miércoles, junio 19, 2024

Jamye Price - Anchoring Divine Power - Jun 19, 2024

Blessed Being, these powerful times are what you have prepared for. And yet the work is the same, your inner alignment creates a new outer alignment.

Saving the world is not on your shoulders. You merely continue to align your earthly self into the divinity you always are.
Becoming Powerful

Aurora Ray - Cosmic Evolution Accelerates: Earth Receives Intense Cosmic Energy Surges from Galactic Center! - Jun 19, 2024

Cosmic Evolution Accelerates: Earth Receives Intense Cosmic Energy Surges from Galactic Center!

Earth and humanity are at a pivotal moment of evolution and ascension!

Powerful surges of cosmic energy from the Galactic Center are bombarding the Earth, catalyzing our evolution!

These influxes of light are flushing densities out of the quantum field around us and stimulating positive change on all levels.

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Luna Llena en Capricornio Junio 2024

La Luna Llena de Capricornio llega el 21 de junio, poco después del Solsticio, amplificando su poder y magnetismo.

Las Lunas Llenas sacan y expulsan energía fuera de nosotros, lo que las convierte en poderosos portales para soltar, completar y desenterrar nueva información. Y, a medida que la rejilla energética del planeta avanza hacia una mayor armonía bajo el Solsticio, la Luna Llena de Capricornio nos permite experimentar una sanación más profunda y un cambio más profundo hacia la alineación.

Judith Kusel - With the accelerated ascension - Jun 19, 2024

With the accelerated ascension a lot of the old energy centers and stuck energies, even in the astral planes are being cleared.

I have done a lot of energy clearing work since 2009, and what struck me the most and truly touched my heart and soul, was clearing of half man/half beast, which were created in Atlantis and even before Atlantis. They were the most tragic of all to clear, for they were not animal nor were they human. Some were monsters beyond description. This was such a dark phase in what science can do, when they try to go against Divine Universal Laws and create pain and suffering.

Steve Rother - The Group - Smile Your Way Home - June 2024

~ Smile Your Way Home ~

Greetings from Home, dear ones. You are such magical beings. We come to you this day to help remind you of who you truly are, bringing the essence of creator beings here to Earth. Yes, you look to the heavens and put us on a pedestal. You say that we are angels from the other side of the veil. But what you don’t understand is that we honor you in the same way, for we are honored to be in your presence.

James Gilliland - Message From the Ascended Masters and Star Nations - Jun 12, 2024

ECETI NEWS received June 12th 2024

Message From the Ascended Masters and Star Nations

We are moving very fast from Draconian law to Universal law. Everything is being amplified and accelerated. The action/reaction time concerning karma is becoming almost instantaneous. We are moving from a draconian predatory governed planet back into alignment with the original intent. The Earth was created to be an Eden. A place where all life can evolve to its highest potential.

Natalia Alba - We are already immersed in the Solstice passage - Jun 19, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are already immersed in the Solstice passage. This year the Solstice will support us to continue creating more balance in polarities, especially in healing the masculine wound that we all, as a collective, have imprinted within our masculine template. We have been disconnected from the Truth that the masculine principle in our bodies holds the female, and vice versa, as both are never separated from each other.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 19, 2024

Beauty can be expressed in so many ways. Your own taste – the things that draw you and move you into presence and appreciation – are how you experience your own heaven on earth, for all beauty is divinely inspired. So look for the beauty that abounds around you. Create the beauty that makes your heart expand and feel moved, whether it be through tending the earth, art, music, dance, decorating, designing, or acts of love, for it supports your alignment, your energetics, and your soul’s desire to express itself, as well as adding to the mosaic of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

The Countdown to the Great Shift: Embracing the Inevitable Change.

Daniel Scranton - The Andromedan Council of Light - Your Life’s Work, Purpose & Mission for Being on Earth - Jun 19, 2024

“We are the Andromedan Council of Light, and we are very excited to be connecting with you.

Somewhere deep down inside of yourselves you know who you really are, and it is your life’s work, your mission, to find that place within you. And then it is your purpose to live that truth. Once you discover who and what you really are by feeling the love blossoming from within you, then you have the task before you of showing the world that love. Some of you may do that through artwork. Some of you may do it through song. Some of you may do it through creating buildings, books, clothing, and some people just exude that love so that everyone they meet feels the love within them activated when they are in that person’s presence.