viernes, diciembre 27, 2019

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, December 27, 2019


Allowing your own essence and wisdom to lead the way is the ultimate expression of trust, both in yourself and in the universe’s willingness to respond in kind. That is all that is required moving forward into the energies of a new year and a new decade to shift into living your highest, most satisfying life expression. The magic you have been seeking comes from the acceptance of your own beingness and the unfoldment that can begin from there. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Moving Toward The Light - December 27, 2019

Moving Toward The Light

Asking, cajoling, demanding or manipulating others to change who they are is the ego wanting complete control. This self-destructive pattern may play out many times before a step is taken away from denial and into truth. Whether you are participating in the cycle of witnessing it from afar, know that each of you has the power to change! Moving toward the light is the first step to leaving toxicity behind. You have some very important work to do and The Universe is calling, will you choose to answer? ~ Creator

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Cambio en la Consciencia - Newport, California, 8 de Diciembre de 2019

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Newport, California, 8 de Diciembre de 2019

1 - Cambio en la Consciencia

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

¡Oh! ¡Nos hemos presentado aquí muchas veces! No en esta dirección en particular, pero sí en esta energía que llamamos el salón original de Kryon. Aquí está la familia. Los que escucharon a mi socio cuando canalizó por primera vez, están aquí. Los que se preguntaban ¿de qué se trata esto? - están aquí. De modo que el entorno de la humanidad que se sienta en estas sillas es bien conocido para mí. Muy bien conocidos para mí. Si ustedes supieran que esta es la primera vez, podrían preguntarse qué es esto, qué está pasando, yo los conozco también. No puedo evitar conocerlos; su

Jamye Price - January Ascension Energies – Connection - Dec 27, 2019

January Ascension Energies – Connection

2019 Review

Areon was calling 2019 the year of Freedom. It was fast-paced with a lot of change. Change is constant in the physical realm, so part of our natural evolution of Ascension is to be well with change. Since our inner realm is where true Freedom resides, the work is to sustain an openness to life while holding healthy boundaries as we move through change.

Kryon - "The Future" - 2019

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Friday, December 27, 2019

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Friday, December 27, 2019

As you commit to fear
fear will ensue.

As you commit to love
you will receive a bouquet
of fine roses.

It is for you to assess your delivery.

What role are you playing?

What have you ordered?

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Energy in Your Fields - Dec 27, 2019

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have begun to notice the shifts in your personal energy fields as a result of how much you have been opening yourselves up to receive the energies coming in, and we are quite impressed by the way you’ve been able to assimilate the newest high frequency energies. When you practice anything in life, you do tend to get better at it, and those of you who are awake have been practicing in your ability to receive and acclimate to higher frequency energies for quite some time. You are able to do so much more now than you could just a few years ago with the energies that you accept and absorb, because of the beautiful ways in which you have been evolving your consciousness.

Lisa Renee - Abusing Spiritual Principles - Dec 17, 2019

Abusing Spiritual Principles

We define all forms of hidden, intentional deception and manipulation, applied with the intent to control the minds of other people, so that one believes the abusive content that is being projected into his or her mind is actually being generated from inside themselves, as one clear definition of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA).

Kryon - "The Conection" - 2019

Schumann Resonance Today – Update - December 27 2019

Schumann Resonance Today

Schumann Resonance Today

December 27 2019 – 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today. We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us!
The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) +7 Source
RS Base Frequency 7.83 Hz.

Schumann Resonance Today Peaks:

Risonanza Schumann Oggi -Dipendenze dell'ampiezza della Risonanza Schumann
  • 12/27 13:30 UTC – Calm.
  • 12/27 13:30 UTC – What appears to be all of today’s activity took place in four hours, from 4 to 8 UTC. During this period there were 4 peaks, each stronger than the previous one, and the last one at 7:30 UTC at Power 38 was the strongest.
  • 12/26 17:00 UTC – Calm.
  • 12/25 17:00 UTC – The activity seems to be in slight and constant decline, today two slight peaks, the first at Power 18 at 3 UTC, the second at Power 12 at 12: 30 UTC.