lunes, agosto 29, 2016

Marlene Swetlishoff - Mensaje Semanal del Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 28 de Agosto al 4 de Septiembre, 2016

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Este discurso corresponde a una pregunta planteada al Maestro Hilarión en lo que respecta a la idea de que hay un Cinturón de Dinero Dorado rodeando la Tierra. ¿Es esto realmente cierto?

Pedimos que Hilarión suministre detalles completos sobre el Cinturón de dinero que rodea al planeta Tierra ...

En respuesta a esta pregunta indico que tal cinturón no existe. Esto es desinformación que se les ha presentado a los Trabajadores de la Luz del mundo para distraerlos y confundirlos.


Where does the time go I wonder? Anyway, I’m here now and trusting you will be too?

Firstly, we direct your attention to our intent this day, which is to offer the DEEPEST PUREST ABUNDANCE OF HEART FELT LOVE TO ONE AND ALL.

Well, what a lovely greeting. Thank you. Down here on Earth, life is passing by so quickly it seems. One can just about fit everything in! What would you wise us up with today, my friends?

Today, of all days, we would speak to you of … spreading the news …

I need to interrupt. At first you wanted to say  ‘we would speak to you of ‘Gung Ho’ … which means enthusiastic about fighting/war fare … and then when I questioned, it went to ‘spreading the news’ and once again the next words coming through were ‘about warfare’. I’m pursuing it rather than aborting it because I feel it is you. So, let’s see what happens. Why would you be enthusiastic about fighting?

Sarah Varcas - 30 Agosto al 22 Septiembre 2016: Mercurio Retrógrado en Virgo & Júpiter entra en Libra - 26 de Agosto 2016

Mercury retrograde in Virgo, Jupiter in Virgo, Jupiter in Libra, Venus in Libra, conscious relationships, compassion, deep truth, patience, wisdom, faith, divine timing, Jupiter in Virgo, Solar eclipse in Virgo

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Nuestro Deber Sagrado

Justo cuando Mercurio está a punto de entrar en el mundo conciliador de Libra, es parado en seco por su situación retrógrada, en el grado final de Virgo, recordándonos que aún hay detalles que necesitamos aclarar, realidades que requieren revisión y esfuerzo dedicado, necesarios antes que podamos avanzar con los planes de hoy. Ocurriendo menos de dos días antes de un eclipse solar en Virgo el 1 de Septiembre, este es un momento poderoso que eleva un número de preguntas que necesitan respuestas honestas: ¿Nos estamos conformando con las respuestas más obvias que sólo "simplifican" una situación compleja, en vez de resolverla? ¿Estamos perdidos en los detalles, al extremo de no poder ver el bosque por culpa del árbol? ¿La certeza incuestionable nos ha cegado a las verdades menos obvias, pero infinitamente más importantes? ¡¿Creemos que estamos buscando la verdad, pero en realidad estamos interesados sólo en la evidencia que nos hace tener la razón?! Cualesquiera que sean nuestras circunstancias, el tiempo que se pase reflexionando en estas preguntas será ahora tiempo bien usado.

Lauren C. Gorgo - Eclipses to Equinox: the ultimate balancing act - August 29, 2016

The energies of the new month are already beginning to arrive, heralding the entrance of some superhero (m-f) rebalancing efforts set to take place in our lower body system in preparation for 2017…a year when the planet will need as many people as possible anchored in divine neutrality.

We are moving into a period of grounding, a profound integration of the new accelerated creation cycle which amplified exponentially thru the Lion’s Gate, and becomes fully viable on the September 22nd equinox, directly following the last eclipse of the year.

Selacia - Beginnings and Endings-September Energy Tips- - August 29, 2016

by Selacia

Major change across the planet continues to accelerate this next month, catalyzing new levels of spiritual awakening and a greater transparency of previously hidden information. The New Moon Solar Eclipse of September 1 sets the stage for some significant cycles of beginnings and endings. These will be felt on both personal and planetary levels, people across the world receiving nature's nudge to re-evaluate life happenstance.

New Starts and Completions

Solar eclipses characteristically catalyze new starts and completions. This is a natural cycle that impacts everyone. You don't need to understand the planets or astrology to be affected. The energy nudge just is, whether you are aware or unconscious of it.

Benjamin Fulford 8-29-16… “Germany makes game changing move, prepares for war to defeat khazarian mafia”

Posted by benjamin, August 29, 2016

For the past few weeks the wheels of geopolitics have been churning the mud during a summer “ceasefire.” That is now ending.

