jueves, febrero 20, 2025

Daniel Scranton - The 12D Creators - What Is Your Purpose & How Do You Find It? - Feb 20, 2025


“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help.

We are always interested in helping you to seek out that which will fulfill your life’s purpose. We are here to remind you at times that you are creating this life. Now that you are awake, you do not have to live out some preordained purpose for your life, but rather, you get to determine what that purpose is and then move towards the fulfillment of what purpose you choose to have for your life.

miércoles, febrero 19, 2025

Jim Self - Proyecto Banco del Parque - 16 de Febrero de 2025

Proyecto Banco del Parque – 16 de Febrero de 2025


Jim Self:

¡Hola! Es muy lindo estar aquí. Ha pasado casi un mes desde que pude jugar aquí con ustedes, y la semana pasada Steve estuvo aquí, muchas gracias: Steve ha sido de gran ayuda en armar todo esto, realmente hemos construido esto de una manera en que hubo todo un aspecto de lo que Steve podría traer a la experiencia de construir este banco del parque, este nuevo reino. Y la construcción, y el cómo hacerlo, en que yo estoy jugando.

Aurora Ray - Important Ascension Update - Feb 19, 2025

Important Ascension Update

Dear beloved ones,

The ascension process is well underway, and the Galactic Federation is working hard to assist the many millions of people choosing to ascend as quickly as possible. This is a monumental process, and as such, some delays can be expected as it is carefully coordinated with more than two million ascension candidates.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 19, 2025

We understand you equate worry with love, but if another knows you are always worrying about them, it sends the message that you don’t think they are competent or able to run their own lives. This can feed fear, doubt, and stagnation, and perpetuate staying in a disempowered state.

Natalia Alba - As we move into Piscean Season - Feb 19, 2025

Beloved Ones,

As we move into Piscean Season, many of you will feel the pulse of moving inward, working with inner alchemy to achieve unity within yourselves. This is a time when many of you are going to be awakening or expanding into your soul mission, as I am often seeing in many of you.

The Fifth Dimensional Shift: Embracing the Infinite Possibilities of a New World!

Daniel Scranton - The Creators - Your Subconscious Mind & Dormant DNA - Feb 19, 2025

“We are The Creators. We are twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings and we are here to help.

You are making great progress there on Earth as you access more of your dormant DNA, more of your subconscious minds, more of your historical records of life on Earth. As you discover more of who you have been physically, and who you are physically, that then helps you to expand your consciousness and your knowing of who you have been and who you are spiritually as a soul, as a consciousness, as an oversoul. You do tend to need to see physical evidence first.

martes, febrero 18, 2025

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message~ Tuesday February 18, 2025

There are so many things you can do if you are not sure how to proceed in your life. You can simply be present and embrace the opportunity to get some rest and more clarity. You can practice gratitude, which is a wonderful energetic sorting and feedback tool. You can ask for signs or guidance on what the next steps are. You can practice self love and acceptance. You can play with the divine combination which is surrender, faith, flow, and trust.

Is the Future of Earth Going to Get Better or Worse? - KRYON

Vidya Frazier - Shifting from Fear to Trust - Feb 18, 2025

There can be no argument that the Shift is finally happening in obvious ways now. So much is occurring in the world, it can make you dizzy, just trying to follow it all.

And so much change is also happening within each of us. This too can be overwhelming.