jueves, agosto 02, 2018

L’Aura Pleiadian - Everything is Changing ~ Your Consciousness is SHIFTING - Aug 2, 2018

Experiencing dramatic changes ~ is the result of Consciousness Shifts.

Frequency Shifts. DNA Shifts.

Literally living in a world where everything is shifting before your eyes.

You are different. The world is different.

You see it everywhere.

Christine Day - A Pleiadian Message: Earth aligns with Universal Consciousness

A Pleiadian Message: Earth aligns with Universal Consciousness

Christine Day

Beloved ones, we greet you. An origin source light from the God consciousness element is flowing onto the Earth plane. This light carries a profound life frequency potential designed for the self-discovery and consciousness for humanity.

Within the planet there is the action of quickening from an energetic imprint that is being forged through this light. This is accessing the next level of transition within the “new dawning” of Earth.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday August 2, 2018

Dear Ones, surrender is the entry point of the flow and an activation, if you will, of your guides and helpers and the energetic support of the universe. It is showing your intention to step into forward movement. To surrender and then not be willing to move would be much like putting a destination into your gps but never putting your car in drive.

Natalia Alba - Energy Report - Aug 2, 2018

Beloved Ones,

We begin this new energetic, and fiery month of August, with a message of culmination, and hence, the subsequent integration of the new wave that is already strongly felt. This month is a very powerful one for us to create a new path. To confirm where we are in our ascension journey, for we find ourselves navigating within endings and beginnings, this month is a Universal 10/1 number - 19 reduced. This is the space in which beginnings and endings find each other, it is precisely in that infinite space, where we dwell in possibility, that we can choose the timeline, and the creations, that are most aligned with who we are.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Thursday, August 2, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Thursday, August 2, 2018

When you understand where you are going
you will make allowances
you will allow all to unfold
because you will understand
that all is seeking resolution now.

All is seeking remembrance of your True Self.

And so it is.


miércoles, agosto 01, 2018

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message August 2018 - August 01, 2018

Pleiadian Message August 2018

August 01, 2018

Beloved Ones We Greet You, We witness you, we hold you as you take another giant step forward on your planet. As the pure frequencies through the Sun’s repositioning brings to you an unparalleled potential for rapid transformation. Your planet is now resonating deeply with the rest of this Universe, like a heart beat your Earth’s core is magnetically aligned to the universal pulse.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Sleeping Yourself Awake - 7/31/2018

Yes you will... literally... sleep and sleep and sleep and then sleep some more... in order to dissolve the veils of amnesia that you held inside... so that your body can shut down, raise it's vibration, integrate your light, your body can re-code and re-calibrate, so that your ego-fixated-control-mind can get out of the way and you can "learn" to surrender fully to a process that makes not one ounce of logical sense at all....

James McConnell - Ashtar - One Who Serves - It Is Time To Sever The Contracts - July 29, 2018

I AM Ashtar.

And it is always a pleasure to be with you, to be able to share, to be able to experience along with you everything that is happening here on this planet and everything that is happening within you as the planet within yourselves for is always above and below. So above and so below. So within and so without.

And the connection that you spoke of earlier in your discussion of the Oneness of all things, of the connection that you have with the plants and the animals and the people themselves. This is what was meant by this meditation to feel that connection, to feel that sense of Oneness. For we have always been One. But with your various incarnations and the programming that has ensued through these incarnations, you have continued to move into different directions.

Sarah Varcas - August 2018 Astro-Energy Report: Radical Remembrance - Aug 1, 2018


Sarah Varcas

August begins in the middle of an eclipse season which continues until the 15th. Last month was an intense journey for many, with solar and lunar eclipses challenging even the most balanced among us! As we embark on a new month we have one more solar eclipse to come on the 11th before things begin to ease. Mars has been conjunct the South Node since the end of May, anchoring our attention in the past, rationalising the adoption of old habits over new approaches and generally holding us back when we most needed to move forward. This has made recent weeks especially difficult as eclipse energies have demanded new responses while our instincts have told us security lies in the familiar. This tie to the past weakens as August begins. For some it may feel like waking from a mysteriously seductive sleep in which reactions and behaviours have felt automatic and involuntary. From 5th August we should be far more present and better able to make informed decisions with clear intent rather than acting under the influence of unconscious impressions and emotions.

The Hilarion Connection©Update - August 2018
