martes, enero 12, 2016

Benjamín Fulford - 12-01-16. El sistema financiero y mafioso jázaro bajo ataque sistemático mientras se desarrolla la revolución mundial

12 Jan

Fuente y comentarios en inglés:

Múltiples fuentes de agencias gubernamentales confirman que la caída récord en la mayoría de los mercados bursátiles del mundo durante la primera semana del año era sólo el comienzo de un ataque sistemático para desmantelar el sistema financiero basado en la esclavitud de la deuda babilónica de la mafia jázara. Se espera que la mayoría índices bursátiles caigan de un 50 a un 60% antes de que acabe esta campaña, según un alto funcionario del Banco Asiático de Desarrollo, fuentes del Pentágono y un agente de la CIA involucrado en la operación que llevó a la quiebra a la Unión Soviética.

El ataque tienen como objetivo conseguir la bancarrota a los grandes bancos de la mafia jázara que han estado detrás de muchos de los problemas del mundo. Como resultado, los jázaros se están quedando sin opciones, mientras colapsan los precios del petróleo, se les corta el dinero de la droga y se detiene la manipulación de los mercados de valores.

Jennifer Hoffman - The Power In the Space In Between - 12 January, 2016

If you feel like your life has been ‘on hold’ for a long time, and many of us do, once the energy starts moving, as it is now, it brings a rush of action and activity. We have so much to catch up on and so much lost ground to recover that we set lots of powerful intentions to move the energy and our lives forward. And then we wait in joyful anticipation and as time passes and nothing seems to happen, we lose hope. Here we go again, we think, more delays and more limitations. But we’re in the ‘in between space’, that middle ground between intention and outcome, where can create new pathways and energetically multi-task, holding our intention while we also stay open to different outcomes. It’s a very powerful place to be because all of our power is in the ‘space in between’ and it is what we do in this in between space that keeps the energy flowing.
Patience is where our will meets divine timing and we don’t like to wait, especially if we need something right away. If we don’t see pretty quick results we get perturbed, annoyed, and impatient. But the waiting period is where all of the potential gathers, and so does our energy. And there are two ways to look at the situation, with impatience or with optimism. Impatience leads to second guessing ourselves and the universe, believing we’re doing something wrong, and then we step onto the path of fear that our necessary and desired outcomes won’t happen. Optimism, another choice, keeps us on track and encourages us to keep the energy flowing by maintaining our intention and channeling energy into opening new portals of possibility. We can use our energy to be impatient and block the flow, or we can encourage the flow by staying with our intention and seeing what else is happening.
We have made so many changes in the past few years and have done so much work on ourselves that many new and different kinds of  potentials are possible. But we don’t know what they are because we can only ask for what we think is possible, available, and accessible. A vast field of potential lies beyond our mind’s knowing, one that we have yet to explore and those potentials become possible in the ‘in between’ space, as long as we don’t judge how long it’s all taking to happen.
The energy begins flowing in the direction of our intention the moment we make it. Then the miracles begin to happen as the energy expands and other things become possible too. But if we get impatient, think that nothing is happening, and start judging the process, the energy stops flowing. What if that space in between was where all of our different,  unexpected, unanticipated, and miraculous outcomes are becoming possible? It’s an opportunity to multi-task our energy, holding our intention while we are also anticipating the best and highest outcomes that may be just beyond what we’re looking at. We get impatient because what we want is important, or it’s an emergency, or we feel that we have already been waiting for a long time just to get to this point.
It doesn’t take ‘time’ for our outcomes to manifest, it is a process of alignment and integration. We’re aligned with new potentials now, but we can’t know that until we start creating new things. Receiving is the second step of the manifestation process, and it’s the one we think we have to ‘wait’ for, but we don’t. We just have to know that outcomes reflect our energy and our highest potential, which is often the thing we don’t know is possible. Think of something you want and what you believe can happen. What else is possible that you haven’t asked for yet or don’t think is possible? What is the miracle, the outcome you think is impossible but would be the best one for you? That’s what happens in the space ‘in between’ asking and receiving, and it’s the point of greatest power.
When we are intentionally optimistic and creatively active, expecting the very best of all possible outcomes, we empower our intentions with the belief and faith in our own abilities. We’re the architects of our realities which may sound like a  lot of new age talk but it’s true. If we don’t start the energy moving in the area of our intentions and keep it moving, it gets stuck and then we feel like we’re waiting. But if we use that time we spend in our personal waiting room, the ‘space in between’, we can explore new potentials and allow possibilities greater than we can imagine to become possible and then energetically multi-task to allow our highest outcomes to become the reality that we truly desire.
Copyright (c) 2016 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.  You may quote, translate, reprint or refer to this message if you mention the author name and include a working link to

Celia Fenn - 2016: La Encarnación de la Maestría Multidimensional: El Año del Completamiento y la Transición - 10 de enero 2016

"Tierra Ancestral" por Iluka Designs

2016: La Encarnación de la Maestría Multidimensional:
El Año del Completamiento y la Transición

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Amada Familia de Luz, les damos la bienvenida a un Nuevo Año en su calendario terrestre. Será un año en el cual a ustedes se les ofrecerá la oportunidad de completar su actual proceso de Ascensión y Despertar, y de transitar plenamente hacia la Maestría Multidimensional en su vida.

