domingo, abril 10, 2016

James Tyberonn - Astro View ! The Temporal Angst of April -

There is no question that March was a month of severe intensity. And most are still in the after effect lassitude of its staggering impact. The frequency of the tandem eclipses and super equinox, while beginning to wane a bit, are still quite active, and will be influencing the planet for several more weeks, if not months.

For those of you thinking that April would be easier... take note, there are a few issues & very , important considerations and cautions for the next 2 weeks. The challenges aren't over, and the intensity is still grinding ! It's the temporal angst of April !!!! Take a deep breath !

Brenda Hoffman - Eres una Estrella Olímpica en Transición - 4 de Abril 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora


Están notando un nuevo rol o acción que quizás les visitó antes pero nunca tanto como en días pasados. La prueba de su nuevo software resulta en un cambio dentro de su ser.

Algunos tuvieron sueños inusuales diarios o nocturnos. Otros internalizaron información que habían escuchado antes y ahora parece significativa. Y otros más fueron agraciados con Ajás desde sitios poco comunes.

Aunque la mayoría ha tenido Ajás a lo largo de su viaje de transición, este les brinda un mayor panorama de su rol.

Quizás en el pasado despejaron temores a través de aquellos Ajás. O notaron una pequeña sección de su nuevo rol. Pero la información que reconocieron recientemente a lo profundo de su interior es que son una nueva persona con un nuevo rol mucho mayor de lo anticipado o lo deseado.

Sarah Varcas - Informe de Astro Energías de Abril 2016 - 30 de Marzo 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Rehaciendo los Mantos de los Guerreros Espirituales
Sarah Varcas

Abril comienza al cerrarse la estación de eclipses más reciente. Esto puede sentirse como alivio para algunos aunque los eclipses continúan resonando en nuestras vidas durante meses. El mes pasado fue intenso y puede habernos dejado algo cansados. Los retos a nuestro sentido del yo y a la autonomía personal pueden haber sido fuertes y dejándonos con la duda de si existe esperanza real de cambio o sólo más de los mismos viejos problemas en diferente envoltorio. Afortunadamente la segunda quincena de abril brinda una oportunidad para refrescar y reagruparse, ofreciendo espacio interior en el cual considerar los próximos pasos.

Antes de eso, sin embargo, hay algunas fuerzas poderosas a medida que el Sol cruza la conjunción Urano/Eris en Aries entre el 6 y el 15 de abril. La impaciencia puede gobernar el día y pueden surgir viejas frustraciones. Cualesquiera sean los temas que afloren, esta conjunción del Sol con dos fuerzas disruptivas (y en cuadratura con Plutón además) auguran el surgimiento de dolor ancestral y colectivo que puede superar nuestra experiencia cotidiana, recargando nuestras reacciones y desatando emociones poderosas fuera de proporción. La conjunción Urano/Eris libera de la psiquis colectiva el dolor reprimido y los asuntos ignorados desde hace mucho por todos. Somos los conductos para esos sentimientos y todos están a mano para encontrar la forma más elevada y sabia de canalizarlos para el bien.

Selacia - Ligereza de Ser – 5 Sugerencias para un Reinicio Positivo - 8 de Abril 2016

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Con energías más ligeras en el aire ahora, es tiempo de crear en formas totalmente nuevas y dejar atrás viejos hábitos durante ciclos más turbulentos. ¿Listos?

Como estamos sentados en una poderosa ventana de dos semanas de energías beneficiosas después de esta Luna Nueva, este es un momento realmente perfecto para reenfocarnos y reaplicar algunos principios útiles que ustedes entienden bien. Por tanto este artículo es para abordar unos cuantos de ellos. Es interesante cómo nuestra mente lógica puede recordar principios útiles, pero no aplicarlos cuando estamos estresados o respondemos emocionalmente durante la crisis. Reinicien sus energías en una forma positiva con estas sugerencias.

Lena Stevens y Patricia Lilies - Actualización Luna Nueva 7 Abril 2016 - 5 de Abril 2016

Traducción: Gabriela Halblaub
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

La luna nueva es el jueves 7 de abril a las 5.23 AM Hora de las Montañas - 7.23 AM EDT - 4.23 AM PDT - 8.23 AM Buenos Aires

Este es un buen momento para iniciar casi cualquier cosa, porque la energía de esta luna es una con una gran dosis de poder. Observen la agresión. Si llega de otra persona, no lo tomen personalmente. Las cosas podrían estar un poco inestables y desorientadas hoy, así que tómense su tiempo para anclarse a tierra y centrarse, así como establecer algunas intenciones claras. A lo que sea a lo que le agreguen combustible en esta luna nueva, es tiempo de hacerse cargo, aprovechar el momentum agresivo y desplegarlo en las semanas siguientes, meses e incluso años. Así que sean claros en que lo que están estimulando es para ustedes y para nadie más.

