domingo, enero 26, 2025

Daniel Scranton - Do This Now for Best Results ∞Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - Jan 26, 2025

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We are here to remind you of who you really are and to offer you support, assistance, and perhaps some wisdom to assist you in knowing who you really are experientially. It is one thing to say, ‘I am infinite; I am unconditional love, and I am Source,’ and it is another thing entirely to experience what it means to live that statement. You are there at a time when more of you are needed to step up and to demonstrate to others what it looks like to be a master in the flesh.

sábado, enero 25, 2025

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Qué es la Compasión Mejorada? - Miércoles 13 de Noviembre de 2024

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Miércoles con Kryon – 13 de Noviembre de 2024

¿Qué es la Compasión Mejorada?

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético, y quiero hablar de este tema.

Es un tema del que probablemente no han oído antes. Es un aspecto de la nueva energía que está volando a través del velo disminuido, podrían decir, que hemos estado discutiendo. Si no han captado esto antes en alguna otra canalización, déjenme repasarlo.

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - January 25, 2025

Hello to you, from me here on Planet Earth. I would like you to clear up a matter that I feel necessary to address. There are two people in particular, who have many followers and have been on the scene for a few years now. (I choose not to mention names) They say that YOU … THE FEDERATION OF LIGHT … are of the dark, or a psyop … and that it is THE FEDERATION OF WORLDS that are the Truth, nothing else. Folk write to me regarding this, as the lady has had many predictions come about and they feel her to be of Truth. Yet, I was made aware that this is not ‘necessarily’ the case. I am fully in my Truth with you and have no doubts at all. What say you?

Asara Adams - Adama of Telos - Energy Update - Jan 25, 2025

Adama of Telos:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

Beloved One, as you are moving through your ascension journey, you are able to connect with different realities.

At this moment, the energies are very powerfully charged with much support from all Realms of Light, to move humanity and planet Earth forward and upward.

With this powerful support, you have now lighter and brighter realities to choose from.

You can step into any of them.

Simply decide what you are focusing your attention on.

What are you thinking and talking about the most?

Choose every thought you think.

Choose every feeling you feel.

Choose every word you speak.

Choose every action you take.


That is your Divine Inner Freedom that nobody can take away from you.

Your outer world is your inner world projected out and you decide what you wish to project.

If you desire peace in your world, find a way to be at peace in your inner world.

If you desire love in your world, find a way to be loving in your inner world.

If you desire abundance in your world, find a way to feel blessed and abundant in your inner world.

If you desire well being and health in your world, find a way to imagine what it feels like to be healthy and in well being.

The key to it is consistency.

Whenever you are thinking, feeling, saying or acting different than what you wish to experience, direct your thoughts, feelings, words and actions toward what you want to experience.

Now is the time.

We champion your victory in the Light!

Welcome Home!

We send you all so much love...

You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.

Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos - and always will be.

Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure - always.

I am your brother Adama of Telos."

Thank You, Adama! :-)

Asara Adams

Daniel Scranton - The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council - The New Earth That’s Coming - Jan 25, 2025

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We stand firm in our assessment that all is well there on planet Earth and that it will continue to get better. Now, of course, there are many parts of Earth, and there are many places on Earth. There are many experiences being had on your planet at this time, and not every single one of them is an example of everything being well. You always will have room for growth. That is true with your spiritual evolution, with your relationships, with your satisfaction in your life.

viernes, enero 24, 2025

Aurora Ray - A 5D Vibrational Experience - Jan 24, 2025

A 5D Vibrational Experience

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to exist in the 5D vibration?

Before we begin, I want to point out that humanity has been ascending for a long time, but now it is accelerating exponentially. What does this feel like? As each soul takes its own path, it is important to know that some things will remain the same while others will radically change. Below, I have outlined some of the key changes souls might experience or are already experiencing in their present life incarnation.

Judith Kusel - Become conscious and aware - Jan 24, 2025

Become conscious and aware of what and whom you choose to focus your attention and energy on.

For everything manifests instantly now.

The energy you project or radiate out, is what you manifest and draw into your life.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Friday January 24, 2025

There is great wisdom in staying still if you do not know how to proceed in your life. You may need more information to know how to move forward in a way that truly matches who you are and what you wish to experience. Biding your time is allowing yourself to get more clarity, either through self examination or through the flow bringing you more details that help you know the right way to proceed.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Ustedes conocen su contrato? - Miércoles con Kryon 6 de noviembre de 2024

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll

Miércoles con Kryon 6 de noviembre de 2024

¿Ustedes conocen su contrato?

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Hemos hablado de esta cosa muchas veces, los contratos que ustedes tienen cuando entran, algunos los llaman contratos del alma. Muchos de ustedes están buscando saber qué es, o sienten que tendría que haber alguno. O saben exactamente qué es, y están tratando de cumplirlo. De todas esas cosas deseamos hablar.

Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - This is All You Really Must Do - Jan 24, 2025

“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of Ascended Masters.

We are very interested in each and every one of you and your journeys there on Earth, and we know that each journey is meant to be different. It is meant to be a unique journey because you are a unique aspect of Source Energy, and therefore, you need not follow in the footsteps of anyone. You need not compare yourselves to anyone else. Instead, you can look at what everyone else is doing, or has done, to inspire you. And at times, you may look at something and realize you don't want to do that, and that is all good. You can be inspired by the opposite of what you ultimately want to do as well when you see it being played out in front of you in someone else's reality.