The Promise of Mass Ascension: A Turning Point for Humanity
The fifth dimension is a place of joy, peace, and freedom from pain and suffering.
There are no limits or boundaries here, only infinite love for all things in existence. This is also where we come into our full power as human beings, no longer limited by the limitations of this world or our physical bodies. This can be quite an exciting state to experience!
In 5D, you will be able to experience unconditional love for everyone around you, no matter what their background or beliefs are. The veil between dimensions will be lifted, allowing us all to experience true happiness and bliss!
To enter this frequency, mass ascension is an exciting opportunity.
Mass ascension" is the term for a collective experience of ascension that occurs around the planet. It is not a new concept, but one that many people are only recently beginning to understand.
The idea of mass ascension was first introduced by David Wilcock in his book, 'The Source Field Investigations'. He describes it as a "mass event that would happen when enough people reached a certain level of spiritual consciousness and were able to realize they were already in heaven."
Mass ascension is a spiritual awakening, and mass ascension is the ultimate expression of it. It entails a shift in consciousness, inner transformation, and a new way of life.
It's a time when humanity can finally be free of the constraints of 3D reality. This will allow us to move into a higher frequency of existence where we can begin to heal our planet and ourselves.
Mass ascension is a unique experience that allows you to connect with your higher self, the Galactic Federation, and the fifth dimension.
You already know that the Galactic Federation is a global network of beings from different races who work together for the benefit of all people on Earth and other planets in our galaxy. They have been helping us evolve through many different projects over many years, including raising consciousness through music and art, creating new technologies, and sharing knowledge on how to live in harmony with Mother Earth.
The Galactic Federation has been actively observing Earth for many years now, looking for signs of mass ascension occurring on our planet. They've seen many signs, but nothing like what they're seeing now!
The signs of the mass ascension process are currently taking place in a very energetic way!
Mass ascension process consists of many different stages, some with a quickening pace and others that take a little longer for the individual to complete.
Regardless of the timetable, it features a variety of subtle and not-so-subtle changes in people's lives. It's not just a one-way street; a few people may also experience the opposite process, which involves a descent into lower frequencies of consciousness!
But you can make the shift to ascension very easily once you understand what it is. Ascension is simply a conscious state of being that has been experienced by many throughout the ages in different cultures and countries. It is the culmination of an inner journey that has taken you through many experiences and challenges.
As you have probably noticed, the Earth continues to face many challenges. Among these are environmental degradation, social disparities, economic uncertainty, political unrest, and numerous other issues.
The increasing frequency of these challenges suggests a global shift in consciousness. These are signs that something is happening to the planet, and it's not all good.
This is where mass ascension comes into the picture. It's a process that will involve tremendous energy and light. Yet it can also bring you immense joy and fulfillment!
It's a time when our planet will experience a massive shift in vibrations. The entire planet will become infused with cosmic love and transform into a healing paradise!
When this process is complete, all the problems in our world will get solved, and our lives will be transformed forever!
Preparing for mass ascension can be incredibly exciting. If you're one of the people preparing for these ascensions, it's important to remember to stay grounded and at the moment. You don't want any surprises during this delicate time, so take the necessary precautions to ensure that you're in top physical and mental condition just before your ascension.
Meditation and visualization are excellent ways to prepare for mass ascension. In fact, you will have already been doing it in preparation for the time when the energy is right for mass ascension.
Visualization exercises are effective means of visualizing yourself amidst a beautiful white light so that your body can assimilate and sustain the light when it comes into being.
Don't be afraid; just go with the flow. There is a huge crowd of people going through this mass ascension phenomenon. You will be safe, and your body will be safe (your physical body may have some aches and pains, but your soul is reaping the benefits of mass ascension).
There's no denying that mass ascension is an exciting, exhilarating experience. It is a moment when you connect with the universe and with the layer of light that exists right here on Earth!
Are you actively looking forward to it? Fantastic! Now, let's kick ourselves into gear so we can live every day as if it were our last. But in the very best way possible, of course!
I hope that these tips help you keep balance and peace of mind as you prepare for this monumental event!
To my loved ones, please know that I am certainly real, and I will be with you always on this earthly plane. Know that your ascension opens a new door of potential that allows a world of opportunity and adventure!
Choose to be happy; choose to smile!
We love you dearly,
We are here with you,
We are your family of light,
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.