April 24, 2018
From the eclipses to the equinox we have been moving thru a period of extraordinary deepening and expansion, an intensive preparation for the consecration of the Mystical Marriage. From the equinox to Easter those prepared activated the resurrection codes for the Risen Christess thru our divine consummation, the sacred merger of our higher & lower self/feminine & masculine polarities. From Easter to the (Aries) new moon we have been integrating the activated ascension/resurrection codes in our DNA as we begin to assimilate to the new level consciousness and absorb the magnitude of what we’ve all just been thru.
Somewhere in the middle of all that we were also stymied by a very necessary neurological remapping process during Mercury’s retrograde journey…we came completely unplugged which gave each of us the ability to thoroughly disconnect and disentangle all the many cords and wires that still linked us to the old mental matrix.
The result of that massive undertaking is still unfolding, however it ultimately served to free us from all false power structures leaving us with a viable option to hook into our true Source of power…to reroute our personal life force in preparation to go wireless. 📡
So yea, 2018 has been kicking the crap out of us so far…but it’s because 1) we are ready for it and 2) to reach the frequency needed to actualize our divine blueprint (as an intricate part of THE Divine Blueprint) we have to be capable to absorb an enormous amount of light. In this, we are rewriting the script for all of humanity, one that includes the Truth of our origins and full biological potential. ⇊
The conscious, willful release of suffering is the antecedent to embodiment.
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During the first half of this month the overarching focus was on integrating thru continued rest within our inner-sanctuary…the second half of April we began an intensive restructuring period, remodeling the container of our self, space & lives to accommodate the risen Christess within, in preparation for the “coming of the Holy Child”. And now, as we move into May, we will begin to incorporate these structural changes into the systems of our daily life, bodies and world…simultaneously establishing our new level Plan for our new level Service to the whole.
We are moving deeper into the True meaning of our soul’s path & purpose and following the Scorpio full moon at the end of the month (4/29)…when this encompassing rebirth process culminates…we will begin rooting our devotion to Serve (with a capital S) from a place of pure Source involvement.
As we come to experience a physical life in union (with Source) we will learn first hand what it means to employ the universal, or cosmic Self…to embody the ultimate reason for existing...to decode our “divine covenant”. From this place of true/divine connection we know that the only meaning to our lives is to Serve the whole…each other, the Earth, the galaxy, the cosmos, the ALL.
Nothing less fulfills us here.
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