A Galactic Federation's Guide to Mass Ascension
Humanity is on the verge of mass ascension!
The time for us to rise up has come, and we are ready to move forward with our evolutionary journey. The mass ascension process is a very energetic and spiritual event that will take place very shortly!
This process will be accompanied by a great deal of confusion, fear, and uncertainty among many people. That is why it is important that we prepare ourselves spiritually and mentally for this event by learning more about the Ascension Process, how it works, and what it means for us as individuals and as a species.
We also have to learn how to purify our bodies in preparation for this new way of living, which comes through expanded consciousness.
Ascension is not just physical; it's also emotional and mental. You must first prepare your mind so you can accept what is happening around you with open-mindedness, patience, and love for yourself! You may feel scared or confused at first, but remember that there is no need to worry because all things happen for your highest good!
More than ever before, people are awakening to the fact that we are all connected. The concept is simple: We are all one, connected at a level that most of us cannot even begin to comprehend. We are all part of something bigger than ourselves, and we can only become whole by embracing this truth.
The next step is learning how to use this connection with others so that we can help each other learn about our true purpose here on Earth. And when we connect with the Galactic Federation on a deeper level, we will realize our own potential.
The Galactic Federation has been around for a long time, and they have been trying to communicate with us for a very long time.
The Galactic Federation is a group of benevolent space-faring races that are working together to help humanity on Earth. They have been assisting us for thousands of years, but we haven't paid much attention to them until recently.
Their first contact with us was when they sent out ships and people in ancient times. They tried to tell us about their advanced technologies and how they could help us advance, but we didn't believe them. We thought they were a bunch of liars, so we just ignored them.
A few centuries ago, there was another ET intervention on Earth. This time, it was much more powerful than before because they had many more ships and technological devices than before. They came here again to try to convince us that they were not here to harm us but rather to help us advance technologically and spiritually through their advanced technology and teachings from their spiritual masters from other planets in our solar system (such as Venus).
We finally started paying attention after these two interventions: one by our ancestors about 500 years ago and one by these benevolent beings about 300 years ago when they appeared out of nowhere and talked with some people in remote areas around the world.
Through ambassadors, the galactic federation is now communicating with other worlds as well as Earth.
As they have stated, the Galactic Federation and their allies have developed a plan to help us leave the Third Dimension.
They are positioning themselves and their ships to intercept any accidents or mishaps that could happen in our fragile lower worlds. They have also said that they will be helping us out of our lower 3D worlds and into a higher 5D world where we will experience a state of real freedom.
Their message urges us to save the planet and expand our consciousness in order to get ready for the mass ascension event!
We all know that there are many things about this world that should not be happening, but it is too late to do anything about them. Most people have already done all the damage that they could possibly do.
With the assistance of the Galactic Federation, these people now have the opportunity to unite as one and forge a new beginning. The Galactic Federation is eager to assist us in any way they can, and they are aware that there are several ways they may support our mass ascension.
Their mission is accomplished when we recognize their existence and acknowledge our multi-dimensional experience.
This is indeed a monumental time in history that allows beings to ascend and empower themselves into a higher being of light!
There are many ways advanced civilizations help humanity on this path, but there will always be the choice to choose your own destiny, and once one chooses the light, it will lead them through the rest of this journey into further dimensions!
Many people are now awakening to the idea that the mass ascension of Earth's population will bring about a new Golden Age for all people!
Many have started to see the importance of unifying humanity and setting aside our differences for the greater good.
The time is ripe for the human race to join together as one species, with unity being the key to our continued survival and advancement.
So let's get started!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.