martes, febrero 21, 2017

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Use the Power of Prayer - Feb 20, 2017

How many times have you prayed for better relationships, more money, a better job, a new home, peace and joy? And how many times do you repeat your prayers when you do not receive what you asked for? Do you pray the same prayers every day or every week? Do you believe that your prayers will be answered or do you think that the Creator and the Universe are deaf because your prayers go unanswered? What do you do then, do you feel defeated and powerless? Do you ask again and hope that your prayers are heard? You should know that every prayer reaches Source and every desire of your heart is answered. The fact that it seems your prayer is not answered immediately is not a sign that you are not being heard, but that there are other lessons or issues involved in the outcome.

Kryon in EGYPT Welcoming Ceremony 2017 February

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Becoming a Crystalline Gridkeeper & Star Gate System of NEW Earth - 2/21/2017

Yesterday was a huge activation and integration day of encodements relative to each of our individual (and collective) evolution here. Powerful is an understatement. By afternoon, we had gone ultra-sonic, then a half hour later we hit Stellar Frequencies. Needless to say, I too pulled away to allow for what I needed to do as a GateKeeper/Gridkeeper here.

Kara Schallock - Rising in Authenticity, Power and Sovereignty - 21-Feb-2017

We are in a very powerful period. What hasn't been released or shifted will be and this all leads up to the Equinox next month. There most likely have been many old memories surfacing, along with wanting to know more about ancient history. Ancient history does not belong in the New and neither does your current life memories. Pay attention to what ancient history timelines you've been attracted to and you may discover some of your old lifetimes. All is to be focused on the present moment. Do your lifetimes center around the time of Jesus, Mohammad or Buddha? Atlantis or Lemuria? Ancient Egypt? The Reformation? King Arthur? Druids? Joan d'Arc? It truly is time to let them go. You are being asked to be completely immersed in the New with no old patterns or beliefs in tow. There is no old karma to work through.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 21, 2017
Dear Ones, feel into the energy of what you would like to create in your life. Does it feel like struggle or does it feel like ease? If it doesn’t feel light and of the flow, examine your beliefs about it. Do you feel it will be hard? As you continue to examine your beliefs and the language you use about your desires, ask do they hold the vibration of what I wish to create and how I wish to create it, or do they still hold elements of pushing against what is unwanted?

Keep adjusting until every single word associated with it feels good – so good – that just thinking about the potential feels wonderful. That is the energy you wish to create from. It doesn’t need to be complex, often just a few well chosen words will capture the essence of your dream and give the you effect you are looking for. ~Archangel Gabriel

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Avenda, February 21, 2017

As we go into our system that is being fabricated with all of the desires and interests of each other, we are seeing the results of what we believe, and what we desire for our lives. We see the attitudes of so many people change and take on a different agenda. As this takes place we will go through the awakening process that will bring us to a clearer picture of what our journey at this time is creating for us. It is a Wake up Call that surpasses all that we have accomplished to this point in our journey. As we go through this we are contemplating several pathways that will lead us to the expansiveness that is in store for us as we take our journey through this experience that we are creating.

Ron Head - The Council – Intensification - February 21, 2017

Some of you are experiencing discomfort at this time. Not that before you have not. But this seems to be sudden and more intense. Some of you, when hearing of this, think it has passed you by. Sorry, but there are extremely few who have no clearing left to do. We are showing the channel a picture of a ski jumper on the downward run.

As you may have followed these messages for a while, we will tell you that you have been prepared for the changes that we have told you were coming. You have been down quite a bit if the downward run, as it were. You have each prepared for the end of the run that you will reach. But you will reach yours at your appropriate time. It may not be the same day as your neighbor, much less the same as the one who is half way around the globe. You have been preparing for what you will need where you are.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour de Egipto - 9 - Templo de Hathor - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Tour en Egipto - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

9 - Templo de Hathor

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Nos encontramos en el Templo de Hathor. Queridos, estoy pidiendo a mi socio que vaya despacio. Aquí hay un gran misticismo. Aquí hay mensajes que exceden lo que los egipcios saben que hay aquí. Queridos, deseo revelar algunas cosas esotéricas, cosas que no necesariamente creen los que aquí enseñan, de modo que habría gran controversia.

Pido permiso otra vez a los ancestros y a los antiguos para esta información. Empezamos a darles esto en el templo de Isis y ahora revelaremos el resto de la historia. En los muros están escritas aquí, literalmente, las historias que ustedes deberían saber, describiendo cosas que ni siquiera los egipcios conocen.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Tour de Egipto - 8 - Templo de Karnak - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Tour en Egipto - 2 a 13 de Febrero de 2017

8 - Templo de Karnak

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Y entonces hoy el grupo se sienta en el Templo de Karnak. Es un bello día y el sol brilla sobre ustedes, y en este lugar hay muchas energías para probar. Pero la energía que hoy quiero que prueben en este templo es la introspección - para ustedes.

Tendemos a quedar abrumados - todos - por el enorme tamaño de las cosas, y se volverán más grandes. Muchas veces el tamaño es como una comparación para el individuo; a veces es el individuo y Dios. A veces están tan mezclados que no se sabe dónde empieza uno y dónde termina el otro. Pero en este día no hay duda de dónde empieza y termina, porque se trata de ustedes.

Sheldan Nidle Update~2-21-17~Rise Up and be Sovereign, Prosperous and Free!

2 Manik, 10 Zac, 13 Caban

Dratzo! A slowed but steady pace is now in effect. Processes continue that put security over delivery. Those who represent the old cabal are fighting hard, and producing a series of worrisome protracted delays. It is a strategy that is returning our allies to a more cautious attitude. We are reminded of how well the dark likes complexity. It is the last stand of these dark ones and the last means of further delaying our strategy. Yet part of a new timetable is shortly to meet with success. A number of old items currently require our attention. All of the other pathways are to be reopened. The dark minions are finally to be arrested, their activities revealed and a prosperous reality unveiled. Until then, we need to ask you to be patient. Your grand reward is close to fruition. Those who have been in power for so long are shortly to be vanquished. Although our progress has been slow it is nevertheless succeeding. This corrupt and tyrannical, illegal governance is being squeezed out. A new time is nearly here!