miércoles, enero 20, 2016

Kryon "The basics of Belief" 2016

Sheldan Nidle - Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy - Jan 20, 2016

from Planetary Activation Organization
What we ask of you is to remain positively supportive of what our allies are working so diligently to achieve. A new financial system that fully supports a state of permanent prosperity is now practically in effect...
Thus, dear Hearts, your time to shine is finally upon you. Be wise in your decisions and brilliant in your actions.

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

Selamat Jalwa! All is well and wonderful with Gaia! Those who are designated to deliver your goodies are poised to complete this grand task! The delay, which overtook these valiant warriors, is over. The operation to take down the dark oligarchy is resuming. In addition, the process to install new governance is waiting in full anticipation for the deliveries to reach the previously agreed upon magic numbers. At that point, the pro-cabal governments are to fall and be swiftly followed by the new designated governments. These new rulers are to dissolve the legislature and the courts and begin a process that is to greatly alter how these bodies are presently constructed. New rules on elections and general guidelines for procedures are to be built into these public organizations. This is to allow these organs of governance to truly be made of conscious legislators and judges who willingly follow the honest dictates of Common Law. This is formally to signal that your freedom from the tyranny of the bankers and their many allies is now over.

All Five Visible Planets are About to Align - 'Fab Five' Make Rare Appearance Before Dawn

Kara Schallock - All of Life is in Divine Order - January 20, 2016

We continue to receive great Light. Those who are especially sensitive may feel it especially in their physical bodies in the form of back pain and nausea; of course, there may be other manifestations depending on what is most important for you to experience for your evolution. While we focus on what the Light is sharing with us, we expand into New perspectives while we go ever deeper into old beliefs. Many of these deeper beliefs have been anchored in many lifetimes.

martes, enero 19, 2016

John Smallman - Saul - All the debt in the world could be instantly abolished - Jan 19, 2016

Humanity’s moment of awakening is very close. So much information has been revealed by alternate sources about corruption in high places that the mainstream media is having to take note and start at least acknowledging the fact that enormous changes are occurring on the international political front as well as reporting on some of the corruption in the international corporate world.
The world is an illusory place, nevertheless, human activities within it have been the cause of much pain and suffering over the eons as small but powerful cliques have done their utmost to control and use humanity at large for their various nefarious self-centered agendas, which they have always insisted are for the greater good of humanity. And for eons humanity has effectively been enslaved by these powerful and corrupt elites. Now, as their secretive real intentions are being revealed by whistle blowers all across the planet, and are being reported on alternate but honest Internet news sites, their power and influence is collapsing. The forces of corruption can only work when they are hidden from view. As they are revealed in all their knavery their power dissolves as those who supported them flee in disarray.

Benjamín Fulford - 19-01-16. La revolución continúa con la congelación del tráfico naviero, la caída de las bolsas, el hundimiento del dólar, el petróleo a 20 dólares, los ataques a las minas de oro y más

(Traducción del cartel, de Chus: falsificaciones chinas de productos occidentales, etc.)
Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/01/19/the-revolution-continues-with-shipping-freeze-stock-plunge-us-dollar-dumping-20-oil-attacks-on-gold-mines-and-more/

Hay un esfuerzo sistemático en marcha para eliminar todo el fraude del sistema financiero mundial. Esta campaña está llegando al punto en que algunas de las principales instituciones financieras y los países, incluido el gobierno corporativo de Estados Unidos, están a punto de ir a la quiebra. Todo esto es parte de una guerra híbrida que incluye el sistema financiero, superordenadores, operaciones de las fuerzas especiales, noticias, propaganda, asesinatos selectivos y más.

