jueves, abril 05, 2018
Jamye Price - Did You Forget to Remember? - Apr 05, 2018
Remember the Cycles
It can sometimes be easy to forget that the process of Ascension is natural for a species. There is so much information out there of the amazing experiences people are having, you may wonder if you’re doing it right.
Evolution is in-built, it progresses with the natural push/pull of duality. This is a wise universe, and you are part of it. Yet, sometimes it looks like there is a huge force outside of us that controls our experience. Indeed, there are structures that have been consciously or unconsciously given our power.
Yet from the example of the high school students that are responding to the Florida shooting, and so many other examples, we are seeing an increasing flow of people expressing their power. This isn’t new. Will it work this time?
What if it has worked every time? Each change has been necessary. The repetition is the clarifying of the structure. The spiral of time keeps showing us what still isn’t strong enough to maintain its core structure, so choice comes around again. And again. And again.
Will it look new this time around?
Remember to Choose
One thing that surprised me as I began working on clients many years ago, was to discover the power of our small choices, and how profoundly immense they actually are.
When we’re physically focused, we look to the external for the results. When we don’t see them, we doubt, choose again, and often repeat patterns that result in a more immediate outcome. The ego facilitates this because your sweet ego is so good at its job—keeping you alive. Repeat what worked before.
To hold to a new decision takes focus, and even courage. Sometimes it’s a lonely road because well-meaning people may try to talk you out of it. Even their sweet ego is trying to keep you safe!
It is the courage to make the small choices that makes the big difference.
Remember to Love
The small, meaningful choices that benefit your path can be recognized by the thread of Love that holds new structure together. This is where it can get confusing. We have often been conditioned not to recognize the inner core of Love. If we don’t recognize the inner core of Love, we can be more easily controlled.
Love is everything.
It is fierce and gentle. It is blissful and painful. It is yes and no.
The difference between a beneficial choice is that it builds a strong structure of Love. It supports, it enriches, it enlivens. Being fierce in a specific moment builds the strength of Love, whereas being gentle in that particular moment would diminish the structure of Love. Like standing up against a boss that needs to hear you instead of fearing the truth. It teaches the structure of life on Earth that suppression is not viable here.
In another moment, being gentle builds the strength of Love, whereas being fierce in that moment would diminish the power of the structure. Soothing a child to sleep from a nightmare teaches the structure of the child that calm reason and nurturing can create safety.
The moment is calling you to your wisdom of discovery of the facet of Love that supports you best. When you allow your Love to flow in all its forms, you are building a courage to Love when Love may not have been prevalent before. You give it form.
You are the thread of Love, weaving life.
Remember to Receive
To understand the core of Love that resides within you, and to trust that flow, takes wisdom. Wisdom takes cultivation, cultivation takes perseverance, perseverance takes passion, passion takes focus, focus takes love…the spiral continues.
With all of this taking, it’s no wonder we can get exhausted.
If your wellspring of Love is replenished, the taking becomes the same engine of receiving. Paradox.
That’s the structure of Love, it replenishes itself—yet it needs the taking. Take deeply of Life with the wisdom of the structure of Love. Be willing to experience the moment in all of its facets and your courage is rewarded with a new inherent strength. The receiving is invisible first, but then it is felt. Just like Love.
The journey becomes joy-full. Well received.
Remember Who You Are
Did you Forget to Remember the profound Love that you are? What if the forgetting was part of the remembering? When we forget, we get to discover. This Earth plane is the realm of discovery through experience.
Have you seen this in a child? When they laugh, do you remember? When you see the sparkle in their eyes, do you remember? Maybe you’ve seen it in a flower, a cloud or a rainstorm. It’s in you, too. That profound strength to move through all the facets of Love, even the painful ones. They transform as you remember…
You are infinite, profound Love in human form.
You forgot, just so you could remember here.
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Ángeles de Crystal
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El Gran Cambio,
Jamye Price