martes, junio 27, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Promise of Mass Ascension: A Turning Point for Humanity - June 27, 2023


The Promise of Mass Ascension: A Turning Point for Humanity

The fifth dimension is a place of joy, peace, and freedom from pain and suffering.

There are no limits or boundaries here, only infinite love for all things in existence. This is also where we come into our full power as human beings, no longer limited by the limitations of this world or our physical bodies. This can be quite an exciting state to experience!

In 5D, you will be able to experience unconditional love for everyone around you, no matter what their background or beliefs are. The veil between dimensions will be lifted, allowing us all to experience true happiness and bliss!

Andromedan Starseed Rainbow Crystal Light Transmission: Channelling a Deep Healing Light Into Gaia.

Jamye Price - July Ascension Energies - Endings and Beginnings - June 27, 2023

Blessed Being, each breath you take is sacred inspiration exhaling sacred information.

What is Ending

Before each breath there is a potential. What will it be? There is desire that is clouded around you. It is the mist you are immersed in.

It is yours, it is Life’s. It is lives lived and breathed.

Potential never leaves, it lives. It moves through the cycles of time and form. It begins anew and decays into the nothing of everything.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 27, 2023


Is a rose plant a failure because it hasn’t bloomed yet? Of course not! You realize every step of its growth has purpose and supports all that is to come. It is the same with you. Whether you consider yourself a seedling, a bud, or in full bloom, you are divinely perfect in whatever stage of beingness you are in. We urge you to start to see that all the phases of your evolution are beautiful and necessary and show your growth and progress. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - 23 de Junio, 2023

Vuestro destino sigue estando en vuestras manos, ya que la energía colectiva determinará exactamente lo que vais a experimentar. Nuestra presencia e influencia os dirigirán por un camino que os conducirá a la plenitud y la elevación. Sin embargo, el resultado depende de vuestra reacción a las energías superiores que os enviamos, con la esperanza de que abráis vuestra mente a un futuro mayor en el que toda la vida esté en armonía, un futuro en el que podáis convertiros en Una Gran Luz en el Universo. Vuestro nivel actual deja mucho que desear, pero muchas almas han respondido a las vibraciones superiores y están bien encaminadas para tomar su lugar donde las energías negativas ya no puedan existir. Es el destino de cada alma alcanzar tal nivel, pero primero debéis prepararos.

288Hz ❂ SACRAL CHAKRA Healing Harmony ❂ ENERGIZE WITHIN ❂ 7 Chakras Healing Music Series

Natalia Alba - The Energies of July 2023 - Achieving Self-Mastery - June 27, 2023

Beloved Ones,

During this new energetic month of July, until the end of August, we will reach the cusp of all that we have been integrating/activating, during the previous months. July is a master month, as its 7/7/7 portal indicates, for it is a portal that will signify the end, and hence the beginning, of a New Sovereign Era. There are many who have already stepped out of the 3D mind control, embodying higher levels of Love, wisdom, and power, which is what helps us discern what is authentic, from what is another form of manipulation.

KRYON - Can we drop our Karma?

Judith Kusel - We need to remember


We need to remember to take a very deep breaths in and out every now and again.

We tend to forget to breathe deeply and to sometimes just ground ourselves and to connect with the very life breath itself again.

It is this very life breath, and open heart which is carrying us through this time, while Mother Earth assists us to not only to absorb all the cosmic energy pouring in, but to ground ourselves and our soul calling and mission.

Ascension in truth means to for the soul to descend into Mother Earth and live your highest soul mastery.

Judith Kusel

Photo: Josephine Wall