lunes, enero 04, 2016

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: Hatonn January 04, 2016

Good morning! I am Hatonn, and I am here this day to tell you of a rapid change that is about to unfold. Yes, there is an ongoing motion that is bringing in what is needed for the joyful exuberance of the times of pleasure and the waywardness of that which is in abundance in more ways than you have imagined.

I tell you this because there are many reports out there in the lines of communication that say the opposite. They are bringing forth that which they determine to be the opposite of what they see in the foreground. They do not want the people to be ready for what is coming, and so they seek to overcome that which, in many instances, is already in place for the freedom of this land to be shown in so many ways.

Kara Schallock - The New Now - 04-Jan-2016

While most celebrate the “new year” labeled 2016, I see that separating years is a reflection of the separation in us and Source. I choose not to play in this game of illusion and rather view it all as a continuum. There is no separation between last year and this year. We continue to evolve and release just as we did “last year.” So rather than buying into the hype of “the New Year,” I view all as the New Now. There is more Awareness and more truths and lies revealed now, be they within, in families, in society or globally. With everything, you are the ultimate Authority, so that rather than accepting all you hear and read, check within for Truth. Also realize that we all are in different phases of Ascension, so I speak of our potential. Do honor where you are and then take a step forward.

Benjamin Fulford: A concerted push is under way to end Khazarian mafia rule this year - Jan 4, 2015

By Benjamin Fulford

The current geopolitical situation, especially in the Middle East, Europe and the United States, is one that is ripe for regime change. The biggest event of 2016 may well be the fall of the Khazarian mafia government in the United States. With this primary source of evil and warfare removed from power, world peace should also be possible in 2016. However, this cannot be done by passively observing world events; everybody must do what they can to ensure planetary liberation this year.

The Washington DC regime that uses Obama as its puppet and spokesperson is deeply divided. Many support the Obama regime. However, the fact is the Obama regime presided over the mass slaughter of innocents in Japan on March 11, 2011

Cómo la Iglesia Católica Reclamó la Propiedad de Todo el Mundo


14 Diciembre 2015
del Sitio Web TabuBlog
traducción de Adela Kaufmann

Esta es una excelente extracto de uno de los principales historiadores del imperio católico, Avro Manhattan en su libro, "Los Billones del Vaticano - The Vatican Billions".

En él, narra cómo la Iglesia Católica Romana ha reclamado derechos sobre todos los reinos y todas las tierras desde los días de la "Donación de Constantino".

Al igual que muchos documentos del Vaticano, completamente formados de la nada por un Papa u otro. Esta es la historia no contada de que toda la necesidad de difundir y transmitir en cuanto a los verdaderos dueños y gobernantes de su imperio mundial.

Avro Manhattan era la principal autoridad del mundo en el catolicismo romano en la política.

Un residente de Londres, durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial que operaba una estación de radio llamada radiodifusión "Radio Libertad" para la Europa ocupada.

domingo, enero 03, 2016

Lena Stevens - Pronóstico Mensual – Enero 2016


Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo
El tema principal para enero es REINICIO

Hemos atravesado un tiempo de transición, cambio, caos, dispersión y retos inesperados así como oportunidades poderosas para la creatividad, la mejora y el crecimiento personal. Las influencias generales de este año continuarán apoyando nuestra evolución permitiéndonos cambiar nuestra experiencia de vida hacia una plataforma energética diferente, una de una vibración y expresión de la esencia superiores.

Jahn J Kassl - 2016: NATURE OF REVELATIONS, GOD - January 3, 2016

After I had published my paper 2016: Year of Revelations on 1/1/2016, on the following afternoon I received the following message from GOD

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz

The year of revelations has begun and many human
Beings enter the next higher level on the path into
the Light and to perfection. One journey ends,
a new one begins.

I am GOD

Of what nature will the revelations be in this year?
To individual human Beings his way, his assignments and his
place in this world will be unveiled to him. Revelations are ahead,
which occur in silence and which by itself bring fundamental
knowledge to every matured human Being. Now the time has
come when everything is revealed to human Beings on the

Truly, whoever is ready for it, will receive, whoever
suffered from hunger for realization, will be satisfied,
and whoever thirsted for truth will receive it.

Marlene Swetlishoff - HILARION - January 3, 2016


Note from the Scribe: The following words from Hilarion came through a trance channelled reading done for me personally when I employed Edwin Courtenay to do one for me…Hilarion has asked me to share these words with the world. This is part 1 and part 2 will be next week. I will be putting these words as a preface in The Hilarion Connection©, Book Two but felt they are important to get out to as many people as possible at the beginning of this year, to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear the import of this message. It is one I am hearing through other channels also -- so let us listen and ponder and act on this concern that is being brought forward from the higher realms of Light.

January 3, 2016

viernes, enero 01, 2016

Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer - The Keepers: First Commentary on 2016 - 1 January, 2016

Q: Keepers, what is the best way to approach the energies of 2016?

Answer: We see that the energies of the year have a quality that is both inward (“9” Universal Year vibration) yet dynamic (T-Squares and Red Fire Monkey in Chinese Astrology.) We recommend that you exchange worry and fear not only with faith, but venture straight through to certainty. There will continue to be shifts and changes on the global stage as karmas and energies unfold. As always, it is vital to stay out of judgment and despair and remain positive and/or compassionately detached from the dramas of the world as you are able.


Dentro de este AHORA, la Luz multidimensional está viajando desde la quinta dimensión buscando compartirse con toda la vida. Así, cada ser- planetario, galácticos, universal - y sí, incluso humano - está experimentando consciente o inconscientemente esta Luz.

Antes, sólo experimentábamos las fragmentaciones de la luz tri y tetradimensional, pero ahora la Luz está llegando hacia nosotros sin esta fragmentación en las siete octavas diferentes. Un coro de Amor incondicional y fuego violeta acompaña la Luz multidimensional.

Los Seres de Gaia, significando no sólo los humanos, sino también los cetáceos y los miembros de los reinos animal y vegetal, están creando consistentemente túneles de Luz. Estos túneles de Luz son también túneles de esperanza y Amor incondicional.

Jahn J Kassl - 2016: YEAR OF REVELATIONS, JJK - January 1, 2016

Written by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
Everything alludes to the fact that the earth and human 
society will remain subjected to the centrifugal forces 
of transformation also in the year 2016. 
The cosmic influx of spiritual Light from the CENTRAL SUN 
will also continue to increase and will reach new heights.
Thereby our bodies become increasingly lighter and our perception 
becomes more and more refined. I am convinced that at the 
end of the year 2016, as we still make efforts, nothing will remain
of the “old human Being”, which we were over thousand of years 
and in many incarnations. And nothing much will also remain of 
Mother Earth at the end of 2016, the way we knew her so far. 
For me the year of revelations has begun. It is a year when 
not only the truth will appear on all levels; instead it is the
year when the divine will obviously begin to be revealed.