lunes, septiembre 24, 2018

Sandra Walter - Energy Update: Full Moon Monday -

Blessings Beloveds ~

There is major activity happening with our Gateways in this Now. This is a day to honor, get clear and pay attention as the veils thin.

Gatekeepers have been busy with the Equinox passage, and today, with the Full Moon, you will feel the difference in your fields if you connect to Gaia and Solaris with your heart.

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council - Our Consciousness Hologram - Sep 24, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are a portion of your consciousness, and you are a portion of ours. Many of you already know that you are partaking in a holographic universe, and we are also partaking in this holographic universe, so the consciousness of all beings within this universe is also a part of that hologram.

Caroline Oceana Ryan - El Colectiv - Mensaje a los Trabajadores de la Luz - Agosto 10, 2018

Canalizado por Caroline Oceana Ryan, 10 de Agosto de 2018

La última guía de los Maestros Ascendidos, Galácticos, Elementales de la Tierra, Ancianos de las Hadas, Ángeles y Arcángeles conocidos como el Colectivo:

¡Saludos, amigos! Estamos muy contentos de tener este tiempo para hablar con ustedes nuevamente.

Deseamos decir que si se sienten exhaustos, un poco mareados, sintiendo como si el reloj y el calendario no tuvieran ninguna relevancia real, desinteresados en la comida o demasiado interesados, o si se están despertando por la mañana sabiendo que tuvieron conversaciones y experiencias importantes mientras estaban en estado de sueño – lo están haciendo bastante bien.

L’Aura Pleiadian - Happy Full Moon ~ September 24th, 2018 in Aries ~ Transforming YOUR DNA - Sep 24, 2018

The Full Moon in Aries is a powerful releasing Full Moon ~ impacting your DNA. This Full Moon (energy associated with it) begins today at 11:52 pm ADT. Also known as the Harvest Full Moon…Let us now harvest the beneficial IMPACT of fear being released.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Monday September 24, 2018

Every single energetic release, shift, or integration you go through allows new opportunities to become available to you that match your new lighter energetic state. It is a process of internal expansion which is then reflected to you by external expansion. It is such an incredibly exciting process to behold because it is filled with ever evolving potentials and possibilities in response to you embodying more and more of the vastness of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Seminario online de Jim Self - Septiembre 2018
Conferencia y meditación guiada

¡Hola! ¡Bienvenidos! Muy bueno estar aquí, como siempre.

Están sucediendo experiencias muy interesantes ahora. Realmente, quiero empezar con la bienvenida, hay muchas personas en esta convocatoria que son nuevas, muy bueno tenerlos aquí, lo mismo para quienes han estado con nosotros largo tiempo, muy bueno tenerlos aquí.

Shekina Rose - Sacred Divine Feminine Light Counsel of Interplanetary Peace ~Blue Ray Beings and the Sacred Divine Feminine Role ~ Sep 24, 2018

Sacred Divine Feminine Light Counsel of Interplanetary Peace ~Blue Ray Beings and the Sacred Divine Feminine Role ~

**You Have the Right to Know Who You Are!*** Highest Sacred feminine representatives of Venusians,Pleiadians, Lemurians, Lakota, Orion, Sirians, Lyrians, Hathors, Anunnaki, Galactic Families

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, September 24, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, September 24, 2018

You are learning how to stay clear of past boundaries and restrictions.

Past circumstance that told you what could or could not be achieved.

What if you are about to change all that?

Brenda Hoffman - Stand Tall - September 24, 2018

Dear Ones,

We urge you to reach for the stars. For indeed, you are the stars. You are both Universal Olympic stars and of the stars. For the stars were created and inhabited by you more times than you can count.

So it is you feel peaceful and rested when you observe the stars. Not to gloat about your creation skills, but to remember how skilled you were and are.

domingo, septiembre 23, 2018

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Section 2 of RahHoTep - Sep 23, 2018

SECTION 2 of RaHoTep

I saw the mists of Venus all about me. I saw the flora and fauna of my beloved Home as they floated about me in loving welcome. With their every movement, harmonious colors and sounds echoed their motions.

“A welcoming party formed a pathway that led us to the main entrance of the Crystal City. My Divine Complement slipped into my form as we became One again for our homecoming. Translucent crystal gates swung wide as we approached them, and a golden path lighted our way to the heart of the city.