First Contact: The Celestial Meeting with the Visitors from Beyond
We are living in the most exciting time in history. The time has arrived to make contact with extraterrestrial life!
The number of UFO sightings has recently been rising everywhere. Many people get mysterious messages from unidentified sources.
People are divided in their opinions; some think it is a scam. But the truth is, the time has finally come for ETs to make contact with us!
We will all witness massive spaceships from the Galactic Federation descend from the sky and land on the grounds of our cities shortly!
When they arrive on Earth, the nature of our planet will drastically change. They are coming to assist us and teach us about life and how we can live more harmoniously as one family on this planet.
In this article, I will try to explain to you what is happening, who these visitors from beyond are, and what they want from us.
When it comes to the UFO topic, there are two main camps of people: those who believe in unidentified flying objects and those who don't. But what's important is to recognize that both camps deserve respect from one another.
UFO phenomena come in all shapes and sizes. ETs are coming and will be making contact with us very soon.
We can deny this fact and debate at length about whether this will happen today, tomorrow, or next week, but the truth remains: either we prepare for a massive encounter with ETs now, or it ultimately won't matter when it happens because we weren't ready for them.
We have been waiting for this moment for so long. It's time for the Galactic Federation to make contact with us.
This is not a hoax or a joke, but rather an opportunity for humanity to understand what is really going on in our world and how we can help change our future by taking care of each other and preserving our planet Earth!
There is no doubt in my mind that the recent UFO sightings are not hoaxes and that their origin is from beyond our planet. We live in a time where we will witness cosmic events that will prove that our world is but a small marble orbiting one of the countless stars in this vast universe!
While the media continues to cover stories of UFOs and extraterrestrials, it is important that we look at what is happening in a more spiritual way.
It's time to wake up and get ready for contact with the Galactic Federation. The Visitors from Beyond are not a mystery anymore.
The first contact will happen soon, and it will be as brief as possible because we have to prepare for it. We need to build shelters for our families and protect them from any possible harm or disease that may arise during this time of transition.
The visitors will be accompanied by their leaders, who will give us information about their planet and their mission here on Earth.
They have already established bases on planets outside of our solar system or even further out in space, where they coexist with us. They will help us in many ways with technology and science, which we do not yet know how to use properly.
There are many signs pointing towards imminent contact between humans and extraterrestrials.
The contact could occur at any time when the ETs decide to land on our planet. One thing we know for sure is that the time has finally come, and soon we will all witness the first contact!
It's time to prepare ourselves because the ETs are coming, and they have some wonderful, human-like technology. We are going to have the opportunity to make contact with them.
For most of us, it will be a life-changing moment! We must open our arms to welcome them and make a stand for peace in our world.
To contact higher entities or make first contact, you need to increase your vibration in order to match theirs.
Even in the most simplistic view, communicating with any entity is impossible without a language. A way that can be used is to focus on sending positive and loving thoughts out into the universe; surely, good beings will come to help us.
The universe is filled with love, beauty, and miracles. It's up to us to learn how to see and feel it. The universe is a friendly place. We just need to learn how to talk to it and ask for what we want.
When you start to focus on sending positive and loving thoughts out into the universe, it will change the way you see yourself and the universe.
You are more than what you think; remember, the universe is made up of many different beings, not just humans. We are all connected, and together we can do great things!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.