Entractions are fully removed via energetic collaboration at all levels, in this moment.
Final “old paradigm grid point” removal occurs with agreement of Gaia and inhabitants.
Cosmic Humanity completes the process and aligns Gaia with the Cosmic Energies.
Precision Blue Light accomplishes the final stage.

Hilarion - Marlene Swetlishoff - March 23-30, 2014

March 23-30, 2014
Beloved Ones,
More and more people on Earth are awakening to discover that the world is in a state of rapid metamorphosis. They look around and see their neighbors embracing concepts that they were not open to before. Everywhere, this awakening energy is clearing ages old cobwebs from the consciousness of humanity and it is not an easy process. It is very uncomfortable to watch the events taking place in the world and within one’s own personal world, and each individual is struggling at this time to establish and maintain inner equilibrium. This creates a feeling of stress and tension in the collective consciousness energy field which affects the individuals who are sensitive to the energy flows around them. This tension and anxiety is felt in the solar plexus/stomach area of the human body and is a sign that it is time to get out in nature and stand or sit near a member of the tree family and ask that these tense and anxious feelings be lovingly transmuted and dissolved from within you. The tree family is extremely adept at providing this service to all of humanity and it allows them to be in divine service and to work upon their own evolutionary path.