sábado, febrero 20, 2016

Kara Schallock - Conciencia - 16 de Febrero 2016

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Lo más asombroso en estos Nuevos días son las hermosas sorpresas que recibimos. Hoy recibí una increíble piedra Mandala (se parece más a una roca enorme) de Sivane Gaia Gorny en Israel. Se llama ‘Mandala de Unidad Mundial’. La sincronía de recibir este regalo en el día que escribo esta nota es verdaderamente perfecta. Es un mensaje de Gaia a través de Sivane de que todos somos Uno. Con la actividad solar que ocurre constantemente, Gaia es Una con/al igual que nosotros, como lo es todo el cosmos.

Estar en lo Nuevo llama a la celebración. Estamos en la Tierra durante este tiempo sagrado para estar enamorados y para hacer brillar nuestra luz sea lo que esté ocurriendo en el viejo mundo. Nos comprometemos para elevarnos plenamente en Amor sin dudar. Continuamos expandiendo una vibración y conciencia cada vez mayor, que ayuda a alinear todos los aspectos de nuestro ser; particularmente donde todavía estamos apegados a la vieja vida. En otras palabras, las energías inferiores se alinean con las energías superiores. Recibimos Códigos de Luz en corrientes de Luz de la Fuente de alta dimensión que nos llenan de Nueva energía y Nuevas formas de ser. Recibir estas descargas pueden sentirse desconcertante a veces, podemos sentirnos un poco como si flotásemos o inestables; con ruido de mayor intensidad en los oídos y hasta vértigo y náuseas. La náusea ocurre cuando hay una diferencia entre nuestro cuerpo físico y la energía que está fluyendo hacia nosotros. Fluyan con todo en regocijo. Noten todos los regalos y los cambios en su vida y celébrenlos.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Cinco Conceptos para el Nuevo Humano - Introducción Red Deer, Canadá, el 7 de febrero de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Parece raro que la transición sea tan rápida, ¿verdad? Hoy mi socio enseñó conceptos que son raros. Las rarezas de lo que es real y lo que no lo es, están solamente en la 3ª D. Y en esta linealidad en la que ustedes viven, entonces, la enseñanza es cómo salir de ella (se ríe) y mudarse a algo que sea una caja más grande que aquella en la que están. Uno ve lo que ustedes no comprenden, y sin embargo ustedes se sienten bien con ello.

Queridos, ustedes no necesitan conocer los detalles para poder disfrutar del amor. No necesitan saber las nimiedades para que el Espíritu los empuje y los atraiga a las áreas que son mejores y más hermosas para ustedes. No precisan saber los detalles del reloj, el cuándo o el porqué. No se necesita un razonamiento para que puedan disfrutar y participar de lo que Dios tiene para ustedes. Pero muchos enfocan la cuestión al revés; tienen que saber por qué, cuándo, cómo, para poder recibir las respuestas.

¿No es interesante que cuando estás en una emergencia eso no importa? (se ríe). "¡Arréglalo! ¡Ahora! No necesito saber." Pero si estás sentado en una conferencia y te presentan las cosas que tal vez hacen cosquillas a ese intelectual dentro de ti, quieres sentarte a analizarlo antes de aceptarlo. Esto es parte de los cambios de los que hablamos. La próxima vez que se te presenten estas cosas, o incluso si las estudias con amigos, quiero que disciernas emocionalmente, con el corazón, si son reales. Empiezas por creer, y luego determinas el por qué. Si tienes que determinarlo por anticipado, tal vez nunca lo recibas. Es todo parte de las suposiciones.

Aisha North - Watter Speaks - 20/02/16

viernes, febrero 19, 2016

Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 2-22-16

Dear Friends,

Full Moon is Monday, February 22 at 11:19 AM Mountain Time (MST).

This full moon provides an opportunity to be proud of your accomplishments and your disciplined commitments. If you are faced with situations that test your choices, remember to be true to yourself and to put your own self-care first.

Beware of the temptation to hold on to something that is not right just because you have put a lot of energy and time and possibly even money into it. The freedom you will have in letting go and the energy you will have to put into a new choice and commitment will far outweigh any past investment.

This full moon may also bring something unexpected. You can be proactive with the unexpected by expecting the unexpected to be supportive, inspiring, exciting and new.





Aloha Beautiful Divine Essence Light Family,

These magnificent frequencies and the amount of pure bliss light is inundating our atmosphere in every moment now. They continually fluctuate to assist each with releasing, merging and unifying all back into love inside again. Where there is discord or unresolved anything, where there is lack energy, it's all coming up from INSIDE each to deal with. The use of a barrage of Navigational and Mastery tools is how we flow with ease here.

When we first start to awaken/wake up, it's confusing and we question why we are even here. What's the point, the purpose of it all. These questions get answered as we delve inward and journey to the depths of our soul and to galaxies far beyond this one, yet accessible through activating the consciousness that already exists in those realities/worlds.

