sábado, mayo 20, 2023

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Accept This Invitation from the Ascended Masters - May 20, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have noticed the impact that the masters who have walked on your planet have had on all of you. You have noticed their power, their alignment, and the love that emanates from them as well. They came to you in order to show you what was possible while being in a human physical form. They didn’t have anything that you don’t have. And to put it another way, everything that they had inside of them, you also have inside of you. And they wanted you to know that, but they also wanted to demonstrate to you how to access that which is in all of us, that which is Source.

viernes, mayo 19, 2023

Aurora Ray - Life In 5D - May 19, 2023

Life In 5D

Dear beloved ones,

Today, I would just like to comment on some amazing things that are going to happen in the fifth dimension.

The planet is beginning to awaken to the fact of what is really going on and what it is that mankind has to do.

As you change your thoughts, the reality around you will change as well! Step outside of the box that you have been placed in by society and begin to think more for yourself and use your own Common Sense.

Sandra Walter - Birth of a new Cosmic Force in the collective - May 19, 2023

Blessings Beloveds ~

Have you noticed the uptick in Gateway activity and Crystalline Gridkeeping over the past two weeks? Many are called for Stargate/Gridwork travel, myself included.

Please go where you are guided, even if it is a local attunement. The organic energies are intoxicating in these new flows. This will be consistent through the June Solstice, when waves of New Light deliver another frequency jump.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Who’s Lying & Who’s Telling the Truth? - May 19, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are exceptional at using discernment to feel something out, and we know that it is through practice that we got to this level of proficiency. We come in contact with so many beings and collectives throughout the universe, and we can immediately feel into the level of sincerity that is within the communication, the interaction. This is a muscle that you want to start exercising more frequently. Instead of immediately sending a link to someone else and asking that person what they think, realize that you have the answer inside of you right then and there. And if you are willing to feel into the vibration of what you have been presented, and the presenter, you will be so much better off in all of your dealings with other humans and with extra-terrestrials.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - May 19, 2023

We have already explained the need to keep positive even when those around are expressing negative opinions because of the hardships they are suffering. It is to be expected when events are often out of their control and bringing about problems that are seriously affecting their quality of life. Much of it is avoidable but worldwide happenings are difficult to handle when thousands of people are left with a need for food, water and housing.

11 Hours PINEAL GLAND Activation & Decalcification (9.63Hz + 963Hz) | Gamma Waves, Binaural Beats

Jennifer Hoffman - It's the new moon and this one really impacts our ascension path - May 19, 2023


It's the new moon and this is one of the more powerful ones that we have had in a very long time. With 5 planets in Taurus it brings forward our need for grounding, stability, and security.

We also need to be aware of our tendency to hold on to things and learn to let go of what is no longer relevant or resonant.


Galactic Federation Initiates Mass Ascension Activation: The Age of Enlightenment!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Why Are So Many E.T.s Interested in Humanity? - May 19, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite enriched by every experience that we have with all of you there on Earth, and we include these transmissions as experiences that we are having with all of you, because we know when you receive the transmission and we feel the effect that each transmission has upon you. We also get all of our ideas about what to broadcast to you from you. So we are connecting with you all the time, and we are enriched and enlivened by each and every experience that we have with one of you.