viernes, febrero 22, 2019

Benjamin Fulford - 18-02-19. El gobierno estadounidense en quiebra emite bonos falsos en un intento inútil por mantenerse a flote

(Se aprobó en el congreso estadounidense otro paquete inflado que Trump firmará, a pesar de no cumplir con sus peticiones sobre el muro. Aprobaron un gasto masivo que nuchos no se preocuparon de leer. ¿Que más da una deuda de 23 trillones o de 223?.. comenta Garrison. En el cartel se lee: la Casa Blanca dicen "Más gasto, más", y la lata de la reserva federal patea al tio Sam mientras le dice: "es hora de patear tu lata por el camino").

Fuente y comentarios en ingész:

Por Benjamin Fulford Informes semanales

El gobierno estadounidense en quiebra en Washington, DC, pudo fingir que no fue a la quiebra la semana pasada emitiendo bonos falsos, pero estos estarán bloqueados, según el Pentágono, la sociedad secreta asiática y las fuentes reales europeas.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - ¿Qué es hermoso para Dios?

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Monument Valley, 9 a 17 de febrero de 2019

¿Qué es hermoso para Dios?

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

En la audiencia de quienes escuchan todos estos mensajes, siempre hay capas de percepción conciente. La primera capa es la de quienes se sientan frente a mí. Muy a menudo los mensajes están dirigidos a ellos.

Este es el tercer mensaje en lo que han llamado el Tour del Valle de los Monumentos en 2019. Digo esto porque quienes escuchan no siempre podrán tener la referencia de la fecha, o del lugar, o de la secuencia. El último mensaje que dimos fue personal, y en gran medida fue para honrar a los indígenas.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Friday, February 22, 2019

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Friday, February 22, 2019

You are recommending yourself for kindness.

This is a most important gesture.

Where did you go wrong?


Natalie Glasson - Lord Merlin - Your Unseen Limitations Transformed into Liberation - February 22, 2019

Your Unseen Limitations Transformed
into Liberation

by Lord Merlin

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – 22nd February 2019 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 

I am Lord Merlin, I support Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda in their role of World Teacher. It is my purpose to distribute and activate from within souls and aspects of the Creator divine wisdom, knowingness and remembrance. When you call upon me to accelerate your spiritual evolution and ascension, I will enter into your reality like a tornado, demonstrating to you your potential of spiritual evolution in the now while also highlighting and bringing to your attention areas that require healing and cleansing. My support and encouragement are deeply loving, however, I will also

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Your Choice - February 22, 2019

Your Choice

It is time to fully understand that you get to choose! You oversee how you feel, what you do, where you go and how you get there. The physical, mental, emotional and spiritual have always been dictated by you. The current wave of energy being delivered to your Earth plane signals changes as well as an acceptance of responsibility for your very existence. In the bustle of the everyday, this fact may slip from the forefront of your mind. You are being invited to bring it back to your conscious awareness, using it to make much needed shifts within. The Universe is always beside you, guiding and supporting every step! ~ Creator

Ron Head - The Council - An Underlying Assumption - Feb 22, 2019

There is an underlying assumption to many of your questions. We chose this one simply as an illustration.

“Will it be right to say that God/Divine Source neither helps us nor hinders us in any of our endeavours (to honour our complete free-will) and just stays there existing as an impartial, all-loving, observer consciousness?”

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Friday, February 22, 2019


We invite you to remember a time when, as you look back, you see how every single element came together to give you a perfect result. It might have been when you suddenly felt drawn to buy a lottery ticket and won. It might have been showing up at the exact moment that allowed you to meet someone who ended up having a profound impact on your life. Or it may have been a time when you were delayed, only to discover had you been on time you would have been involved in an accident.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 22 February 2019

Everywhere changes are taking place and have been for quite some time, and if you can see the overall pattern you may correctly conclude that the outcome is for a more settled Earth. The emphasis is more on the people who are able to determine their own future. It is also being seen that small is beautiful, and people will eventually merge into smaller compact self-supporting groups. It does not happen overnight, but already you are beginning to see the big conglomerates having to size down. With the coming of changes in technologies it will be seen as a natural and necessary development.


jueves, febrero 21, 2019

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Mensaje para Marietta - Monument Valley, 9 a 17 de febrero de 2019

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Monument Valley, 9 a 17 de febrero de 2019

Mensaje para Marietta

(Marietta Bendonie, miembro de la tribu Navajo que los acompaña como guía en este recorrido por el Parque Nacional Navajo)

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Los indígenas de toda la tierra lo captaron, entendieron que las almas de los que habían partido regresaban y daban la sabiduría. Que vivían en la tierra y en la sangre, y esa era la manera en que transferían la sabiduría y la información para que una generación pueda existir y ser más sabia que la anterior. Entonces, siempre pido permiso a los ancestros en una tierra como esta para dar un mensaje sobre ellos.

Ailia Mira - Ashira - Your Guide to Living Well - Feb 21, 2019

Photo by Dan Stark on Unsplash

Message from Ashira

Channeled by Ailia Mira

Hello Beloved,

We greet you in love.


There is nothing more for you to do in life, than to follow your own flow.

When you allow yourself to flow, life becomes easy, fulfilling, free and effortless.