Recognizing our aspects, clearing discord/impurities and merging all back into this physical form space here is a full-time job. We start as seekers, gather knowledge (activations), we "die" many times in the ways we chose to experience, some intense, some not so intense, yet letting go of all that we identified or defined ourselves as is a pain-staking process the more separated we were and the more we held on. We birth ourselves, we grow up and "experience" everything anew and we step into our roles/purposes and missions here as we REMEMBER OUR POWER and WHO WE ARE AS LOVE AGAIN.

Natalie Glasson - Taking Responsibility for the Consciousness of Humanity by Archangel Michael & the Galactic Federation - 19th February 2016

– Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

We bring forth the vibration of peace to ignite within your being and burn up all forms of unrest and unbalance within your being. You are transforming dramatically at this time as is Mother Earth. Cocooned in love by the Beings of Venus, it is our combined energy of the Galactic Federation and Archangel Michael which is overseeing a movement of peace within all. Being erased from humanity are the feelings of unrest, resistance and disharmony especially connected to the Creator and the journey of ascension. Our focus is to replace the struggle and striving of a soul who has moved through numerous lifetimes so that peace can be ignited and experienced within. This is not a stillness nor an energy of being motionless, in fact it is an active energy of contentment and happiness within.

Our purpose as love is anchoring so profoundly upon the Earth is to erase the perspective and focused concentration that many hold upon negativity, separation and suffering. The greatest result of our healing work with humanity would be a shift in a great percentage of humanity concentrating upon positivity, truth and joy.

Each person upon the Earth has an aspect and energy of suffering, fear and disharmony within them, this is projecting into the consciousness of humanity continuously. Those of humanity who strongly resonate with negativity, suffering and pain then experience the projections placed into the consciousness of humanity as fuel to create and energise plans, corruption and devastation upon the Earth.

Sarah Varcas - One Mighty Misperception - Feb 19, 2016

Image: 'Pulling the Moon' by Gary Rosenberg

The Moon is full in Virgo at 6:21 p.m. UT on 22nd February. Occurring as Jupiter retrogrades across the solar eclipse degree from 13th September 2015, this Moon illuminates in fullness events of the past five months, their complex tapestry woven through our lives in ways that may have been hidden up to now. Life, in all its often hectic confusion, can sometimes feel like a million individual plates we must keep spinning simultaneously or risk unbounded chaos, when in fact its disparate parts are simply many faces of the One that animates our being. We are one life, all of us. What happens outside and around us occurs also within and through us. The notion that things happen to us and we must respond is a distorted reflection of being. Instead it is we who happen to life – in all our glory – creating the world as we go.

Mike Quinsey - 19th February 2016.

Time continues to speed up and your consciousness levels are growing all of the time. You will reach a point where you will no longer be able to remain in the lower vibrations, and will ascend. It is the point of change that you have been heading for since you first dropped down into them. This opportunity is open to every soul that has focussed upon Ascension, and taken steps to prepare themselves for such an occasion. If you have been aware of it and raised your vibrations, there is no reason why you should not be successful. These opportunities are always open to any soul that has prepared for such an upliftment, and their Guides will help them to be successful.

Earthly matters are in a great state of change, and some major decisions have been made that will soon bring the details into the public domain. Although given little publicity, the State of America has been brought into being and is now going through legal moves to validate it. Along with currency changes that are also well advanced, many countries are seeking to change from the dollar as their leading money standard. Also with the coming re-valuation of the currencies no one should lose out as a result, as there are arrangements that when put in hand will ensure that all people will be catered for. It has also been planned for a very long time to distribute funds that have been growing under the protection of St. Germain. Be assured that everyone will ultimately be looked after, and have their living standards greatly raised.

jueves, febrero 18, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Solar Winds, Gamma Rays, Chakras, Physical Body Upgrades and Get Ready for a Huge Catapulting LEAP! - 2/18/2016

CURRENT ENERGIES are very powerful solar winds and light packet activations continuing strongly today for those in these frequency bandwidths here. These "lull" you and are waves of soft high frequency energy that allow for beautiful ease while upgrading and integrating in the waking state. Work is at the flow of silence and allowing. There's no pushing in these. That will change as we move into the full moon gamma laser activations. We will shift from solar waves to powerful particle blasts "rock our worlds" in the most awesome ways. These shake our realities loose, so if there is anything unresolved, these make that visible. This is where we have to Quantum HOP alot and move faster while maintaining peace and stability from inside, make decisions in the moment and utilize the power energy of "doing" all of those awesome creative ideas, inspirations and where we move into accomplishing projects and implementing in our physical reality.

Alexandra Meadors: Sheldan Nidle Q & A, February 16, 2016