The German government has made a decisive break with the Khazarian mafia and has ordered its citizens to stockpile 10 days worth of emergency food supplies in preparation for a war of independence, according to both CIA and MI6 sources. In addition, the German government is mobilizing 600,000 militia members in preparation for this war, the sources say. The trigger for this mobilization was a reequest by the Khazarian controlled US government for Germany to accept a massive false flag attack on its territory as an excuse for totalitarian Khazarian rule. The Germans have decided to refuse this request and are instead allying themselves with the Russians and effectively joining the UK and Turkey in a Western led move against the Khazarian controlled American government, the sources agree. This information can be confirmed in a series of German government statements seen in the corporate media. These include the announcement of the emergency food supply request, a statement by the German foreign minister that Germany needs to work with Russia and a statement by the economy minister that the US Khazarian led TTIP trade agreement was dead in the water.

Sandra Walter - Acceleration and the Solar Eclipse: Making the Choice - August 29, 2016

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

Many have asked about the upcoming timeline shift, wondering if the Light Tribe can handle an acceleration since symptoms have been somewhat intense this year. Let us review a few items for clarity.

An acceleration is occurring regardless of our choice. Evolution is evolution. We are receiving a third wave of photonic light in September, the third in a series of waves intended to prepare us for the global intense shift in 2017. The first wave was in December/January, the second in April/May, and the third arrives in September. All of these waves are focused on amplifying the shift in consciousness and Ascension. This is a natural force of evolution in progress. How blessed we are to be incarnated during this fascinating passage.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Reescribir el Pasado - St. Louis, Missouri - 20 de agosto de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Esta mañana les pedimos que sintieran el viento de la verdad. Es una metáfora. Cuando sienten el viento que suele soplar suavemente y refresca, es así como se siente la verdad del cambio. Están viendo energías nuevas que nunca tuvieron antes, que se les presentan de formas diferentes. Hace años hablamos de la recalibración de la energía y ya han atravesado eso; ahora viene el trabajo. ¿Cuántos de ustedes preguntaron hoy qué es lo que sigue, qué tienen que hacer, qué es lo posible?

Queridos: como esto es nuevo, todavía no se ha escrito un manual para lo que sigue, pero hay cosas que podemos pedirles que hagan, que se pueden hacer, y deben ser hechas por almas antiguas. Ahora bien, esto es una visión general, y esta generalidad que les doy no es lo específico. Primero hablaremos de lo específico, o sea que empezamos al revés.

Están preguntando qué pueden hacer, qué harán ahora, que se supone que hagan, qué hay para ustedes en el plan. Y les decimos que ustedes son únicos, de modo que puede ser distinto para cada uno, pero hay algo que empezaremos a pedirles y van a oírlo cada vez más. Alma antigua: en esta nueva energía las cosas van a venir a ti. Vigila las sincronicidades; no las pases por alto. Al oír ideas, al conocer personas, cuando alguien diga "vayamos allí y hagamos algo" y nunca lo hiciste antes, eso es sincronicidad. Y la segunda cosa que les diremos es que la sincronicidad que aparezca, véanla como lo que es, porque eso es lo que han de hacer.

Brenda Hoffman - From “Oh NO!” to “Whatever.”​ - August 29, 2016

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you feel deflated by not sensing anything extraordinary or as you might say, “woo woo” during this energy season.

Your concern is that you are not progressing as you wish or that you cannot progress because of something you have not cleared or have not done that others seem to do automatically.

None of your worries are accurate. You are accepting the new energies of this strong eclipse period as fully as anyone. It is just that you have less to address, or the energies are not those required for your expansion into new you.

domingo, agosto 28, 2016

Kara Schallock - Being Love; Being Peace - August 28, 2016

We continue to have ongoing influxes of Light downloads. All this Light brings up more and more old energies that no longer serve us. Old beliefs surface, along with grief, perceived loss, perceived abandonment and more. Any time you feel someone has hurt you, it shows you that you still hold victim energy. If you don't release it, you continue to create circumstances in which you feel someone or something has done harm to you. We are not victims! If, however, you still carry old perceived hurts, you will continue to create more circumstances that prove that you indeed are a victim. One way to let go of anyone you perceive has done you harm (which is victim consciousness and is of separate ego) is to use this exercise, which frees both of you from the entanglement, which keeps the destructive cycle going. It is an exercise of Forgiveness and completing old karmic contracts. It is also an exercise in self-Forgiveness and Freedom...