sábado, septiembre 03, 2016
Jennifer Hoffman - September 2016 Energy Report - Sep 3, 2016
Welcome to September! I feel that this should be displayed with flashing lights because after the intense energy of the past few months this month will come as a welcome relief. This month’s theme is ‘A New Dawn’ and it is action packed with lots of energy activity, it’s all geared towards forward movement, with less of the hard edges that we have seen in the past few months. But this comes with conditions too because September is also a month where we will see a lot of our past coming up for review and we have to choose which path we’ll follow – the past or the future. Remember that the dawn arrives after the darkest part of the night. I think we’ve all been through that, don’t you? We have big choices to make this month but we get help making them in the form of very supportive energy that will allow us to see more clearly, choose more powerfully, and act with confidence. Are you ready for some action? Then you’re ready for September.
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Marilyn Raffaele - El Grupo Arcturiano - "Ya soy todo lo que he estado buscando" - 28-08-2016
Queridos míos:
Estamos observando la confusión y las emociones que hacen que muchos de ustedes piensen que han perdido de alguna manera su camino.
La trayectoria espiritual ha cambiado de como la han conocido en el pasado pues ya no es una senda del buscar y reflexionar, sino que ahora es un acto de concientizarse, de aceptar, y de vivir: “Ya soy todo lo que he estado buscando.”
El proceso de evolución puede dejar a una persona sintiéndose perdida, e inclusive sintiendo pánico, si no tiene idea de lo que está sucediendo al empezar a disolverse su confortable, pero ilusoria, base.
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Lisa Transcendence Brown - "Love transforms all BACK into Light again." - Sept 3, 2016
Through love, all is simple. Through Light WE hold the POWER again. Through Light, we hold the energy, the wisdom/knowledge, but first we must BE LOVE... purely, simply, all of the time...
WE shift the VIBRATION of all from inside and with our ENTIRE BEING here. WE shift Dimensions, back into an existence forgotten/lost. WE anchor Higher Consciousness Light in the physical here.
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El Gran Cambio,
Lisa Transcendence Brown
Diane Canfield - Energy Update: Eclipse and Intense Geomagnetic Storm Energy in Progress - Sept 3, 2016
We are dealing with the energy of the Solar Eclipse today which ALWAYS brings in NEW energy. This can last days after the eclipse has taken place. Many people have already been asking me why they feel so dragged out, fatigued and angry among other symptoms.
Eclipses are known for bringing hidden things to the surface to deal with, a cleansing that takes place. Dark or negative energies that have accumulated will need to be cleansed and replaced with positive frameworks for the LIGHT BODY design.
I went through a similar process in August, as the energies have been high and ongoing since August 1st. I was recreated into a NEW person, I call my original SELF. This will happen NOW for everyone through September, through the Eclipses and through the energy of the Equinox.
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Lisa Transcendence Brown - Your Soul Needs Alone Time... A Lot of It... - 9/2/2016
When you feel the need to pull away
This is your SOUL trying to come through
It needs you to be alone
So you can feel/hear it and it can communicate and it emerge through you
Light integrates, weaves and infusions into our entire BEing again
This occurs in the silence, in nature, when we sleep
When our field of consciousness is clear
Our physical body will go through a LightBody tuning process
Where electromagnetic frequencies are emitted
External stimuli will be greatly enhanced
As our consciousness expands out from within
Every sound, every smell, taste, feeling... all magnified during this tuning process
Sleep allows for faster integration of this Quantum Photonic Light
Stillness is where our answers come
And when we exist in stillness everything makes sense again.
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El Gran Cambio,
Lisa Transcendence Brown
Fran Zepeda - Sananda - Golden Light Flight - September 2, 2016
Greetings Beloveds,
In the passing of times and the knowing of all things, your soul has made detours of sorts, and has been on the sidelines so to speak, while your physical self experienced the world of your making.
It is not to say that you have devolved—you have merely chosen to experience life in a different realm.
Now the time is nigh for your soul to make itself known, and so all of you, in various stages, are integrating your souls and enjoying that divine spark of Christ Consciousness, of Source Consciousness, more fluently and steadily within your lives.
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Fran Zepeda,
Aisha North - Water Speaks - 03/09/16
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Aisha North,
Canalización del Agua
viernes, septiembre 02, 2016
Vera Ingeborg - Andromedans - New Earth is approaching fast -
Ware in exciting times. Everything is accelerating, can you feel it? This may seem exhausting and too much to take, but this is really a reward. As a collective you have managed to shift energies so quickly, that you have decided to move into a faster timeline than planned. We, your brothers and sisters, are observing what is going on on planet earth with pride. Ascension is happening even faster than planned, in terms of linear time. At the same time, linear time is dissolving, that is why you often feel completely lost in time and space and everything seems to happen simultaneously in one moment, followed by a feeling of nothing happening at all the next. You are realigning to the new environment and the laws of the fifth dimension. Any scheduling, planning ahead and keeping appointments can feel very uncomfortable.
The 5th dimension in the physical is all about living in complete freedom, oneness, authenticity and unconditional love. Structures are ending. Structures are what kept you in 3D. Routines, habits, recurring appointments, time tables – they are all ending. You are adapting to New Earth. As the new chosen timeline accelerates, a lot of people feel even more intensified emotional breakouts, mental spiralling and heavy physical body pain. The linear time slot to go through healing and releasing is compressed even more, so are the wave patterns used to do the purging.
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Nueva Tierra,
Vera Ingeborg
Natalie Glasson - Next Stage of Ascension: A New Perception for All by the Rainbow Dolphins of Lemuria - 2nd September 2016
Greeting light beings of the Earth, we love you deeply and have been working with you for a great number of lifetimes. We are the Rainbow Dolphins from Lemuria; we existed as semi-physical dolphins in the oceans close to Lemuria and often communicated with the Lemurian civilisation. The Lemurians would often draw upon our wisdom and healing vibrations to support them, and that was our purpose of being there. We now exist upon the inner planes; we originally extend from the Pleiades although our true origin is the source of the Creator.
We are working with your aura which is an electromagnetic field and the aura of the Earth to strengthen your light body and enhance your perception of light. We greatly wish to charge and enthuse you with new frequencies of light to support the awakening of all aspects of your being. Our energy is akin to a key which unlocks advanced states, stages, and abilities of your ascension and mastery. By sending our light into your auric field, we are creating a surge of energy like an electrical current which then interlinks with your physical body and energetic chakras to create core shifts within the very essence of your being and current existence upon the Earth.
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Natalie Glasson
Lee Carroll - Kryon - The Fundamental Fractal - June 11, 2016 at Hot Springs, Arkansas
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. We wish
to take a moment to honor the science of today, of yesterday, which was
presented in this place [speaking of the presentations during the
For 26 years, I have given you messages over and over that may have sounded odd to you. When I've given you truths that were not yet validated, or told you things that were not the mainstream of thought, they were just things that had no basis. Year after year, slowly some of these things have come to fruition, but only now are you starting to see the Kryon message validated in this way. I want to fill in the gaps, just a little, in this final message of this day.
For 26 years, I have given you messages over and over that may have sounded odd to you. When I've given you truths that were not yet validated, or told you things that were not the mainstream of thought, they were just things that had no basis. Year after year, slowly some of these things have come to fruition, but only now are you starting to see the Kryon message validated in this way. I want to fill in the gaps, just a little, in this final message of this day.
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Lee Carroll
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