Bendiciones, Lena.


Escrito por Patricia Liles. Contactarla a

Luna Nueva en Aries - Sol en Aries - Luna en Aries a 18 grados

Jueves 7 de abril , 5.23 AM Hora de las Montañas - 7.23 AM EDT - 4.23 AM PDT - 8.23 AM Buenos Aires

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de las energías de Abril de 2016 - 4 de abril 2016

Traducción: Rosa García

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Si has conseguido salir de los tres primeros meses de este año más o menos intacto, enhorabuena. Ha sido como una montaña rusa. La primera parte de 2016 marca el tono energético para el resto del año; si hemos experimentado algunos cambios inesperados o difíciles, tendremos la oportunidad de encontrar una resolución ahora y durante los próximos meses. Creo que la dificultad de los últimos meses ya ha pasado, aunque depende en gran medida de cómo nos adaptemos a los cambios, de lo que esté ocurriendo en nuestras vidas, y de hacia dónde queramos ir de ahora en adelante. Es “Abril de Acción” y es tiempo de movimiento, pero antes de precipitarnos hacia la puerta de salida, debemos ser conscientes de que no se trata de “llevar a cabo la primera acción que se nos presente ”. Nos encontramos en una nueva vibración que se basa en la “acción alineada”, y que consiste en el movimiento focalizado, con una dirección deliberada. Antes de gritar “preparados, listos, ya”, deberíamos pensar más bien en términos de “evaluar, alinearse y, en última instancia, actuar”.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Loving others in their own chosen path is setting the energy you want in your world - April 10, 2016

Dear One,

When you love others and allow them to follow their own chosen path, it awakens the energy of compassion and acceptance within you. This energy fills your heart and permeates your world. It allows you to receive this same energy from others, which can give you a sense of freedom to be all you can be.


We are truly in uncharted waters. Since the birth of the New Year, 2016, we have been blessed with unfathomable influxes of Heavenly Light. This Light is pulsating with the most intensified frequencies of God’s Transfiguring Divine Love that Humanity and Mother Earth are capable of assimilating at this time. Everything that conflicts with this Divine Love is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. This is occurring in both our individual and our collective lives. From outer appearances it seems as though this amazing Light is wreaking havoc all over the Planet. However, that is a misperception.

In fact, what we are witnessing is an acceleration of our Ascension process as the last vestiges of our miscreations on the old Earth are being pushed to the surface. This is occurring so we can complete the learning experiences we either deliberately or inadvertently created through them. What we are far less aware of on a conscious level is the profound Truth that the Divine Intent of this unprecedented influx of Transfiguring Divine Love is specifically designed to help us transcend our human miscreations quickly, so we can cocreate the lives for which we have all been longing. 

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - April 10-17, 2016

Marlene will be appearing on the OM Times Circle of Hearts Radio show with Grandmother Allayah on Sunday, April 10th, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. PDT, 2:00 p.m. EDT.

Join us by clicking here!

Beloved Ones,

Your desire to experience peace in every facet of your life requires the letting go of every thing that prevents the experience of it. It is, however, you who must do the necessary observation and introspection of the patterns that still remain and need attention. Do not become discouraged if they seem difficult to eliminate from your mental processes. Many times, it is really the energies of mass consciousness that impinge upon your senses which triggers all that is not yet completely cleared from within you. That is why we have advised previously that you take time at least once a week to perform the total energy clearing process to keep a high energy field around you.

Also take some time each day to just stand upon the Earth in your bare feet and picture roots growing from your body into the center of the Earth. Our scribe has purchased an Earthing Mat which she uses under her bare feet while she is sitting at the computer to lessen the effects of excessive electromagnetic energy. Each person has to take assertive action on one’s own behalf in a way that gives benevolent outcomes and keeps your physical body healthy and filled with a sense of vitality and well being. Wearing a Shungite pendant is also very helpful as this stone provides a very helpful cleansing and clearing of various negative thought forms and any difficult or destructive energies are shifted in vibration to a higher level.

John Smallman - Saul - Complete honesty disarms any assailant - April 10th, 2016

Humanity is waiting impatiently to awaken! Yes, the vast majority remain unaware of this imminent and long awaited event of enormous significance in the overall scheme of things. However, at a deeper level, where you can never forget that all are One, everyone knows that your awakening is imminent, hence the impatience. Quite a paradox!

Those of you who have been holding your Light on high – Light workers and Light bearers – and those of you who have sensed that change is in the air have been working full time to bring it on. As you have been told, the tipping point has passed, the balance has shifted, and truly, humanity’s awakening is imminent. On the level of the illusion, where most of you live your daily lives working to pay the bills and support your families, the signs are not encouraging, as the mainstream media focuses incessantly on the conflicts – military, political, economic, and social – that seem to be infecting and agitating every part of the world. As you have so often been told by so many “wise old men,” “nothing is as it seems.” And that is the truth! But only where the illusion is concerned.

