jueves, abril 05, 2018

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Pelar la Cebolla de la Realidad - Longmont, Colorado, 13 de enero de 2018

Esta transcripción es resultado de una grabación que no funcionó, y una canalización subsiguiente sobre la grabación deficiente, agregando información y aclarando ciertas ideas y enseñanzas. "Pelar la Cebolla" es una descripción que Kryon ha usado antes, una metáfora de empezar a "destapar" los atributos de la vieja energía con que nos hemos rodeado. ¿Será posible que el "juego de la vida" realmente esté cambiando?

Canalización en vivo de Kryon a través de Lee Carroll, en Longmont, Colorado, 13 de enero de 2018

Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada (por Lee y Kryon) para ofrecer una comprensión aún más clara. A veces se agrega o condensa la información. A menudo lo que sucede en vivo tiene implicada una energía que conlleva un tipo de comunicación que no ofrece la página impresa. De modo que disfruten de este mensaje realzado dado en Longmont.

Jamye Price - Did You Forget to Remember? - Apr 05, 2018

Remember the Cycles

It can sometimes be easy to forget that the process of Ascension is natural for a species. There is so much information out there of the amazing experiences people are having, you may wonder if you’re doing it right.

Evolution is in-built, it progresses with the natural push/pull of duality. This is a wise universe, and you are part of it. Yet, sometimes it looks like there is a huge force outside of us that controls our experience. Indeed, there are structures that have been consciously or unconsciously given our power.

Affirmations: Activate the Seven Hermetic Principles of Wisdom and Power.

Nancy Tate - Horus - Message of the Moment 04-05-18

Message of the Moment

04-05-18: Even when you tend to go a little crazy and wipe out any chance of being successful in what you wanted to do, it is essential that you look twice at what the circumstances are and why you took the road you took with it. It could have been one

Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll - The Practical Old Soul - Anchorage, Alaska January 27, 2018

Live Kryon Channelling
Anchorage, Alaska
January 27, 2018

The Practical Old Soul

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

You are facing a beautiful, beautiful energy and yet you may not realize it. In order to get from dark to light, there are profound transitions. What you know from living on the planet is that transition can be difficult, especially when you go from a darker energy to a lighter one. There are those in the dark who will fight to the death in order to keep from changing. It is a way of life and a way of control for them. But, dear ones, this earth transition is indeed happening. The speed of it will take only as long as you decide it will. Free choice on the planet will determine the timing. You are in the change now, and you have just begun to see it.

Niole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Jueves, 5 de abril, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros 

Jueves, 5 de abril, 2018

Tienes derecho al perdón.

Eso es lo que se te está debiendo.

Ahora, al jugar con esto
y mezclarlo
con imágenes ilusorias de lo que fue,
cargado de duras consecuencias y de multas,
pierdes de vista el significado de lo que es avanzar.
Daily Teachings of the Masters

Thursday, April 5, 2018

You are entitled to forgiveness. 
That is what is due you.
Now as you play with this
and mingle
with illusionary images of what was,
burdened with heavy consequences
and fines,
you miss the point of the advancement.
You are choosing to evolve past 
the blame game.
You are choosing to ascend out of the need and belief in karmic 
You are choosing to witness your True Selves.
Now this is quite an experience 
and one that has been overlooked for eons of time.
Therefore it is understandable that there might be a slight pause
and some borrowed record keeping of sorrow.
"What about this? Won't I be punished for this? 
Don't I have to stay in class a little longer?"
And we say, you are affording yourself a new gift,
a life pattern of excellence.
It is the reason for your arrival.
in order to assist mass consciousness in ascending,
you must be able to bring it down to the basic level
of forgiving yourself
and seeing all others as innocent and holy. 
You will not dismiss charges against another 
until you have the awareness that you have already been forgiven
and that you already exist outside of time. 
And so it is. 

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday April 5, 2018

If you are trying to manifest an amount of money for something and can’t seem to find success doing so, you may find it helpful to broaden your horizons. Rather than seeking a specific amount of money, try opening up to receiving however the universe chooses to bring you your goal. It may very well be that it would be easier to move you directly into your desired

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Miercoles, 4 de abril, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Miercoles, 4 de abril, 2018

Cuando permitas que la Verdad reine

será muy evidente,
será relevante,
y será a tiempo.