El 2015 fue un año de desafíos, a medida que los procesos de despertar y de ascensión ganaban en impulso. En el 2016 completarán un período de transición de cuatro años que comenzó en el 2012. En este período, la Tierra estaba totalmente anclada en la Quinta Dimensión y los Guerreros de la Luz y los Mostradores de Caminos comenzaron el proceso de avance hacia la plena expresión Multidimensional en la Tierra.

Sheldan Nidle - January 12, 2016

13 Caban, 10 Chen, 12 Manik

Dratzo! Many expected operations were delayed by overly cautious and unnecessary security developments. Those who temporarily control these funds are deeply worried and hence have reverted to a process, which allows them to work initially at a snail’s pace. This diverted operation has slowed the deliveries and altered when these monies are to be delivered. It is now at a pace more deliberate than we were initially given. Again, these funds are in the hands of those who feel more comfortable with a tempo that is filled with a series of special checks at each stage of this operation. This employs a special way to secretly move vast sums across borders. It is our belief that this slower process is doing two things. First, it has greatly slowed a number of future announcements that are to signal the start of new governance and those that are to begin a global currency reset. Second, it has slowed down the preliminary schedule for mass arrests and for the rechartering of the world’s fraudulent banking system.

John Smallman - Saul - Forgiveness is release! - 01/12/2016

The world, the illusory world in which humanity is dreaming a story that no longer appeals to it, appears to be descending into chaos.  What is happening is that you are becoming aware of the insanity of your so-called civilized lives as you burn through the planets non-renewable energy resources at a speed that is terrifying.  Your life styles, while seemingly moderate in their needs and expenditures, are at risk, and the chances that your children and grand children will be able to enjoy anything like a similar standard of living look increasingly unlikely.  You appear to be caught between a rock and a hard place as you so often euphemistically describe what appear to be insurmountable difficulties.

lunes, enero 11, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 1/11/16 Newsletter & Quantum Conversations Replay Link

We pass through this activation day of 111, while experiencing fluxing energies as the new higher gridwork anchors in, it's strange as I observe it, it's fluid and constantly moving, which is much different than before. It's as if there are no grids at all. While we are usually anchoring in, this time is different thus far. This time we are free floating with no tether and nothing to anchor. It's as if everything has opened wide up now. I guess we shall see, as every moment is a surprise now! If we didn't see solid form, we would not believe anything was solid in these frequencies here.

Barbara Marciniak -The Pleiadians 6/20/15 - Ireland Workshop

Méline Portia Lafont - Reminder and Reflection of the Moment from the Tsolians -January 11, 2016

Picture credit: Dark_matter_stride_by_tchaikovsky

Note from Méline: This is a message that may have to been read a few times to truly absorb this in our being. If you find it too hard to take in or understand, I advice to let it be for a while until you are ready to grasp this better on another now moment. Who are the Tsolians? see their first two messages here:

It is time that we speak and elaborate more, further and deeper on the truth of your existence. We do not speak about the human existence but of that of your Spirit, which you call Essence, Self or Higher Self. Existence is a word on its own, unique in its way and so broad in its meaning. It consists of all that IS and simultaneously it can be a unique and single word on its own.

Benjamin Fulford Update - Khazarian financial system and Mafiosi under systematic attack as world revolution unfolds - January 11, 2016

The record drop in most world stock markets for the first week of a year was just the beginning of a systematic attack to dismantle the Khazarian mafia’s Babylonian debt slavery based financial system, multiple government agency sources confirm. Most stock market indexes are expected to fall by 60 to 50% before this campaign ends, according to a a senior official at the Asian Development Bank, Pentagon sources and a CIA agent involved in the operation that bankrupted the Soviet Union.

Brenda Hoffman - Earth Dreams Require Dedicated Self-love - Jan 11, 2016

Dear Ones,

So it is that you are preparing to open your beings to the next transition phase. Many of you worry that you have not yet created your earth security dream. You will. For it is time to move on.

Such is not to belittle your earth security dream, but instead to inform you that you have moved beyond earth in so many ways. You will inform yourself of that truth once you celebrate your earth graduation with the creation of your earth security dream.