viernes, julio 29, 2022

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - This is Your Job, Your Purpose, No Matter What - July 29, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are simply enjoying watching all of you grow, expand, evolve, and ascend. We are like proud parents, or grandparents, watching you take your very first steps. We know that it was a lot easier for you to take your first steps than it has been to deal with everything you have to deal with in your lives. We know that feeling your feelings is a tall order. It’s a very challenging thing to have to do. We know that being love in the face of hate isn’t easy. We know that very few people there on Earth at this time would even attempt it, but we know that we are speaking to that segment of the population who knows how powerful it is to be love in the face of everything that is out there in the world, that has the love that it really is shrouded by darkness.

jueves, julio 28, 2022

Jamye Price - August Ascension Energies - Conscious Choice - July 28, 2022

Blessed Creative Being, your unique choices offer a path of creation for Life to flow. Controlling that flow is open to you, within reason. This controls the physical for a time, for as long as the physical readjustment sustains.

Yet even the physical can not be bound beyond its time.

Kryon - El Par 24 es el Maestro - Día 3, Multicanalización en Shasta - Junio 25, 2022

Conferencia de Celebración en Monte Shasta (6)
Junio 25, Día 3, Multicanalización en Shasta
Canalizaciones: Amber Wolf, Prageet Harris, Julieanne Conard, Marilyn Harper, Lee Carroll

El Par 24 es el Maestro

Amber Wolf:

Queridos brillantes:

Nos presentamos en esta reunión sagrada, este círculo, este portal, que han creado, y los celebramos como hijos de la luz. Somos las Madres de las Estrellas, las Madres de las Estrellas Pleyadianas, hablándoles. Y queremos, deseamos, esperamos, que ustedes nos sientan vibrando en su ADN mismo. En las células de las células, de las antiguas células, su akash original de la plantilla lemuriana que todos llevan.

Algunos de ustedes pueden estar aquí sintiendo esto por primera vez, o no sintiéndolo todavía. Otros de ustedes pueden ser expertos y pueden ser almas antiguas. Ustedes son nuestros hijos y también los amamos grandemente. Deseamos que nos sientan a su alrededor; sientan ese ligero toque arriba en su cabeza. Al abrirse su corona, digan “sí”. Sientan ese ligero toque en su centro corazón, en medio de su pecho; siéntannos allí. Y siéntannos tocar sus pies, al agradecerles y reconocerlos por decir sí a esta vida. Esta vida tan llena de muchas cosas desafiantes, y sin embargo ustedes siguen trayendo la luz, y todavía no terminaron. Sus pies descansan sobre uno de nuestros hogares, están parados en la energía de la Montaña, así como vibrando en energía de la Montaña. Sentimos que lo sienten. Tomen una respiración. (respira) ¡Oh, sí!

Aurora Ray - GF: We Are Very Pleased With The Progress On Earth - July 28, 2022

GF: We Are Very Pleased With The Progress On Earth

Dear ones, I am here to give you an update.

There are a few things that I want to share with you.

I want to remind you that you are the ones who have been preparing for this moment for a very long time. And even now, there is still some preparation that needs to be done.

I am going to give you some information about the dark ones. You will find that they are becoming more and more desperate. They will do everything in their power to prevent the light from continuing its mission on Earth at this time.

Affirmations: I Am the Union of the Yin and the Yang.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Thursday, July 28, 2022

We have spoken of how many of you are going through a life review as you wrap up the first phase of your incarnation. This can involve many old memories coming up, processing old hurts or disappointments, identifying themes and patterns, and having emotions come up for identification and release.

You prioritize the processing of the heavier energies first. But there is another part of life review that many of you don’t realize, and many of you may be starting to experience. It is examining the successes of your life, and having the awareness to acknowledge the things that you did very well. These memories or awarenesses may start coming to light for you. As they do it is an indicator that you are nearing the end of the review stage.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 13

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

28 July 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 28/7 17:00 Another day with very moderate movements, few frequency fluctuations and Amplitude values just above those of calm. The most active period so far has been from 9 to 13 UTC and the maximum value reached was Power 13 to 10 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 27/7 17:00 After a day with few movements and stable frequencies the Primary Frequency started to gradually decrease from 12 UTC, at the time of this update it is at 7.50 Hz. This decrease led to an instability of the Amplitude which reached Power 10 at 16:30. The remaining frequencies also show a marked decrease that began around 15 UTC, so it is likely that we will see more movements in the next few hours.

Celia Fenn - Luna nueva en Leo: 28 de julio - Julio 28, 2022

Luna nueva en Leo: 28 de julio

Hoy es la Luna Nueva bajo el signo del León/León.

Mientras entramos en el poderoso vórtice de la Puerta anual de los Leones, la Luna Nueva nos invita a ser amables con nosotros mismos en este momento.


Estar en el vacío por un tiempo.

¡Y planta las semillas de lo nuevo!

Qué vas a crear en este ciclo de Creatividad y Manifestación.

Este es el momento en que activas al mago dentro y agitas tu varita mágica y dices:

"¡Yo creo! Y así es"

¡Que todas tus creaciones te traigan alegría!

Celia Fenn - New Moon in Leo : July 28th - July 28, 2022

New Moon in Leo : July 28th

Today is the New Moon under the sign of the Lion/Lionness.

As we enter the powerful vortex of the annual Lions Gate, the New Moon invites us to be gentle with ourselves at this time.


Be in the void for a while.

And plant the seeds of the New!

What will you create in this cycle of Creativity and Manifestation.

This is the moment when you activate the Magician within and wave your Magic Wand and say:

"I create! And so it is"

May all your creations bring you joy!

Crop Circle - Tawsmead Copse nr West Stowell - Wiltshire 28/07/22