miércoles, febrero 10, 2016

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Visions and Revelations - 10 February, 2016

Dear Ones,

The gifts of Vision and Revelation come to you this month. For many it will be insight regarding your most intimate relationships, for all it will be revelation regarding the relationship of opposites within you, in relationship to others and your harmonious relationship with the polarities in your world.
Divine Revelation comes from a deep-seated place of Love. Sometimes it is difficult to receive the form of the messenger in which the revelation comes to you. At those times know that the hidden message of truth may be uncomfortable but it has within it the deepest most profound seeds of awareness.

martes, febrero 09, 2016

Lauren C. Gorgo - El Nuevo Humano: Edición 5.0 - 24 de Enero 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Entren a la conciencia del nuevo mundo.

Bien en realidad la “conciencia del nuevo mundo” entró oficialmente en septiembre cuando la ola increíble de energía transformadora chocó con el planeta en medio de un ciclo de eclipses, el equinoccio Y la última luna de sangre en la muy profetizada tétrada.

La diferencia es que ahora estamos moviéndonos junto con ella.

Esa descarga gigantesca de luz divina fue de tan largo alcance que ha llevado meses literalmente vadear a través de toda la basura de las explosiones que dejó en nuestro ADN. Esas explosiones sirvieron para despejar mucho del contenido expirado desde dentro de nuestro antiguo linaje humano con el objetivo de transmutar/trascender nuestra genética limitada para avanzar plenamente hacia la soberanía de nuestra divinidad, nuestra genética estelar.

Los Pleyadianos dicen que para muchos, esto es ahora una realidad (¡) y como resultado estamos avanzando hacia lo que ellos llaman un nuevo gran programa de vida, uno que es maleable y de mucha respuesta a la forma en que nosotros, como creadores conscientes, participamos en el mismo. Este nuevo programa de vida está VIVO con conciencia, y responde (favorablemente) a aquellos con nivel conmensurado de conciencia.

Sheldan Nidle - Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy - Feb 9, 2016

from Planetary Activation Organization

You have kept up a general positiveness, which is greatly aiding this divine effort. We are installing a new enlightened way of doing things, which is to be the framework for your new reality!

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

2 Chicchan, 18 Yax, 12 Manik

Selamat Jalwa! We have received good news! The delivery process continues to move forward. As always, this process is made more complex by the fact that the dark cabal fully realizes what is now happening across this globe. The forces of the Light are using the edge gained by the actions of its allies and associates to force this cabal from power. Long ago, when their Anunnuki masters were overlords of this surface world, such activities as we are presently proceeding with were, of course, impossible. These dark oligarchs were not counting on what a number of grievous mistakes brought them. They are on the verge of a great downfall, which is to give you a new time filled with freedom, prosperity and a rising responsibility to maintain this glorious system. This operation has taken longer than was first expected. This is due in part to the remaining abilities of these devious fiends. Their coming destruction spells the final end to a cover-up that has kept us from interacting on the scale we originally wished for. They used this cover-up to create a secret governance, which almost defeated the intentions of Heaven.

Anrita Melchizedek - Implant and Entity Clearing Invocation - Feb 9, 2016

By Anrita Melchizedek

Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/free-downloads
Transcribe http://www.pleiadianlight.net/implant-and-entity-clearing/
You Tube https://youtu.be/XR5BNAEUnNo

As I prepare myself for this implant and entity clearing session, I breathe deep into my body, relaxing myself, grounding and rooting, as I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God, and all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge.

Merging now with my Beloved I AM Presence, the highest aspect of my Soul Light within the Cosmic Heart of God, I surround myself in the beautiful diamond, golden and white Flame of Divine Love, allowing this frequency of Love to activate each sub-atomic particle within my Beingness, in the knowing that I AM Love, that I AM a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love and Master Being of Light, in service to Mother Earth and all her life.

Benjamín Fulford - 08-02-2016. La primera reunión entre el Papa y el patriarca ruso en 1000 años está dirigida contra los satanistas jázaros

09 Feb

(Nota de traductora: Se nota el desconocimiento, intencionado o no, de que EEUU-Israel es el verdadero poder creador de Al Qaeda, ISIS, el “nuevo enemigo” inventado para tener la excusa de invadir Siria. También la manipulación poniendo a Hamás al lado de Al Qaeda, cuando es un grupo pro-sirio reconocido como legítimo por Rusia y sus aliados,. En todo caso, esperemos que las conversaciones de paz se reanuden pronto a raiz de la información que aporta Ben).

Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/02/08/first-meeting-between-pope-and-russian-patriarch-in-1000-years-aimed-at-khazarian-satanists/

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain - February 09, 2016

It has been quite a day on the money front. It is swirling around the disciples who are putting it all together for the distribution. I have been part of it, and as I interact with various ones who are at the forefront, they confide in me that there is coming a huge turnover for all of the people on the planet. They are saying to various individuals that there is coming a time when there will be no greed, no sustenance that is not satisfied, no need for anything except to be in the Love energy that is beginning to elevate around the globe.

This is the time for change. As it unfolds there will be tremendous opportunities for all of you to become that which you have dreamt of being. You will find that as the new ways of being unfold there will be less and less obstacles that will be met. There will come the day when there will be complete freedom in the path of everyone who comes down the pike in the new energy of Love that is creating abundance as I speak.

lunes, febrero 08, 2016

Meredith Murphy - Archangel Michael - Resting in Universal Energies Accelerates Your Evolution - February 8, 2016

Greetings Divine Ones, 

We speak to you today with tremendous love and appreciation.
It is easiest for you to hear us when you are in a state of spaciousness. Relaxation softens your field and opens up your energies to let more light enter your human energy system. So please, take a deep breath and close your eyes for a moment. Feel into your body and intend to relax and soften and open so that you might be nourished deeply from all that you are.
When you are making lots of changes in the material you often feel tired. In any given moment you can tap into a far more energized state of being by allowing yourself deep nourishment through the connection with your Soul-self. Right now we invite you to open and receive this renewing energy and to let yourself continue to be refreshed and renewed as we share with you, this communication.

Rev. Christine Meleriessee - Becoming the Spirit of the Wind ~ New Moon, February 8, 2016

new moon_800_500

The New Moon of Aquarius has arrived ~ February 8, 2016 which occurred at 6:39 AM Pacific, 9:39 AM Eastern, and 14:39 GMT.

This moon will help each individual to make the changes of their inner world into the outer world as it represents moving out of the past into the eternal bliss of the Divine Self.  It is representative of allowing Spirit to push us where we previously would not dare go alone.

Astrologically, this moon is being called “thinking outside of the box”. It is a time to release the old elements from our past that have kept us from not truly harnessing the power of our Higher Self within our physical world. It is a time to make progressive changes and break down the illusions that have kept us from embodying our full potential. It also represents healing deeply within ourselves so that we can extend the love and support that we desire to express. It is a time of great humanitarian efforts.
Spiritually, this moon continues the journey from the moon cycles in January. It pushes each soul to become more than they have in the previous moments, but it also allows for the reflection of those moments so that the changes can be utilized to the best of their ability.
It is time to see what mistakes we have made by not truly looking at the total picture of who we are and what we are becoming. The curtain is being drooped from the illusions we have been living behind so that the true self can be revealed.

Brenda Hoffman - Stop Denying the Power of Others - February 8, 2016

Dear Ones,

Many of you are feeling scattered. You are likely addressing 3D issues you thought you completed – and you are angry that these issues seem to be in your way of future development.

Issues that are so ‘yesterday’ – and you wish to be of today or even tomorrow. Your fear, your angst is that these issues will never allow you to move forward. Before your transition, these issues frightened you. Now they make you angry, “Why me? Why now?”


Unconditional Love Summary ~ Up Until NOW 

(Chakras 1-4)

Unconditional Love Summary ~ Up Until NOW (Chakras 1-4)
Blessings to you All, and welcome back from your break.  I know that I was able to relax more deeply into this process, and I hope that all of you were able to relax into this new higher-dimensional version of yourself that you are awakening within this One of the Now.
In preparation for your throat chakra, which is the first portal into your higher dimensional self, let us take a moment and go back down to the beginning to your first chakra.
Now that you are opening your fifth chakra, and you will be able to move into higher realms of reality, we suggest that you take a long moment to deeply ground your first chakra - down, down, down, down into the core of Gaia.  Connect that You into Gaia’s central crystal.
Now rising up, up, up into your first chakra, move into your second chakra, which you’ve also loved unconditionally, and allow your emotional body to become more adult and to heal that wounded child and bring him or her into the Light of your daily life.