Quizás la noticia más dramática y poco reportada de este nuevo tipo de lucha constante ha sido la congelación del tráfico naviero mundial. Para confirmar los informes en Internet de una congelación de esa navegación, este escritor llamó a los teléfonos de NYK, una firma internacional importante de envíos marítimos, y se le dijo que “no podemos hablar por todo el mundo, pero, por lo que nuestra empresa se refiere, con los precios de envío actuales perderemos dinero cada vez que enviamos un barco, por lo que hemos parado”. Fuentes gubernamentales chinas dijeron a este boletín que las compañías navieras exigen ahora que se les pague en yuanes chinos y no en dólares y que es una de las principales razones para la congelación de los envíos de todo el mundo. Si esto sigue así, dará lugar a estanterías vacías en los supermercados y malestar social, especialmente en los EE.UU.. El anuncio de la semana pasada por parte de Walmart de que van a cerrar 269 tiendas es sólo el comienzo.

Anna Merkaba - Disclosure – Babies – Fertility – Kwan Yin – Ancient Discoveries – The Council of 12 - January 19, 2016

Greetings everyone before I begin this channeling I would like to add a personal, totally unrelated note to this channeling. A few days ago I was visited by the Goddess Kwan Yin, and whilst I’ve never “officially” met her and knew little about her, I was beyond excited to be in her presence. She introduced herself as Kwan Yin and it was later that I have looked her up.

Kwan Yin has shared some incredibly exciting news with me, that this particular year 2016 is going to be an incredibly fertile year! Both in terms of actually having babies for those who have been anxiously trying to conceive, and birthing of new ideas, new opportunities, new creative ways of assisting humanity and earth. This year truly is about creation, new beginnings and of course endings. Keep this in mind as you see some doors close for you, remember that as one door closes another one is waiting to be opened. Be open to various opportunities presenting themselves to you and allow this beautiful energy to permeate your whole being and help you to birth that which you truly wish!


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl

Translated by Franz

Beloved Ones,

Create inner calm, go into inner silence, center yourself

in the realm of peace that expands in your soul and only
waits for you to come in.

The outer world gets increasingly restless, because the world

is lifted out of its hinges, the events gain in power and begin
to condense; rarely a day, when massive steps toward
transformation do not occur, rarely an hour that is free
of reflections and rarely a moment which lets you come
to peace in the outer.

lunes, enero 18, 2016

Jennifer Hoffman - Archangel Uriel - Intend from Mind, Choose from Spirit - 18 January, 2016

Each of you is a perfect combination of mind and spirit, working in harmony to expand energy on the earth. Spirit chooses what it wishes to create according to the path the soul has determined for the lifetime. Spirit intends healing and transformation and while those are its choices for each lifetime, it is what the mind intends that determines the outcome. If the choice is set from spirit then the mind has a powerful and clear path for its choosing. Otherwise, the mind makes its own choices.
The mind is limited to its experience of life, the collection of emotions, beliefs and thinking that it has always used to create. This is its path for each lifetime. But the purpose of every lifetime is to integrate mind and spirit, so that the mind’s intention can work with spirit’s choices for transformation, instead of its destined path of fear. Integration is created by balancing mind and spirit, releasing fear and allowing a higher vibration to enter the mind’s reality.

Suzanne Lie - Unconditional Love for Your Self - Chakra Three -- 1-18-16

Unconditional Love for Your Self - Chakra Three --Suzanne Lie

Did you miss our Unconditional Love webinar? 


Listen to the Meditation of Unconditional Love 
for your Third Chakra

Download the Meditation of Unconditional Love 
for your Third Chakra


Blessings, we will now share the third meditation for your third Chakra. 

Align yourself for this meditation by taking a long slow deep breath. 
In fact, take a moment to close your eyes and breathe in one, two, three, four –-- hold, hold that inner Light.
Slowly breathe out –-- one, two, three, four, five, six –-- and relax.
Feel how your Solar Plexus, your third Chakra expands up with your in breath
and relaxes down as you exhale that breath. 
Let us do that one more time. Breathe in –-- one, two, three, four --- hold, hold
that breath, and hold that Unconditional Love that flows with that breath.