miércoles, octubre 26, 2016

Being Emissaries of Light and Releasing Illusion ~ Dr. Suzanne Lie & Arcturians

Karen Downing - Ascension Chakras – New and Old - Oct 26, 2016

Some of these chakras are just emerging on the Earth plane, but have been chakra points in the spiritual body all along. It is only now that we have raised the vibration of the planet and ourselves to a place where these new chakras can emerge in our physical world. This change is directly related to our collective Ascension process. Read more below.

This chakra upgrade is being rolled out in 3 stages: Forerunners, Second Wave Awakeners and Humanity in Entirety. For new and emerging chakras, information on timelines will be given for all 3 groups. These three groups are classified by the timeframe at which one’s spiritual awakening process began. Forerunners are those who began their awakening process prior to 2012. Second Wave Awakeners started their journey between 2012-2016. The last group is designated for everyone else. As each group reaches a new milestone, it makes it easier for the next group to anchor in the new energy. No matter what wave someone is in, the events will be

Holographic Realities vs Physical Realities, Spine, Physical Body

Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - 23-10-2016

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Queridos, vemos a muchos experimentando aún confusión con respecto a las condiciones de vuestro mundo.
Sabed que de lo que estáis siendo testigos en estos tiempos turbulentos es de la emergencia de las viejas energías tan largamente reprimidas y ocultas por la necesidad de exponerlas para que sean observadas, evaluadas y cambiadas.
Nunca temáis mirarle a la cara a cualquier aspecto, sin ocultarlo o fingir no daros cuenta, sino descubrid que es el sentido material de un universo espiritual, imágenes formadas por las creencias de la dualidad, la separación, impersonales, sin ninguna ley espiritual que las mantenga.
Nunca neguéis ni temáis a las emociones que puedan surgir, sino daros cuenta de que hoy es un nuevo tiempo en el que vosotros nos sois los mismos que incluso hace un año, habiendo obtenido un nivel de consciencia ahora podéis reinterpretar las apariencias del mundo y reconocer la siempre presente realidad espiritual subyacente.

Ailia Mira - Archangel Michael & the Council of Radiant Light - We're Shifting Because of What You're Becoming! -

We're Shifting Because of What You're Becoming!

(Stop Apologizing For What You Want)

Hello, Beautiful Humans!

We are here now to take into account what is going on for you and to reflect that back to you, so that, you might know yourself more fully and to share with you what is changing for us, as a result of what is changing for you.

We see you as divine frequencies unfolding in a time space reality, replicas of your energy structure. Like you would see a fractal image, unfolding perfect copies of itself infinitely, we see you in time space giving unique flavor and choice of focus to the variations of your energy that arise from your expression and flow.

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Be Satisfied - 26 October, 2016

The energetic vibrations that you attain represent the learning and growth you have achieved through your healing work and willingness to ascend into wholeness through transformation. Each lifetime you set an intention for healing and growth and when you are able to achieve it you are able to move on to higher levels of being. You can be satisfied with the work you have done and proud of your accomplishments as you have achieved great things with each level of growth you attain. Satisfaction is another aspect of gratitude and a gift you give to yourself, acknowledging each step on your journey as complete and an important aspect of your soul mission, because it is. Your state of satisfaction gives closure and acknowledges you have done your best until this moment, as well as opening yourself to the new potentials beyond that point.
You may have the impression that you must always achieve another level of growth, learn new ways, raise your vibrations, and achieve greater growth. While learning and healing are part of your path in this lifetime, you are asked to be in the moment but not to be in a constant state of effort. Part of your learning is to be satisfied with what you have achieved, recognize and appreciate your efforts, take time to appreciate your accomplishments, and be grateful for every detail of your growth. You are not judged by the amount of effort you put into your lessons, what you achieve or how much time each step takes. What you may judge as your most insignificant achievement may be the most important step you have taken in any lifetime.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - When You Feel Overwhelmed... - 10/26/2016

Your body is trying to PROCESS a large amount of information/energy through it, to decipher, to make sense, to correlate the information it is receiving and "it's too much" to handle, in that moment.

In the beginning, with carbon based human bodies, this was emotions and discordant thoughts. The body goes into "overload" when there are too many distortions and your body needs to release. It's WORKING HARD to process everything faster, easier.... it's trying to "pick through" all you've got going on, all you are introducing into your body/field...

The extremes of the human emotions and thoughts go as each purified, cleansings and holds light inside. Pure peace, balance and unity inside replaces what used to be separation.... there's just PURE LOVE.

martes, octubre 25, 2016

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday October 25, 2016

Why not have a surrender experiment? Why not surrender into having the most wonderful day? There doesn’t need to be any grand ritual, just an intention to surrender into having a great day. Then simply allow the day to unfold, following the path of least resistance and any signs or synchronicities from the universe. See if your day was better than most, and how you felt emotionally at the end of your day. Once you have done that for several days, examine how your week is going. Is it better than most? Are you feeling better than usual?

Christine Day - Pleiadian Broadcast - October 2016

Sheldan Nidle Update~10-25-16~new age of spiritual discovery!

Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy

from Planetary Activation Organization

This is a time when your many dreams are to manifest and the old ways are finally to be done with. Let this bell of freedom ring out again and again throughout this realm!

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

12 Lamat, 11 Tzec, 13 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! The process of clearing this land of its human vermin continues. The minions of this realm remain easy to find and arrest. They truly believe that the Light cannot obstruct their positions of power. Swiftly, they are discovering an awful truth. Their errant ways can no longer be tolerated. The rule of the dark is quickly ending and being replaced by various versions of “GESARA.” When the clearing of this unholy riff-raff is complete, those who hold the funds are to easily let this immense wealth run its course across this globe. You are to receive an abundance that is to forever end the wicked hoarding of the dark and its foolish minions. Never forget how the dark so evilly prevented you from receiving the resources that you urgently need to remake this reality. It is vital that you see this immense wealth as a way to ensure that your dreams come true. It is your confident and successful dreaming that is to allow you to let go of your unfounded fears and continuing belief that you are less than others. You are all a wondrous union of potential that needs to manifest in every way possible.