viernes, octubre 25, 2013

Theo - Maryann Rada - Rematerializing - October 25, 2013

I am in the now with you. We are all together in the now. The time has arrived, dear friends, for change to show itself on the face of your reality like it has always promised to do. What is it that animates the light that sends the shadows away? It is the light of consciousness. It is the light of your minds and hearts joined together. You have heard this message a million times, so why do we bring it up again? Because, dear friends, now it is taking place on a grand level! It is the time of transforming the matrix of the new reality to fit into a new dimensional arrangement of space and time.

SaLuSa - "The Inner Invitation” - Gabriel Raio Lunar - October 12, 2013 (English)


There is a count in your unconscious that has clearly show you that the time for final tranformation in  your world is quickly getting closer . This internal count of your spirit, brought into your conscious, is what have left you anxious for more news and visible events in your 3D temporary reality. Dear ones, measurably this frantic waiting is normal due to good expectation generated, but on the other hand you must remember that you must not go by any way out of its full state of inner peace, that is state that clearly leads you to the higher realms. It’s your inner state that dictates the road to be travele, thus independent of external news and alerts, you must keep the internal peace of mind.

Donna Eden 5 Min Energy Routine

The Machine by Amanda Danielle Another perspective on the spiritual battles and spiritual transition of humanity and the Universe

The Machine

El Guardián de la Tierra La Matriz de la Ascensión Canalización de Metatrón El Arcángel Metatrón vía James Tyberonn - Oct 25, 2013

Traducción: Fara González López
Edición y Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

¡Saludos Maestros! Los abrazamos a cada uno de ustedes con una energía nutricia y con el campo del auto empoderamiento, porque cada uno de ustedes es verdaderamente un Maestro en su camino a la Ascensión. Es nuestro propósito ofrecerles inspiración y claridad, pero de nuevo, siempre es un requisito que USTEDES, como un SER sagrado y soberano practiquen el discernimiento con este y con cualquier otro mensaje ‘canalizado’.

COMET ISON is a UFO!! raw footage

Ever Seen a Mind Control Tower? Bet You Have - October 25, 2013

Gee, Sue, why not just tell us what you REALLY think about mind control?
I knew there were towers that transmit a frequency for mind control, but didn’t know much about them. I was enlightened just now on Facebook.  Thanks, Sue!
There are so many! And they have a name, of course. GWEN towers.
Come explore with me, and as always, don’t believe what you read; do your own research.

The Light Collective: “Reclaiming Your Sovereignty” - Elizabeth Ayres Escher - October 24, 2013


We are the Light Collective, a gathering of angelic and light beings, ascended masters and members of the Elemental Kingdom.
Our theme tonight is: “reclaiming your sovereignty.”
A day or two ago, our scribe woke up, went to her laptop and began a short piece announcing to her readership that she was changing the focus of her blog. And now, in the midst of that process, she is deleting all material that was not authored by her. Outwardly, this may seem to be a drastic move to some, but to our scribe, it is in keeping with being intensely involved with reclaiming sovereignty. It is a phase and a process.

Archangel Uriel via Jennifer Hoffman: The Universe Works With You - Oct 24, 2013 to Golden Age of Gaia.
Archangel Uriel: The Universe Works With You. Channelled through Jennifer Hoffman – October 23, 2013.
This is the Archangel Uriel channeled message for October 23, 2013
Do you know that the Universe works with you and not for you? It is not possible for the Universe to give you something that you do not want or to create situations that you have not already energized in some part of your reality.
The Universal energy does not create something out of nothing. It only creates that which you have already established energetic space for through your conscious or unconscious intention. As soon as you have defined the intention, you set up the vibrations that create the reality.

jueves, octubre 24, 2013

The Light Collective: “Reclaiming Your Sovereignty” - Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima) - October 24, 2013

We are the Light Collective, a gathering of angelic and light beings, ascended masters and members of the Elemental Kingdom.
Our theme tonight is: “reclaiming your sovereignty.”
A day or two ago, our scribe woke up, went to her laptop and began a short piece announcing to her readership that she was changing the focus of her blog. And now, in the midst of that process, she is deleting all material that was not authored by her. Outwardly, this may seem to be a drastic move to some, but to our scribe, it is in keeping with being intensely involved with reclaiming sovereignty. It is a phase and a process.