How could what you see bear any relation to Reality? Reality is Love, is God, is the Source in which and from which All arises! In Reality all is known, there are no mysteries, Love, God, the Supreme Intelligence embraces all unconditionally, without judgment of any kind, because all are created by God and are therefore in every way perfect. In the illusion so much is hidden under the dark veil that appears to separate you from God, that it is impossible for the truth to be seen, because the whole purpose of the illusion is to separate, to conceal, to dissemble!

Throughout your earthly lives you are – every single human – constantly receiving wake-up calls, wake-up calls that you have, until now, chosen to ignore, to deny, or not to hear! Within the illusion, the nightmare or dream that you experience as reality, it is very inconvenient to hear the truth, and so you block it out. You have chosen to have rules of the game that enforce your sense of separation – bodies that are without a doubt separate, and that experience their own individual pain and suffering alone and lost – and which seem to demand your silence! Don’t rock the boat, don’t make waves, don’t ask, don’t tell . . . as in the Hans Christian Andersen story “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”

Now that willingness to support the system is crumbling because humanity is no longer willing to suffer in silence as a few individuals attempt to keep you enslaved. All the skeletons in humanity’s collective cupboard of shame and dishonesty are tumbling out and can no longer be concealed. Everyone has, at some time in their lives, been dishonest and has then attempted to hide their shame. Shame is an aspect of judgment, it is a method of controlling people because there is no one who has not, in their own eyes, done something shameful. Shame enables and encourages blackmail, and the more powerful or influential the person who has something shameful to hide the more effectively can they be blackmailed.

Complete honesty forestalls blackmail. But fear forestalls complete honesty. It seems to be a Catch 22 situation. It is not! Complete honesty disarms any assailant. Dishonesty, corruption, and undisclosed self-interests are weapons that can be used against you, and often are at the most damaging moment. Within the illusion it seems that you can trust no-one! But the game of separation that is the illusion is unreal.

In Reality nothing is hidden, there are no skeletons in any cupboards because there are no cupboards. This is a terrifying thought to many who are caught up in the illusion and in the game it seems that they have to play, because to play successfully you have to dissemble, to lie, and to cheat. That is not your nature, and it feels extremely uncomfortable when you engage in those games. Nevertheless, everyone else seems to be playing by those rules, and so it seems that you have no choice. If you want to succeed, if you want to gain the rewards that the system offers, you have to cheat, surreptitiously.

Now many are finally realizing that the rewards that the system offers are poisonous! If you cannot be true to yourselves any rewards that you receive change almost instantly to ash in your mouths. You have betrayed yourselves to obtain them. For a while you can fool yourselves by seeking and winning further rewards, as those with whom you are supposedly cooperating, but who you are in fact cheating, do not attain similar rewards. You have won, they have lost – what a clever and magnificent being you must be!

Eventually you realize you have no friends, only enemies, and your separation is complete! It may appear that you have friends because you associate regularly with others who are equally driven to succeed, and who seem to support you, but when you fail or can no longer provide the access to the power and influence that they crave, they dump you and move on.

The illusion is a place where trust is regularly betrayed without a moment’s thought when the one betraying imagines that he will in any way benefit as a result. The illusion is an insane and utterly unreal environment that brings enormous suffering to billions, as the leaders, plotters, and schemers, who are utterly devoted to their own egoic aggrandizement, walk roughshod over anyone who opposes them.

You can see evidence of this all around you at every level of the hierarchies in which you move. Back-stabbing is endemic. The good news is that people are waking up to the insanity that seems to rule their lives, and they are now choosing to cease playing these painful and dishonorable games. The old order is collapsing under the weight of its own depravity. When corruption has been flowing freely for long enough, as it now has, putrefaction ensues, the odor becomes unbearable, and people move away.

It is quickly realized that the odor is in fact quite localized, and that as the decay terminates – ash to ash, dust to dust – and the odor fades away, new beginnings arise bringing in a new and far more open way that thrives on the harmony of cooperation.

Humanity’s awakening is a collective moving away from the endemic corruption of earlier times and into a New Age of loving acceptance, in which people of different race, color, creed, and political and economic philosophies come together to understand one another’s needs and then integrate their efforts to satisfy all of them, so that no one is disenfranchised or side-lined.

As this New Age grows and matures, Love will guide all the peoples of the world in harmonious cooperation, like a vast choir and orchestra performing a heavenly composition in which everyone has an essential and irreplaceable part to play. Prepare yourselves to hear music like you have never heard before – your joy and amazement will overwhelm you.

With so very much love, Saul.