jueves, marzo 06, 2025

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Arcturians Are Coming! Arcturians Are Coming! - Mar 6, 2025

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very happy to be able to bring you these transmissions through Daniel here, and we are very interested in making contact with each and every one of you. We work with your higher selves and your spirit guides on coming up with plans to make contact with those of you who would like to have contact with us. We are a nonphysical collective consciousness. However, we can lower our vibration enough to have a temporary physical vessel, and that will be the way some of you make contact with us. For others of you, it will be more appropriate for us to stay in our nonphysical form and contact you through telepathic transmission and through energetic transmission.

miércoles, marzo 05, 2025

Kryon - Lee Carroll 2025 : Discover the Angelic Vision of Earth’s Future and Your Role in It

Aurora Ray - You Are An Earth Soldier - Mar 5, 2025

You Are An Earth Soldier

Dear ones,

I wake up each day and ask myself, "What can I do to make the world a better place?" You see, I am a warrior of light. I "fight" for what is right and oppose those who would harm others. As a warrior of light, I'm sure you're going through the same thought process as me.

Natalia Alba - The spiritual acceleration that many of you are experiencing - Mar 5, 2025

Beloved Ones,

The spiritual acceleration that many of you are experiencing at this time is a consequence of the planetary agreements you made before your present incarnation. Soul agreements meant to occur when planet Earth is ready to move into a new sphere of Creation, for it is then when your assistance is required to support our current planetary shift. We all have been waiting for this time, working incessantly to shift and liberate our minds, to be prepared for this unique moment in our galactic history.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 5, 2025

Dear Ones, you have so many noisy filters that can create confusion when you are trying to make decisions. You may know very well what is best for you but then second guess it because you wish to please another or do what others will think is smart or best. But the fact remains that you are the only one who knows your own energetics, and thus, only you can discern when something is a true energetic match to you.

Judith Kusel - We are in the greater shift now - Mar 5, 2025

We are in the greater shift now, the Shift into our own true soul selves, freedom to live our true magnificence, our true soul birthright, living our soul purpose, and calling, with love and joy!
Yes, it truly is a blessing to be in this powerful shift and rediscovering our innate freedom to be our true soul selves. 

A Breakthrough Message From The Galactic Federation: The Revelation

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Want a New Version of Earth? You Get to Choose It - Mar 5, 2025

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of Ascended Masters.

We are working with you all the time, whether you realize it or not, and you are benefiting from the stability that we provide to you in the twelfth dimension, allowing you to have experiences of great instability in your dimension. We are the tether that keeps you there and helps you to find your way back to your center, back to your power and your truth. We derive much joy from helping you, and sometimes we see an area where everyone on planet Earth could use some help. Now is one of those times.

martes, marzo 04, 2025


Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 4, 2025

Love is expansion. Fear is contraction. Acceptance brings comfort. Resistance leads to discomfort. These are basic facts enlightening human beings understand.

Where things start to get more challenging is when you understand these things and then make yourself wrong if you are not loving and accepting 100% of the time. This is where you start to judge yourself and beat yourselves up unnecessarily.