lunes, mayo 22, 2023

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Truths to Be Revealed in the Remainder of 2023 - May 22, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to offer all of you this progress report. We know that many of you are seekers, and you have been seekers for a very long time. We want you to know that this is a time when more of the truth will be revealed, and through the revelation of so many different truths, you will have a deeper and clearer understanding of who and what you really are. Those of you who are a part of the Awakened Collective know that you are so much more than your physical bodies. You know that you are so much more than this one human lifetime, so much more than your mind and your thoughts.

domingo, mayo 21, 2023

Alcyon Pleiades 153: Explorers, Arctic-Antarctica, Polar openings, Fridtjof Nansen, Inner-earth life

In this new video documentary, we will embark on an in-depth journey to discover the great explorers who set out on a quest to conquer the poles – in the world’s northernmost region and Antarctica alike. These great adventurers stood out for their courage and followed their restless aspirations to discover the unexplored regions of our planet. They led major expeditions to these faraway, inhospitable lands and accomplished notable feats during their stay there. Some of them managed to go even further and were able to find and access the wonderful inner-Earth, located in the very depths of our planet.

Many legends mention ice-free seas and large green expanses, where the climate is mild and the vegetation lush. Birds are plentiful in these lands and other beings live there as well. Famous writers, over the course of several different eras, have alluded to these Paradise-like lands, and the explorers who stayed in the vicinity, returned with evidence of the Hollow Earth, the greatest geographical discovery in history.

Furthermore, what can be said of the origins of the Eskimo, who claim they came from the Northern lands, and what mystery surrounds the stories of beings who visited the Earth’s surface, from these interior worlds?

Video by Alcyon Pleiades

Alcyon Pléyades 153: Exploradores Ártico-Antártida Apertura Polar Fridtjof Nansen, Vida Intraterrena


 En este nuevo video documental profundizaremos en los grandes exploradores que se adentraron en la conquista de los Polos, tanto en el Norte como en la zona Antártica, grandes y valientes aventureros, que inquietos por descubrir zonas inexploradas del Planeta, hicieron grandes expediciones a esos lugares remotos e inhóspitos, con grandes logros y que incluso algunos llegaron más allá, y lograron descubrir e ingresar a esa maravillosa Tierra desconocida en el interior del Planeta.

Existen muchas leyendas que mencionan mares libres de hielo, zonas verdes y con clima templado, zonas verdes exuberantes, aves e incluso seres que viven en el mundo interior. 

Escritores famosos a lo largo de diferentes épocas han hecho alusión a esas tierras paradisíacas, y los exploradores que estuvieron cerca han regresado con evidencias de la Tierra Hueca, el mayor descubrimiento geográfico de la historia. 

¿Y qué decir del origen de los esquimales que dicen que es en las tierras del norte, y cuál es el misterio de relatos de seres que vinieron a la Tierra de esos mundos interiores?

Video realizado por Alcyon Pléyades

Aurora Ray - How The Law Of Attraction Can Work For You - May 21, 2023

How The Law Of Attraction Can Work For You

Dear beloved ones,

In order to understand how the Law of Attraction can work for you, it is important to understand what the Law of Attraction is.

The Law of Attraction states that we attract into our lives whatever we give our attention, energy, and focus to. We are literally attracting the life experiences that we focus on, either by design or by default.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Land of the Living: new codes for new life - May 21, 2023

As of the Taurus new moon on 5/19, eclipse season is officially closed and we are now headed for a palpable shift as the energies morph from the endless earthy stillness to the swift-moving airiness of Gemini Season. After nearly 2 months of being largely dormant/yet simultaneously hurled thru space at warp speed…and with Mercury now direct…it’s time to get back into the body and begin putting the pieces of our lives back together⇾ in right/divine order.

Affirmations: I Am a Starseed Alchemist. A Transformer of Toxic Energies.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Now is the time to let go of fear and reach your hand forward to be held and led by the Angels of Light - May 21, 2023

Now is the time to let go of fear and reach your hand forward to be held and led by the Angels of Light.

Dear One,

When you resolve to let go of fear, an amazing energy is set into motion. It is as though hands of Angels join together in circles of light around you, keeping you protected and nurtured. When you walk, you are carried by these Angels “lest you strike your foot against a stone,” as is said in Psalm 91.

Galactic Federation's Confirmation: We're Entering the New Earth, a Deathless Paradise!

Lisa Renee - Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida - May 2023

May 2023

Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida

Lisa Renee


Dear Ascending Family,

For many years, Guardian Christos teams have been preparing the necessary architectural support for the impending Cosmic Elohei Emerald Founder showdown during the final conflict events in which they regain complete control over the Albion Lightbody and its 11D Stargate Network located in the United Kingdom. For now, it appears that the final conflict which completes this monumental task coincides with the global awakening event that catalyzes the organic ascension time wave that opens into the planetary disclosure events. Finally revealing to the asleep human population that anti-human forces that worship Luciferian and Satanic blood cult ideologies had invaded our planet, infiltrated our global governmental systems, genetically modified and cloned original human DNA, and have been stealing resources, mind controlling and enslaving humans all while rewriting history over the last 5,500 years.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - You’re Becoming Better Teachers, Healers & Guides - May 21, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are looking within ourselves for access points to the consciousness of humanity. In other words, we are looking for what we have in common with you to better get on the same wavelength as each and every one of you who is open to us. We seek to find that which binds us together before we seek to give you the latest transmission of energy and information, because we don’t want it to go over your head. We also seek to have the greatest impact with the least amount of effort and energy expended. This helps us to help more. You could call it a style of communication, but really it is all about efficiency. As we said, we want to reach as many as possible, and we want the impact to be as big as it can be.